Working out after the Nuss Procedure - Pectus Excavatum

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Join The Pectus Warriors: Nuss Procedure Program (for surgery prep) Completely for Free:

For the non-surgery route, check out the Pectus Warriors: Foundation Program:

Additional Resources:

#1 FREE EBOOK - The Pectus Handbook

This 50-page E-book will guide you through everything you need to know about Pectus Excavatum. Learn how severity is assessed and what the Haller index is. Determine whether you should seek treatment through surgery or the vacuum bell (a non-surgical tool). Learn how to put together an exercise routine to help improve posture, strength, and muscle growth without making your Pectus worse. Begin building a personalized nutrition plan with specific calorie and macronutrient recommendations for muscle growth. And learn a bit more about my backstory and how I overcame Pectus Excavatum so that you can do the exact same thing.

Section 1: Facts About Pectus Excavatum
Section 2: Treatment - Surgery
Section 3: Treatment - Vacuum Bell
Section 4: Exercises For Pectus Excavatum
Section 5: Nutrition
Section 6: Action Plan
Section 7: My Pectus Journey


Foundation Program:
This 8-week program is designed to help you maximize muscle growth and improve your overall appearance with Pectus Excavatum. The foundation of this program is built on the principle of performing twice as many pulling exercises as pushing exercises each week (back vs chest). 

Nuss Procedure Program:
This program will guide you through 9+ months of training, nutrition, mobility, and mindfulness starting in any phase of the Pectus journey you may be. Whether you are getting prepared for surgery in the coming months, just had surgery a week ago, or had surgery 3+ months ago, you will be able to jump right into the program and begin reaping the benefits.


All of the content I put out related to Pectus Excavatum can be found here:


Have a specific question or want help. This is a direct line to my calendar to book a time to chat:



My social media:

PODCAST: Yesterday’s Coffee on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, & YouTube


About me: I'm an Online Trainer and Nutrition Coach focused on helping people look better, lift heavier, and love food.

I was born with a condition called Pectus Excavatum (aka a caved-in chest). I underwent the Nuss procedure to correct it in 2011 via implantation of 2 titanium bars under the sternum. The bars were removed in 2019. I’ve worked alongside Children’s hospital to help develop training and nutrition protocols to aid in the process of surgery preparation and recovery.

I work with people across the country looking to make physique improvements and lifestyle changes. I’ve been training seriously since 2009 and fluctuate from 190-225 pounds at 6’1.


Disclaimers: Kyle Blandford is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. The use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kyle Blandford & HypertroFit LLC will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video.
Рекомендации по теме

I got my surgery early November 2022.. its been almost 3 months! the pain really is the biggest part of my struggle with this recovering. Ive started to take lesser and lesser medication, and its actually been gradually decreasing pain. hope to go to the gym again after physical therapy! much love man thank you for igniting a fire in me to go back to the gym as I recover!


Currently in the hospital got my surgery this morning. Thank you for making this


Thank you so much I’m 17 1 week in and this is just the perfect video, from advice to facts. I appreciate you


I got the procedure done in July of 2021 and the pain hasn't gone away, unlike most people who would've recovered far quicker I am still recovering due to my hyper sensitivity disorder it feels like nothing has gotten better but I'm committed to fixing this


Thanks so much for making this video! I’ve been looking for some direction and this video helped a lot.


Good tips. Had my first surgery 4 weeks ago, 2 bars fitted but also suffered from a bilateral pneumothorax then 2 days post surgery both of my bars flipped and had to be re-operated on 3 days later as that happened on a Friday. The Surgeon for some reason removed one of the bars so now I only have one with two stabilizers fitted. I'm almost 40 and I'll be honest in saying it was total hell, the second operation also partially messed with my right arm (totally numb and very limited in movement, this is still coming back) and I had fluid on the lungs which although they initially drained I still suffer from now and it's uncomfortable at night. These videos help as post surgery there really was no help from the hospital in terms of recovery and what kind of exercises you should do and are acceptable. I'm still super fatigued but luckily I do try and walk every day, still got a long journey ahead as the chest and where the stitches were is still super tight.


Hello guys 2 years after my surgery and it is nearly time time to get out the bar ! I quest I was lucky because after 1 month I had no pain and I could do anything as I could before


Hey man, this was crazy helpful, I really appreciate it.


Im 4 months op and really struggling at getting back to the gym (cant work chest and back properly) thanks for the video


Month 4-5 for me, still in pain. Nevertheless, started working out 3 weeks ago. Feeling better after hitting the gym. However, I can’t put load/tension on my chest, can’t do sit ups. Feels like this bar is slicing through my bones and skins.


Does it become depressing during the first 3 months when you can’t workout and live a very limited life? How long did it take to get your strength back to where it was before the operation?


How does it feel after one year of surgery? Do you you feel any pain or shortness of breath?


Thanks so much for taking the time to make this. Im getting my surgery in less than a week from now. Im 23 yo with 3.7 Haller. Do you have any insights about sports like surfing/jiu jitsu within the timelines you suggested? they involve a decent amount of chest pressure, but no extreme impacts like american football or rugby - its more of a consistent medium force pressure without hard impact. I would love to be able to start doing them again before or around 6 months.


How old were you when you got your surgery?


I removed the bar a month ago. When can I do sports like weightlifting?


I got my surgery in December in 2022. In June I will pass the 6 month but I still can't do sit ups. I tried to pull myself up around 4 month after surgery but I heard cracking and while it didn't hurt I'm now afraid of doing it. My pain only disappeared after the 4th month while I was told that pain will stop after 3 month (I know it sounds not a lot but when you cannot laugh or sneeze then 1 plus month is a lot).


its been a year now and i still not able to do a pull up. Any advices or alt to do? or tips to do a pull up


Thank you so much for this video. I am 4 months post op and I’m trying to be patient however I still have pain on my sides. How long after you didn’t have pain anymore?


My surgeon already approved me for gradually starting my gym workouts. I'm 6 weeks post op. Should I listen to her and hit the gym again?


My doctor restricted me from weightlifting even though i never had any pain and problems during my recovery. Also i found on internet that lifitng should be allowed after 3 months post op .What is your opinion? Thx .
