Should You get Surgery for Pectus Excavatum (The Nuss Procedure)

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I ( Riley Byrne ) was born with Pectus Excavatum and managed to fix my condition through exercise & bodybuilding without surgery and I want to help others do the same.

A typical person with Pectus Excavatum has tight chest muscles, poor upper body strength and bad posture. Exercise can correct all of these problems, thus greatly improving the appearance of your body.

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Comment of someone who got surgery here (nuss-procedure)
had surgery in 2018 with 21 years (almost too old) and bar got removed last year (2021) march.

like he said, 1st surgery was tough, rehab wasn't that hard though. after 6 weeks i was able to run again - but I started with a few steps in the hospital being completely exhausted.
it depends on your willingness and of course how the surgery went. it is a long way once you got surgery, but anyways
still enjoying rileys vids and still applying techniques from him and other sources to help my posture, potbelly and rib flare. you cannot guarantee to be satisfied because cosmetics are higly subjective so it's not like you get surgery and from then on you're done. you'll never be done if you have high standards to your health and well-being. you will always be having to adapt and improve to your current conditions and with that posture etc.

got surgery because I had decreased lung capacity and asymptomatic heart beat to name a few symptoms

2nd surgery was not comfortable but a breeze compared to the first one. (like rick said: 15min adventure in n' out)

one thing that is important to mention: u have to imagine there will be an implant in your body for 2-3 years that will or will not limit your range of motion and your ability to rotate your upper body, with that little to zero impact sports (speaking for myself: I had troubles performing russian twists for example because I could not rotate to a certain level on one side).
Furthermore, you will get used to the feeling, but you will be rembered that there is something in your body that does not belong there - it's not torture, but it can be and definitely is sometimes uncomfortable.

summing all up: for my health concerns, I am glad I did it, because sunken chest can cause problems exspecially in old age where your functions decrease anyway. nevertheless, I would not advise somebody to take surgery just for cosmetics. I know it can be hard for you, especially in pubity, but you will gain more confidence as you grow older and for the guys, there are enough girls that like you with your sunken chest - trust me, I've had the worries, too, we've all been there).

get to the gym and pop that chest out like a king that you are.

chin up, chest up baby


Great to see these videos. I wish the internet and channels like this existed when I had pectus surgery at 12 years old in 1979. No one knew what pectus was. There was no physical rehab, community or anything like that. I was on my own… in hell.


Really appreciate all your videos. So great to see how much exercise alone can help.


I got the surgery 2 years ago and I'm taking the bar off in july. It hurt like hell, but I would do it all over again

With that said, I already followed riley long before having the surgery done and I can say that working out has a much better effect than the surgery alone.

Keep grinding bros. We're all gonna make it


When I get my tax refund I'm most likely getting one of the vacuum bells and I'm going to combine that with working out and exercise to reshape it as best I can. Everytime I take a shower I just can't stand looking at it anymore. I hate the fact that I hate my chest.


I had the initial surgery almost 7 years ago. They told me on a severity scale mine was about a 3.97. 3.5 and over is considered severe. I was 14. I had the surgery to get it removed after 3 years. If you are thinking about getting the surgery, especially the Nuss procedure. Feel free to ask me any questions. I’m very knowledgeable on the subject and have helped and answer questions before


I’m 16 and getting the surgery in July. Wish me luck boys 🙏💪


I wouldn't mind the pain and the cost (although very expensive here in my country). What I do mind is the possible complications and the possibility of it regressing back when the bar is removed. I've read quite a bit of stories that the indent went back when the bar is removed.


What do you think are some good back body weight workouts to do?? To even out chest and back workouts like u said in previous videos?


I have lower back pain sometimes not all the time but my upper back shoulder wings kind of pop out and hang when I stand straight it’s very visible does anyone know what this is?


I have a 2.8 haller index. Which is know seems mild but I busted my ass in the gym for 12 years from 23 to 35 and had almost no improvement.


Honestly having pectus excavatum overall SUCKS like there’s seriously no “perfect” solution. I also feel like there’s not as much awareness about it or research as there should be. Idk man :(


Riley. Have you heard of the new surgery "Pectus Up" and what do you think of it if you have?


I had surgery and it failed miserably had to have the nuss bar removed because my body wouldn’t accept it.


when a severe condition do you get the surgery for free or still need to pay


Im getting relief from my pectus
Thank you


Hello guys,
Any ideas of how to get rid of the vacuum bell bruising on my chest?


I am 13 yrs old and My pectus isn’t so sunken do you think I should get a skan


How old were you when you started doing exercises for pectus
