How to Have Difficult Conversations

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In every relationship, difficult conversations inevitably arise. These conversations, especially for the anxiously attached, can feel like the end of the world. But remember, the discomfort is temporary, while the pain of silence can linger for a lifetime.

Thanks, @ChrisWillx , for having me!
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That is very true. However, it takes two to tango.


So true. It's impossible to talk with a toxic ghoster


Absolutely true, Sir! Well-explained! Sometimes, the problem is the other person who is always evasive or defensive, and always threatens to leave/abandon the partner who initiated the conversation.


Sometimes you just can't reason with insanity


Last week I told my closest friend (which has a partner) that I've developed feelings for her. It took me a few minutes of silence to actually get the words out, I was terrified of losing that friendship, but it made me miserable keeping it in. I'm so happy I shared it. She was so compassionate and amazing, and I feel like we only became closer from it. It hurts she doesn't feel the same, don't get me wrong, but I'm so relieved I get to still be her friend. Love her so much.


It's terrifying when conversations themselves are difficult... let alone bad ones


So true Mr. Hussey.
Having them is FAR better than NOT having them. Oh my...Yes!!


EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE!!! Plain and simple!! This is one of the most important aspects of ANY relationship. If neither of you have this, then your relationship is doomed!!! ❤


This perfect information for anyone dealing with any relationship. Whole heartly agreed 💯


So True!!!! Things just fester if you don't have the conversation.


Mathew.. I just love you! I really do. You make it sound so really helps me on this. Thank you so much! Your empathy you give others is gold. Thank you thank you ❤. And of course Chris I love listening to you as well. ❤


As time goes by... I get better at having the hard conversations...😊 They are necessary❤❤❤
Matthew you are the best!❤


I appreciate my partner is trying to have the hard conversations, but because he's so new to expressing himself, he does it so poorly 😂 ends up exploding. But I'm grateful he's trying and he just needs to build the skill. I learned the DBT skill called "DEAR MAN GIVE FAST" and it massively helped me. He's learning that skill too. I'm proud of him and giving him the chance to learn and get it right.


The most difficult conversations are the ones where you will figure out who you are actually with.

My ex wife would never sit down and discuss her destructive behaviors. She would always gaslight me or blame me for her actions. Most of the time she would just walk away and leave me standing there by myself but if I ever said we needed space to calm down and start over in 30 minutes to an 1 hour ….. she would slam the door shut to whatever room we were in and stand in front of the door to dare me to remove her so I could get space.

Treatment for the other person was never equal and it necessarily won’t be always but you should strive for equal treatment. 25 years down the drain and the only thing I can say I am thankful for out of my only marriage is my 4 children and 1 grandson.

Know who you are marrying before you commit. You have no idea how they may turn out years down the road. Pay attention to the red flags and keep a journal of events because gaslighting is one of the most dangerous things you can go through.


Improving is the ability to being ok in failing, and seeing what went wrong, and understanding why you chose the way you did. And then, change yourself to improve the outcome. Same input= same output, different input = different output.
That`s my opinion anyway. I don't aim to be good, but better. There is a subtle difference, also not going into the trap of feeling "I`m not a good person", or "I want to be a good person". Instead try to be better, because being good, implies being bad. ;)


I wish people would understand this. It’s not me against you its us trying to make the relationship better.


Right when i am about to have one such conversation with the guy i am seeing, later today.😅


Trust is the most issue that makes a partner accept advice and difference
Actually being trusted is the golden part of relationship
In addition to personal experience
If i am always get bad impression I will not accept
But if i find from experience that he convinced me
I will face differences with laugh and acceptance
But partner always trying to be smart and manipulating
I will not accept any arguments issues because it’s considered as false


Sometimes, true friendship does not need to improve.


You are an extraordinary human being gifted with so much wisdom to convey your messages. God bless your heart!
