WATCH THIS BEFORE the NUSS PROCEDURE If your Pectus Deformity is Moderate

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PectusPT was born with Pectus Excavatum and managed to fix his condition through exercise & stretching... without surgery and now dedicates his life to helping others with the pectus deformity fix their conditions too.

Pectus Excavatum is exacerbated by poor posture & minimal muscle mass. A specialized exercise & stretching regime should be utilized to make Pectus Excavatum less noticeable. For more severe cases Vacuum Bell Therapy can be used in conjunction with Exercise to further improve the cosmetics of Pectus Excavatum.

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I had to get it as an adult because it was literally squishing my organs...i have less that 47% compasity in my lungs. I got a job just for the insurance to pay for it and thank god because without insurance its over $100, 000


Im so up for the nuss procedure, I don't even mind the rehab time or the painkillers. My wallet isn't up for it thought and my parents keep telling me that my pectus is just how my body is supposed to look... they don't really get me about the whole pectus thing!


I did the nuss when i was 19, and it failed. the bar slipped loose out of me on the 4th day. it was insanely painful and has messed me up even worse. It could have been lethal. honestly, I wish i had never had it done. and it was not my surgeon's fault, she had a long record of success. i was one of only two failures


My pectus is moderate to severe. I don't have any heart problems, but my lungs capacity is much lower than it should be and also the surgery is free in my country. Is it worth it? Or maybe there's another way to fix it?


I have frequent chest pain and run out of air very quickly, but it doesn’t look cosmetically severe in comparison to some extreme cases. While I would say it looks cosmetically moderate to the low end of severe, health wise it is definitely severe. I have Medicaid but I’m not sure that’ll cover the cost. I’m also worried about the pain and how I’m going to do post op. Any thoughts on what I should do? I’m 16 by the way.


If not the nuss procedure whats the alternative?
