The Error of Hyper-Calvinism

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Hyper Calvinism is just consistent Calvinism.


Check out Grace and Truth ministries, think you’ll find it interesting. God bless.


Just going off the title... So Calvinism... but not 100% Calvinism? Uhm... Okay...


If Calvinism is true, it means that God creates disposable people, people without any hope, ” “It means that God not only allows, but micro-manages and sovereignly ordains, every war and every abortion and every rape of a child. It means that Calvin’s god does not love the world; he hates it because it is full of “totally depraved” individuals having apparently created us that way for his own glorification, or is it for his amusement? If Calvinism is true, it means that if that dying child that you held in your arms was not among the elect, then God did not love her. He never had any intention of loving her. She was nothing to Him. In fact, he would delight and find glory in her eternal torture in hell.”
Who are really created in the image of then, God or satan?

“And whenever I raise these points with Calvinists, all they can say is that I should be more grateful for my own salvation! It’s like, ‘as long as my eternal destiny is secure, as long as my life is all planned out and taken care of by God, who gives a damn about family, friends or anyone else!’ How can you be okay with that? How can anyone be okay with that? Why do I feel find this heresy morally offensive?” Only the devil should be at ease with such an abomination!

According to Calvinism the lost hate God because God first hated them. They won't say it that way, but that's what it boils down to.

Is this how YOU see God???

Romans 16 : 17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

Truth in love


calvinism is the most ridiculous doctrine I've ever seen
