How to Avoid Burnout | Dr. Cal Newport & Dr. Andrew Huberman

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Dr. Cal Newport and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the root causes of burnout, highlighting how modern work practices, such as the constant checking of emails and continuous involvement in meetings, resulting in less time for meaningful work, contribute to the feeling of exhaustion and disengagement.

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00:00 Exploring Burnout: Definitions and Personal Insights
00:15 The Poetic Perspective on Burnout and Wholeheartedness
00:44 Diagnosing Burnout in Knowledge Work: Quantity vs. Quality of Work
01:04 The Administrative Overhead: A Major Contributor to Burnout
01:49 The Psychological Impact of Modern Work Practices
02:40 The Absurdity of Current Work Culture and Its Effects
04:11 The Role of Digital Communication in Workplace Burnout
07:28 Cultural and Organizational Shifts Needed for Change
08:42 Envisioning the Cognitive Revolution in Knowledge Work
11:15 Concluding Thoughts and Invitation to Watch Full Episode

#HubermanLab #CalNewport #Studying

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This sounds like the life of a teacher. We don't need meetings about our job.
We just need time to do our job!


What a great clip, burnout is a very important thing. When he explains the constant email checking that clearly inhibits productivity, it’s really insane . Definitely makes no sense to constantly have to check them and not actually get anything accomplished.
I also agree with poem if you enter into something with wholeheartedness no matter the difficulty, it could be cure to burnout. It seems nowadays, most people only give minimal effort to things .


Great to hear you both speak on this in such articulate detail - the hardest part for me is being in this place and seeing outside of it, the deconstruct what is actually happening enough to solve it - then having enough bandwidth remaining to execute the solution - Interestingly this last few weeks, I took time out, while still delivering operational priorities, to solve my personal problem, and I did, only to find my boss was unhappy and didn't understand why I took the time out to solve it - he himself couldn't see it clearly enough to understand why it was needed


Healthcare shares this problem - the number of messages, conversations, and clicks that are required to do something simple like give a patient an aspirin is spiraling out of control.


If you work in human or veterinary healthcare, as I did, there is a whole different level of burnout happening! You can add secondary trauma stress and compassion fatigue to and already high stress workplace. You're dealing with emergencies, death, and others stress, grief, and emotional reactivenesss. You can't just walk out of a surgery or leave a patient when it's time to go home. By the time you do finally get home you have no emotional bandwidth left for yourself let alone your loved ones. We lose too many to suicide because of this.


Yessir. Huberman, right in the beginning- you need to work for something bigger than money. Wholeheartedness. Love it.


8:07 - a statement clearly demonstrating a man who has his sh*t together 👏🏻


Fixing culture is tough but there are some simple features for our exist tools that would greatly increase my quality of life.


Feels like lots of this only applies to white collar workers. But I guess that's most of the audience. Episode request - Huberman breaks down healthy hacks for shift workers.


In my experience, the endless meetings comes from middle and upper-middle management needing to create busywork for themselves and their underlings, in order to justify their existence at the given institution.


What about the industries that do not sit in an office all day ????


I’ve been doing 6-13’s a week working on a subway tunnel in a tower crane since September 2022 …


My company is been using Microsoft AI M365 copilot and what a game changer it is. So I agree technology is heading in the right direction to give us a break.


Wait do all of the YouTube versions have video? I've listened to every episode on Spotify.


I own a small business. I got the feeling my office manager was getting caught up in the “firefighting” tendencies of one of our major customers. We reworked her workflow to get ALL of her tasks done BEFORE any email. By day two she was reporting increased productivity. By day 3 she called me at 2 in the afternoon and said, “I’ve already been through my entire workflow twice today… I’m out of stuff to do”


Interesting talk but I have learned absolutely nothing practical that I can do as an individual to avoid burnout


This is nursing school in a nutshell. It's busy work, forced hours, mostly quantity over quality. It's activity instead of productivity.


I’m a CPA and this is exactly me 💯. My best hope is AI steps in to assist in some respect.


Then manager's or boss's will gas light that you're incompetent


I actually stopped the video when he was talking about using brain energy to just respond to email…and I was thinking how can AI be used in a way where it can Identify the thread of a conversation on Slack or email, and then just continue it without using our own brain energy for it or maybe something like Neuralink integrated with AI where you could work, and somehow answer email, for example, but just using your thoughts and the AI doing the boring work, writing that email etc, so you can focus on the actual work.
