FAILED NUSS PROCEDURE (What to do Next?) Pectus Excavatum Surgery

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I ( Riley Byrne ) was born with Pectus Excavatum and managed to fix my condition through exercise & bodybuilding without surgery and I want to help others do the same.

A typical person with Pectus Excavatum has tight chest muscles, poor upper body strength and bad posture. Exercise can correct all of these problems, thus greatly improving the appearance of your body.

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I have a mild form of pectus excavatum and have watched many of your videos on how to fix it. Right now i'm training in the gym six times a week, for about half a year. Unfortunately I haven't seen many results on reducing my pectus. For chest exercises I do:
-flat dumbell bench press
-incline dumbell bench press
-high to low cable flies
+ I train all my body parts consistently.
Now my question is: Is it necessary to implement a ''pectus exercise'' (for example chest dips, dumbell pullovers or single arm dumbell underhand flies) to reduce my pectus or should I stay consistent with my current workout routine and progessively overload these chest exercises. I would really appreciate your thoughts!


The repair attempt I had was badly botched. It was 1982, a Robiscek Procedure, done in Detroit, MI at Ford Hospital by a real jackass, Donald Magilligan. My parents were too blind and stupid to see and opted to thank them instead of sue. I have to start putting in the work to improve what I have.


hi pectus chennal. im korean man.
i want talk you can win from pectus.
pectus is related with costal cartilage and rib. you can unfold the borns by stretching and chest muscle workout. this information is already you know. but you dont know how?
i say very important point.
you must cure your round shoulder
and you can band your back side by using scapula and shoulder born.
when you banding back, you must know skill.... that is this.
unfold chest and turn your shoulder born to back. point is ' turn '.
so your back is like a straight line with your scapula. then you can feel chest muscle, born is so stretch.
please do this body setting. there is exactly feeling, shoulder born fallout to back. okey?? safe practice !!


Bro can you make a video of asymmetric pectus craninatum and wtf to do with it I'm 16 and it developed when I was 14..


How long did it take you to push it out (i have no idea what to call it) from working out?


I am doing fitness. Should I work chest? Does this make the pectus more pronounced?


Do you think calisthenics is good for pectus?


Bro i have piegon chest my doctor say it can never cured
My age is 20 years
Which exercise i do to treat my chest
Please help me


Got this surgery and they took out the cartilage that it pushed out, ended up looking worse


Does anyone know how much the surgery costs in Australia?


Lucky your pectus is barely noticeable. I have a small haller idx, only 2.8 but a super noticeable pectus.
