9 HIGHEST FIBER Foods to Lower Blood Sugar

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Foods You NEVER Knew Were High in Fiber

This video does contain a paid partnership with a brand that helps to support this channel. It is because of brands like this that we are able to provide the content that we do for free.


Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro - Foods You NEVER Knew Were High in Fiber
0:21 - Dark Chocolate
1:53 - Popcorn
3:30 - Macadamias
4:43 - Use Code THOMAS20 for 20% off House of Macadamias!
5:42 - Raspberries
6:54 - Coconut
7:36 - Chia Seeds
8:29 - Buckwheat
9:35 - Cooled Oats
10:42 - Pears
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Dark chocolate, popcorn, macadamia nuts, raspberries, coconut, chia seeds, buckwheat, cooled oats, pears.


My go to snack to satisfy hunger or a craving in the evening is organic popcorn. I pop it in the microwave with either coconut oil or ghee. I add sea salt. Yum. It may not be perfect for Keto but I feel good about it. Much better than chips or a bowl of cereal. Does anyone one else indulge?


I put coconut flour in my yogurt to thicken it and add fiber. Good stuff.


So is popcorn drizzled with dark chocolate a super food😂


Hey Thomas! Been meaning to comment for a bit since you have had a lot of videos sponsored by House of Macadamia lately. Just a heads up- I put in an order nearly a month ago, using your code, and it still hasn't shipped. Apparently they are so behind due to such a high influx of orders from creators like you (also said the macadamia oil being small batch produced + not enough staff were reasons) that, well... They're SUPER behind. Each week I have actually had to reach out to them to check on it, and I'm told my order is "being processed" and will be shipped, and it's yet to happen...

So just a heads up I guess. Unsure if anyone has complained or if many orders have ended up being cancelled. Also curious to anyone else who is in the same boat? Just seems like a really long delay and a little strange since there are any updates actually being sent...

Can't wait to try since your suggestions are always on point, so i hope it's legit and the orders go through! But yeah, just FYI for anyone else that may read this, too.



Buckwheat is great as a side dish, you don’t need to bake with it, I’m from a country where we eat buckwheat as a porridge or a side dish, it’s delicious ☺️


Want fiber? Put chia seeds in your drinks. It's better 10x better than popcorn.


This is my jam. Most nights I usually have a few squares of 100% bakers chocolate, imported cheese and red wine. Gives me the best sleep.
About once a week I may eat a bowl of air popcorn and spray on some coconut oil and butter. then sprinkle on a little ghost pepper.


Popcorn has about 3g fiber per serving which is about 3 1/2 cups. Using 100g as an example is insane considering that’s about 14 cups!


Thanks Thomas! My dark chocolate is 90% and very little sugar so this is perfect, love macademia nuts and will have to start picking up some raspberries rather than my go-to blueberries. Keto vegan so I'm limited with this list!


I can only do about 95% dark chocolate. I’ve bought the 100% before and couldn’t do it! I eat a daily salad full of chia, hemp hearts, seseme seeds, walnuts, pepitas, a couple Brazil nuts to get my daily selenium as well. I add other veggies and nutritional yeast along with my greens but I feel like it helps up my fiber! I also make some yummy buckwheat pancakes that are good!


Finally a video without stupid background music 👍


Beans and oats are the foods you need for your fiber.
Eat one meal a day, all the fiber you need and carbs and protein. Go for 30 minutes walk after your meal. You'll lose more weight than keto.
Stay fasted 23 hours and eat as many calories are required for your age.


Damn, that camera quality. Been watching you for years TDL, I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you. Probably in a darker place. Much love. 🙏🏻


I like both dark and milk choc. I like fruit. Both i tolerate well. I havent eaten popcorn in forever, and never really ate it much despite liking it. Though definatly might try mild amounts at some point. Oats i recently figured are a absolute no go for me. I love oats. When i started keto at firstvi completely nixed them amd leand more to a mostly clean keto approach. However over time I expirimented with various foods i cut out, oats being one. Even if i dont cook, then ferment with whole milk yogurt, pecans, berries, and spices like ginger, and sugar free choc protien powder, i do not tolerate oats well at all. Though, funnily enough moderate amounts of say sweet potatos, potatos, bamana, or pineapple i tolerate wonderfully. And i like pretty much any berry u throw at me. Pomegranate im not a fan, but cranberries, cherrues, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, mulberries, kiwi, love them. Not a fan of papaya though. As for pears, like them, dont often peel them. Though, if i do i dry the peels to make tea with later. I often use pears sans core as part of my home made kimchi recipe. I badically blend the pear with fish sauce, spices, hot sauce, and some acv or otger starter cukture, and salt. Then i mix into tge veg and work with my hands in a micing bowl before jarring up and fermenting. The cores i save in the freezer to make fruit vinegar with btw. Im still learning what carbs i do and domt tolerate well, so popcorn is on the try list while oats are on the no go one after repeated tries with same result of high glucose for days snd digestive distress after one portion. Thos can last anywhere from 3-7 days after, so no go.


I love to blend raw cocao powder with an avacado and stevia- instant healthy mousse!


Homemade popcorn was the only grain I kept in my diet for a while- didn't affect my insulin. However, it's horrible for my teeth and gums and gut.


Once you go dark chocolate you don't go back.


I also like Green Bananas, lots of resistant starch. Perfect surrounding workouts and still stay in ketosis


I love all the new info you are telling us. Thanks.
