The Surprising Secrets of High Fiber Foods for a Healthier You

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An estimated 95% of American adults and children don’t meet the recommended daily fiber intake. In America, the average daily fiber intake is estimated to be 16.2 grams .

Fortunately, increasing your fiber intake is relatively easy — simply integrate high fiber foods into your diet.

Fiber is a blanket term that applies to any type of carbohydrate that your body can’t digest. The fact your body doesn’t use fiber for fuel doesn’t make it less valuable to your overall health.

Dietary fiber can offer the following benefits when you consume it:

Reducing cholesterol. Fiber’s presence in the digestive tract can help reduce the body’s cholesterol absorption. This is especially true if you take statins, which are medications to lower cholesterol, and use fiber supplements like psyllium fiber.

Promoting a healthy weight. High fiber foods like fruits and vegetables tend to be lower in calories. Also, fiber’s presence can slow digestion in the stomach to help you feel fuller for longer.
Adding bulk to the digestive tract. Those who struggle with constipation or a generally sluggish digestive tract may wish to add fiber to their diet. Fiber naturally adds bulk to the digestive tract, as your body doesn’t digest it. This stimulates the intestines.

Promoting blood sugar control. It can take your body longer to break down high fiber foods. This helps you maintain more consistent blood sugar levels, which is especially helpful for those with diabetes.

Reducing gastrointestinal cancer risk. Eating enough fiber can have protective effects against certain cancer types, including colon cancer. There are many reasons for this, including that some types of fiber, such as the pectin in apples, may have antioxidant-like properties.

Here are 22 high fiber foods that are both healthy and satisfying:

1: Pears
2: Strawberries
3: Avocado
4: Apples
5: Raspberries
6: Bananas
7: Carrots
8: Beets
9: Broccoli
10: Artichoke
11: Brussels sprouts
12: Lentils
13: Kidney beans
14: Split peas
15: Chickpeas
16: Quinoa
17: Oats
18: Popcorn
19: Almonds
20: Chia seeds

Healthline Media content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. See a licensed medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
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I have Had problems for years and thought i was gluten or lactose intolerant because i noticed my gut improved when i stopped eating gluten and switched the white bread and pasta to potatoes and vegatbles. I did some tests at my doctor but all the tests said i was not gluten intolerant. But by chance when i was having a diet for weight loss and I started eating oat meal every morning and i noticed my gut improved significantly so i have increased my fiber consumtion now and my problems have vanished. Thank you for a good video that gives some explanation why it has helped😊


Fiber is like a long lost friend returning to my life. I eat oatmeal, beans, and apples frequently.


The curling 🥌 example was very creative.


Thank you for being clear and to the point. Also, enjoyed learning about the subject of fiber.


I love Healthline! I always read the nice online articles that provide references!


Love the video and nice illustration to help us understand it better ❤️


Superb video everything explained clearly which provided a informative understanding. Thank you i am sure this will help me love from the UK


What a great video!! Very informative and easy to understand. Who was the presenter? She was amazing!


Excellent video! I’m teaching my daughter about nutrition right now and I’ve shared this great video with her! Thank you!


high fiber low carb foods: walnuts, ground flaxseed, blackberries, raspberries, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, chard, green beans, you are welcome


This is super informative and helpful! Thank you!


Fantastic video brilliantly described, thank you so much for posting 🙂💩


When types of cholesterol are mentioned the slide shows "HGL" cholesterol as the good cholesterol. This should read as "HDL" cholesterol - High Density Lipoprotein


You keep saying, soluble foods are soluble, fiber, soluble, or something like that can you give an example of which ones would be the soluble foods please


Very good video. thank you for sharing your knowledge.


مايحل الامساك الدائم غير الحميه العاليه ب الالياف مع ٧٠ من الوجبات اليوميه .. تاخذك عالم اخر


What do you think about these powders? They claim to be fiber powders and you add them to some kind of milk or water? I had a heart attack back in October 2023 and I am totally blind so if you can elaborate as much as you can, and maybe a particular product that has no sugar or anything additive that be very helpful. Thank you very much.


Dietary fiber is an essential component of a healthy diet, offering numerous health benefits. Found in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, fiber comes in two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels, while insoluble fiber promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. A diet rich in fiber supports digestive health, reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and aids in weight management by increasing feelings of fullness. Incorporating more fiber into your diet is a simple yet powerful way to boost overall well-being.


I've been on a high fiber diet for many years and this is one of the best videos on the subject I've seen. I'm a big poop fan so I loved the poop emoji demonstrations.


I love this video. But my question is how too much fibre could lead to constipation. I will love to understand the biochemistry. Thank you
