Grace Alone! Against Arminianism and Semi-Pelagianism.

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We must understand some of the key differences between the Calvinistic/Reformed view of God's Grace in the salvation of sinners, and the Arminian and semi-Pelagian views which attempt to water-down the powerful, miraculous, efficacious nature of it.

We should also understand the key differences between the Arminian view (so as not to misrepresent them) and the semi-Pelagian view of those within the "Traditionalist/Provisionalist" camp (so as to not mistakenly refer to them as, "Arminians"). And there are important distinctions to be made, for sure.

For example, "Traditionalist/Provisionalist" author and YouTuber, Dr. Leighton Flowers rejects the Arminian teaching of Prevenient Grace, and hence hurls himself into the semi-Pelagian camp in doing so.

The conclusion is that only the Calvinist can properly give praise and thanksgiving to God for the salvation He has given to all of His people.
Whereas, both the Arminian and semi-Pelagian cannot, because there remains something they must do in conjunction with the Grace of God: namely, the conjuring up of faith within themselves out of the cauldron of Human Libertarian Free Will (which they fallaciously define as, 'the power of contrary choice').

Hope this is helpful in understanding and appreciating the importance of having a biblical view of the Grace of God in the salvation of sinners.

*Soli Deo Gloria*
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This is another sound biblical presentation of 3 distinct theological belief systems.
You are to be congratulated on how you have shown the differences and the positive/negatives of each belief system.
I have yet to find another youtuber who can define these theological terms succinctly as you do.

I fail to understand why there are so few views on this particular vid.

I have saved some of your vids so i can share them with other christians.
I would like to encourage you to continue in this ministry as correct biblical teaching is needed in these current dark days. I believe many will be blessed by this ministry of yours.

Soli Deo Gloria


Hi Ryan. I guess you would call a soteriology which says "An unbeliever's repentance causes God to elect/enlighten/save the person" Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism?


Of course God takes the initiative. He promised salvation for the world. Worked through rebellious people for thousands of years. Predicted and accomplished the life of Christ and his crucifixion and resurrection to be the Savior of mankind. Then had His apostles write down the gospel message to the world.

God took the initiative. He set the criteria for how anyone can be saved. It is by repentance and faith in Christ. And faith is clearly said to not be a work.

Calvinism has twisted the gospel message by a clever use of out of context prooftexts as pretexts and have turned the meaning of grace into a false message. They’ve turned the meaning of the grace of God into philosophical Gnostic Influenced fatalistic determinism where they falsely assert that mankind from birth cannot obey God or respond in faith to the gospel - contrary to what Scripture clearly teaches - and say that God must actually save people and make them born again BEFORE they repent and believe so they can now repent and believe.

This is a false twisted meaning of what grace means. Being saved by grace means that we receive salvation from God as a gift and cannot work for it or earn it by our own efforts. Being saved by grace does not mean that God zaps arbitrary selected people for heaven while He condemns most of the world to hell before they were born or committed any sin. This is based on a false interpretation of Romans 9 and many other passages. The “bad news for most gospel” of Calvinist philosophy is not the gospel of the New Testament. It’s a contradition to John 3:17 and to the good news gospel message as it’s preached in the Bible.
