7 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety & Free 10 Day Confidence Course

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According to psychologist Thomas Richards, at least 7% of the world’s population suffers from social anxiety.

Dr. Richards points out that people with social anxiety experience distress in these situations:

Meeting new people
Encountering teasing or criticism
Feeling judged.
People watching you when doing anything
Communicating with people of more authority or social status
Sharing information with groups
Talking to girls, getting dates, and starting relationships
If any of those sound like you, then keep reading. In this article we will cover ways to overcome social anxiety in those situations.

Another psychologist, Johnna Medina, points out that:

A person who suffers from social anxiety tends to think that other people are far better at public speaking, or hanging out in a social situation and mingling with others at a party. The person tends to focus on every little small mistake they do in a social situation, and exaggerate them out of proportion.

Just because you are afraid of embarrassing yourself in social situations doesn’t mean other people are more skilled at socializing. Other people are also worried about messing up. If you want to test the severity of your social anxiety, then take this test. It can tell you some interesting things about the severity of your social anxiety if you don’t already know.

Overcoming social anxiety, can seem very difficult. You might try to talk to people, but your words come out awkward and quiet. Social phobia prevents the awesome social life you want. Imagine finally making new friends and expressing yourself confidently.

Luckily, social anxiety is very treatable. Here are some tips for overcoming social anxiety:

#1 Overcome Social Anxiety by Challenging negative thoughts
Most socially anxiety sufferers I coach get stuck in loops of negative thoughts. They often say thinks like, “I can’t change, nobody likes me, people never listen to me.” All their negative thoughts are framed in absolute language that indicates they aren’t yet open to change.

Just because you weren’t open to change yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t open to change today!
Identify your negative thoughts, and then challenge them!

Step 1: Identify the negative thought
Here is an example…..
You are just minding your own business playing a video game and then bam! This thought enters your mind, “I’m such a loser, I’ll never make any friends. I hate my life.”
Well here is what you do: You look that thought in its imaginary eyes and say, “Hey, you’re a negative thought. What the hell are you doing here?”
That will give the thought anxiety. It only has the confidence to take over your mind because you always let it do whatever it wants. Stop being such a push over and these negative thoughts will stutter, shake and eventually get the fuck out of your thought neighborhood.

Step 2: Challenge the thought for dominance
If the negative thought is still loitering, it’s time to piss in its face and reclaim the priceless territory of your mind. First, find logical reasons to reinforce the opposite beliefs. Such as, “I”m not a loser, I’ve been successful at lots of things! And I’ve made friends before, I can make friends again! I don’t need to hate my life, I have a lot of potential, and I love this, this and this about myself.”

Evaluating these thoughts help you gradually change them into more positive beliefs.

You don’t need to assume other people find you unattractive or boring. Never assume you will never get positive results from social interactions. It’s often low self-esteem and self-doubt that contributes to poor social interactions anyway. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you people people won’t like you that’s exactly what happens. The opposite is also true. Haven’t you ever seen a person with delusional confidence get tons of attention from people when they don’t even have a single thing to be proud of?

People are attracted to the emotions you give them, not the content of your speech, accomplishments, or appearance! Though dressing better and taking care of your physique and style can help make a good first impression, it isn’t as important as actually liking yourself.

#2 Focus on other people
Social anxiety can have be caused by a lot of past trauma you haven’t dealt with yet. I share highly effective exercises for doing

#3 Socialize More
The more you socialize the easier it gets!
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