Does Pectus Excavatum Surgery Hurt? | Q&A

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i just got 1 bar in my chest yesterday, this is my 2nd day in and id say my pain level is a 4-5. They used cryoablation to freeze and burn my nerves in my chest so i feel nothing. i was very worried about the surgery when everyone's saying it was the worst pain in their life but to me it really has not been bad. i'm starting on only taking pills and i was able to walk. there is a lot of pressure pain and it hurts but after i walked, i felt so much better. if you're motivated enough to get this surgery then i totslly recommend it, if they don't use cryoablation i don't know how bad the pain will be but i don't want to imagine it. i might be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. but, this is worth it the results are amazing and you'll instsntly gain self confidence, goodluck.


I had this surgery in January of 2020. By far the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. The chest pain isn’t even the worst part, if you have really severe pectus it may give you back pain like it did me. They only put 1 bar on me and 1 month later I got the bar removed in the emergency room bc of the pain it was causing. I am getting this surgery AGAIN in Winter of 2023 but with a more experienced surgeon. Sadly this is the only way to fix this condition and mine is very severe it gives me daily problems. I’ll update when I get it done again…


The WORST physical pain of my life by far. Be perpared.


I had it done with two bars in June 2019 and one of my bars moved 90 degrees, so I had a second surgery in July to get that one removed. The pain is awful, probably some of the worst I've ever felt, but I would do it again. I feel like I'm actually living now. For several months after surgery you aren't allowed to twist, pick up anything heavier than 5 pounds, or reach upwards, which was the hardest part of the process for me. If you are considering this, it really is worth it.


I personally have a moderate case of it and don’t plan to have it surgically fixed, even though it’s completely covered where I live. For those who are insecure (and have mild to moderate cases), I can assure you 99.9% of people do not care at all. This includes women from my experience. You can build up muscle to cover it up and you’ll look quite unique, in a good way. Just get used to it being there and owning it, eventually you won’t care either.


This surgery is ridiculously painful, getting it and removing is ridiculously painful. I had it done 2012 & 2019
The pain on a scale 1-10 easily without a doubt a 10 if not higher.


Well, you probably got the operation, or will get it if you're here. It hurts. It fucking hurts, but you'll do it, you're awesome. You can do it!


Had this done at age 10 and they removed the bar at 13. Absolute worst pain of my life. My chest still bears the scars and gives me pain on rare occasions. But, I’m 22 now, and so grateful it was done when I was young. I owe my life to the doctor that operated on me.


Im 19 years old from sweden did this surgery 2 days ago. I think the pain is what scared me the most bc i saw everyone saying it was so bad but for me it hasnt been anything i cant handle just feels a little bit bruised and like a fat person was sitting on my chest the worst pain i experinced was today when we cut the morphine pump off but it is still not so bad like people was saying. So to you who read the comments of people saying its extremly bad it isnt its handable any questions feel free to type


Ok so the guy didn’t actually answer the question, but to answer the question, yes, it hurts a lot when u wake up. I scaled it at a 9 out of 10 when I woke up the first time. The pain is like getting braces for your teeth, but instead of moving them in place for a span of 2 years, they would be in place right away. I got the surgery on Halloween of 2019, and was in the hospital for 4 days. I’d say it does suck in the hospital and a couple days out of the hospital. But it’s now been 3 months since the surgery and I can say it was very well worth it. My breathing is insanely better and my chest itself looks unreal. I will get it removed in 3 years, but if you are considering of going through with the surgery, do it! I keep saying I wouldn’t do it again if I had too, but definitely worth it. Plus u get some really cool looking scars and a sweet story to tell your friends. Haha


Had this done the old way in 1980 and it was bad enough that I was on continuous morphine for almost 3 weeks after. Back then it was the equivalent of having every rib broken and then put in new places, along with have holes drilled in all of them, as well as in multiple places on the sternum. The scar is around half the circumference of my chest.


Ok so i got the surgery 3 months ago it was really intense because i had a severe pectus excavatum. Everyone in the comments who is saying don't do it are WRONG because it will make u feel better more confident and physically stronger. U just gotta go true the process and at the end everything will become alright. It is 3 months ago now and i still have pain but i am a different person


Getting this tomorrow, my chest goes in extremely the most the surgeon has ever seen praying it goes wel


Pectus excavatum is making my life hell, but I am very poor and cannot afford surgery. Also, my insurance doesn't cover any surgery outside of my country, and there are almost no experienced surgeons in my country, so I guess I'm just going to die. Pray for me. I don't want to go to hell after I die. I am a sinner.


Had this done before i turned 12. And that was the worst 2 months of my life. Now it re-caved in again!


I had both pectus carinatum and excavatum. Yes I am a girl, and it runs in my family as my oldest brother has it. My surgery was severely painful. I felt like I got hit by a bus. It hurt to move any part of my body. The titanium rod removal wasn’t at all bad for me. But god. Glad it’s over


2 weeks post op had 1 bar only and honestly it's getting better with time but the first 4-5 were the worst days of my life the pain was unbearable.


28 and did the surgery now nearly 6 months again. As I have a very painful other chronic illness I am accustomed to pain but the pain after the surgery with cryo was just a different level of horrible. With morphium it was kinda bearable but oral morphium had bad side effects for me so I was on maximum dose of non-morphium oral pain meds after I got release from the hospital and I couldn't really sleep for a very long time as I was in so much pain especially when lying down. 6 months after I am still in daily pain. And also important it really changes the shape of your chest, so especially if you have boobs, just be aware it will really change how your body looks, and obviously that's what we want, but for me not only in the way I had imagined or expected my body to change and the doctors didn't really mention that to me unfortunately beforehand. I honestly don't wanna scare people, you will 100% get through it and it's manageable. But for me with a like moderate case, I am not sure I would do it again. But I think you can never know how the pain is going to be as some people here are describing a very easy recovery. Good luck!!!


I’m 19 now, I’ve been living with a dent in my chest for my whole life and I’ve always been insecure of myself without a shirt around others for so long. I still am insecure. I’ve been doing research on the procedure and I think I’m going to consider getting it done, I’m just scared. I’ve never had surgery before and I have the thought of what if something goes wrong? I’ve also been seeing the comments and a lot of people are saying after procedure it’s painful so it’s making me doubt myself into getting it done, but im also seeing that others are saying it was worth it in the long run. If you’ve had the procedure and you happen to see my comment, could you possibly explain what it’s like after?


Done at age of 24
Pain in first operation was insane. Literally moaning and screaming for weeks. with using the strongest drugs called fentanyl I had hallucinations sometimes. The worst pain I’ve ever had in my life.

Second operation was fine.
Still painful af but took a week to recover.

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