4 years BODY TRANSFORMATION after Nuss surgery - Calisthenics

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Well, I've wanted to make this video for a long time, to share my body transformation and skills progression between 2016 and 2020.
I know there are a lot of people around the world who have more or less severe pectus excavatum. And I also know that many are reluctant to have surgery. I was in this case and now I can say it is better to take the step as young as possible! I was afraid I would no longer be able to do sports and I would have liked to come across a video like mine to prove myself wrong.
I never thought I would one day be able to do what I do now in street workout. I really fell in love with calisthenics! I am still motivated and want to progress despite the obstacles of life.
I will not tell you that everything is possible because it is certainly not the case. But I know that if you are not ready to sacrifice something in the hope of a better life you will live with regrets ...
I just hope this video has helped you make a decision, change or at least motivate yourself!


Music use in the video:
1st Music : Anthem of Inspiration by RomanSenykMusic.
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Feel free to ask me everything you want on the Nuss procedure, the recovery, the reeducation or others ... I will try to answer them with my experience here in comment or on IG :


I'am 33 years old, 50kg, 1.75m. Was training and stopping for 4 times in my life. Currently I'm training again in the gym for 6 weeks now. Seeing your results really makes me more motivated, because you started from my weight level, even you was with surgery (which puts you in disadvantage) but you still made this great progress. Thanks for sharing your motivation. :)


This is truly inspiring.
The hardwork and patience level is unmatched.
Thanks for the motivation.
Most of the people crib about their situation, but you are a fighter, a true hero.
Thanks a lot for this video❤️.


I'm going to have the same procedure the day after tomorrow. Just cancelled my gym membership, but will plan to continue as soon as I can. This video really had an impact on me.


I got a different surgery next week. Just when I planed to start working out.. this video gives me motivation for the future. Thanks for sharing your story!


You are so amazing - but I couldn't help but DIE when normal people tried to copy you because you're making it look easy. The little girl thinking she got this was hilarious. Again you are amazing ! Thanks for making the video and congratulations on your journey! May you reach all the heights you have in mind 🙏


So, this morning I was looking for a good video to keep me motivated, but I came across so many odd videos, very noisy, really bad background music, and other stuff that were a bit cringy too. Then I spotted this video. From the very beginning, it was perfect, no lies, no cutting corners, and great background music! Thank you so much for putting it together so nicely! I'm gonna watch it for motivation almost every day during my home workout. Have a great day, mate!


Love you bro. Literally in tears now. You are really a motivation to me to start calisthenics


Wow!! I just saw your video and am truly impressed by your achievements and progress. Calisthenics is amazing for human development so keep up the hard work...my uncle is 73 and is still doing human flags, front levers, handstand pushups and planches.


You are a soldier bro. And also a strong calisthenics athlete. You have all our respect. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼



Insane hardwork and dedication hats off to u man u r a superhuman...!!!👍👍👍


After watching this video, I made a decision to improve my body. I was avoiding this decision because of my short stature and hearing that Gym prevents you from getting taller. This video is very good and has the value of not giving up. It is a good thing that you resisted your illness and did not give up. Much respect for you man


Bro this is a super inspiring video I just had to comment! Watching this got me out of the burnout I've been feeling from consistently trying to learn the front lever so thank you for this.


thank you. because this video helps me to gain more motivation and inspiration to conquer my challenges. because my laziness was no longer, and it helps me overcome my fear of myself.


a great one to follow, an example that there are no human limits, I have a wrist deformity that Tristyn Lee also has but nothing will stop us, greetings from Mexico ❤️✨


Bro this is a crazy transformation natural from literally no muscle to 21 plus and looking so amazing with it+ skills really nice. Your one of the nicest results if seen. 😍❤️🤲🏿


OMG awesome transformation. I wish I could to these exercises like you but I am still really fat. I am trying so hard. I train almost everyday. I got the best meal plan from Next Level Diet. I hope I will slim down fast so I could start with calisthenics. I believe I can do it.


You are the live proof the nothing is impossible. I'm really impressed of what you have achieved and can't even imagine how hard times you had. Keep going in your calisthenics journey 💪


Can´t put into words how inspiring and motivating that is. You didn't start as a beginner, you had to go to surgery first. I´m in a similar situation. I´ve got bad posture so I go to see a specialist once a week. I do some exercices for the back that are really easy for normal people, but pretty challeging for me. You really inspired me !


You achieved great success, salute to your spirit and dedication
