Mini Phalaenopsis After Care - Cutting flower spikes & watering - Orchid Care for Beginners

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00:00 - Intro
01:12 - 1. What will happen to the flowers?
02:16 - 2. Cutting flower spikes
04:34 - Cutting a green flower spikes above a node
05:37 - Cutting a green flower spikes as low as possible
07:22 - 3. How to water Mini Phalaenopsis Orchids
09:39 - Watering Method 1: Run water through the pot
11:03 - Watering Method 2: Soak the Orchid pot for 15 minutes
15:22 - 4. How to fertilise Mini Phalaenopsis Orchids
17:13 - 5. Environment requirements
21:45 - Outro

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Orchid Nature
P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus
🌸 Other things I use:
Osmocote Pro High K slow release
Ikea Stuff: Tradfir smart plugs, Shelves Vittsjo, Rudsta, Milsbo, Kallax, decorative pots
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I love all your videos and have learned so much. I inherited about 8 from my daughter (she loved orchids) when she recently passed. I am eager to learn so I can take good care of her babies. I did follow your advice and repotted many with RePotme products that you recommended. It was fun actually. Thanks for all your help.


I used to watch your videos years ago, Then I moved and left all my 50 orchids😢 just starting again and its nice to see your face.


Hi! You probably won’t see this but I had to share: I bought an orchid online because it reminded me of you. It’s in its first blooming ever and it’s a beauty. It’s an Oncidium Cholita Cuencana from Ecuagenera. It’s my only red orchid and now I think I’ll have to get more. It’s all your fault! Thank you for teaching and inspiring me!


Hi Danny I just watched your video on repotting mini orchards I just repotting mine today. I love all your videos I learn so much I live in Florida my orchards are outside and I pray my mini orchards will do good thank you so much blessings 🙌


I live in Minnesota in the U.S. and just got a mini for my bday. I repotted it in a moss mixture from repot, cut off alot of bad roots, cut off the flower stem and it's doing fantastic. It's growing new roots and new top leaves. I have it in my north facing kitchen window. So glad I found your YT channel!


I'm glad you thought me to look out for the roots when they are soft when I repotting the mini orchards I had to gut alot of the roots off I pray they do good I live in Florida and I have to keep my eyes on the orchards I have them outside blessings 🙌 thank you 😊


U have a beautiful collection of healthy pretty and happy orchids. God bless your garden.


The content in your videos is invaluable! Thank you so much for sharing. I was given a sad and tired orchid, I've never had one before and because of your videos, she has a new leaf growing and despite having a couple of broken leaves😢 they hare now stronger and shiny and healthy looking. I've watched so many of your videos now and I'm loving being an orchid mom! My hubby bought me a mini too and she's doing great!


Hi Dani, I have one mini, and she is ready for a pot on. My very large Phalenopsis, has taken on the "lean" large leaves very long flower spikes, thank you for great tips. Take care


Thank you so much for all the information in your videos. I'm hooked. I received 2 phals as a gift just over a year ago and this is when I found your channel. They have since bloomed, and I now I also have a happy little tolumnia, a struggling catleya, another catleya, a struggling miltoniopsis that just bloomed- I don't expect it to survive ( I moved it 1800 miles with me), a new milt, and I just ordered 2 more tolumnias, my first oncidium, and a catleya. 😬 Hooked. Anyway, thank you. I love my orchids.


I just recently came across your videos. I’m so glad I did. For Mother’s Day my granddaughter gave me what I thought was a mini orchid but I think it is a micro mini. The leaves are very healthy and the flowers have just recently fallen off. My question is do micro minis stay small or do I need to repot and when will I know. Thanks for your time. Your videos are wonderful. 21:42


Wonderful tips for taking care of phals


Thank you for your videos. I have 2 big phalaenopsis that insist on growing sideways. I'm having to weigh one side of the pot down with rocks now 😂 Have repotted twice to try and straighten, change light direction etc, she has a mind of her own lol!


One of my phals flowered from Jan to mid-April. As soon as the flowers were spent, I cut the spike completely, wanting to give it a chance to grow vegetatively now as Danny recomme ded. But, in early May, it started putting out a brand new spike!🤣😆 It's growing the buds by now.
I left this one on... If it wants to flower this bad, then it must feel like it has enough energy. And I'd feel bad abt cutting it😅


that lavender orchid at the end, my oh gosh!


I cut them down to a couple of nodes, and then peel back the vellum from the node and put some keiki paste on it. Sometimes I get a keiki (I have two that do this nearly every time). The others either produce a spike or just nothing. It’s always a crapshoot.


I prefer to cut my flower spikes as well. Saving up energy for a fancier show. I recently started buying some novelty and species orchids but now I don't know what to cut and what not to because some are sequential blooming and I don't know which.


Hi Danni, I absolutely love your channel! I’ve been watching your videos for a while (since last year when I started my collection) and I’ve been taking care of my orchids all summer (I’m in Australia). It’s now winter and I’m getting my very first flower spikes! I’m so excited!

I wanted to ask- is there such thing as TOO many basal keikis? I’ve got a mini phal I bought from a nursery last year, it had a double spike. I cut the spikes off, and it was going so well it decided to sprout FIVE basal keikis. From what I can see, all the mother plant’s leaves have fallen off. They all are going very well, I just wanted to know if you had seen this before.


I Danni, please can you make a video on how you shower your orchids for dust accumulation?
Thanks for all your videos!


Awesome series. Exactly what I needed I got two of them. Do I need to do some things because they are not in the normal cycle? They are in full bloom right now early Autumn.
