Is the New Calvinism Dead?

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In this video, I discuss the movement once described as the "New Calvinism," and the question of whether or not it exists today.
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If you haven’t already on YouTube, could you do a video on the “Perpetual Virginity of Mary”?


I attend a neo-Calvinist church ( low Anglican) and it's popular many young people is partly why the reason I go there, but I'm not a fan of the movement, I'm confessionaly Reformed holding mostly holding to the Second Helvetic confession written by Swiss reformer Bullinger.


I remember I was part of a weird "new calvinist" Baptist church. I thank God that he was able to lead me back to the true faith aka classical Reformed.


To be honest, not a lot of the renowned 'classical' Calvinists, i.e. the late R. C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, etc., really gave any substantial support to it. It would have been beneficial for the Protestant movement seeing the New Calvinism's saturating effect on culture, but most of its leading proponents such as The Gospel Coalition failed to fortify its structure around society.

I am happy to be classically Reformed, though. The confessional nature of the traditional Reformed movement does stay more faithful to the Scriptures and is not letting culture dictate its approach to missions.

Good approach here. It is always a pleasure hearing from the views of a Confessional Lutheran such as you, Dr. Cooper.

God bless you!


I definitely agree with your assessment. I was deeply influenced by the New Calvinism and its what I needed at the time but it isn't substantial, hostoric, or catholic enough to deal with the cultural moment. I have been on a trajectory into the Anglican communion. I haven't made the full transition yet but am in the process. I am connected to several people in thr Davenant Institute world as well and have benefitted from the Davenant Hall courses they offer. I absolutely agree that the liturgical traditions are the way of the future. I have greatly appreciated your work. I would love to see you engage more with John Davenant and Moises Amyraut's theology as it seems closer to your Lutheran views in many respects. I am eager to explore more of early reformed covenant theology as well as patristics. I'm most fond of your explication of patristic theology and defending classical Protestantism. Thank you for all you are doing. I am not Lutheran but I sense the deep congruence between Lutherans and Anglicans and even various parts of the historic reformed tradition. God bless you brother.
On a side note I grew up in Central IL so next time I am back home I may need to look your church up.


Bless God! I pray you Re right about the shift to classical theology and practice. I am also happy to see Baptist authors returning to the classics as well. The first Baptist I encountered who also did so was Dr. Norman Geisler.


New Calvinism was a blessing for me in that it provided a bridge to Confessional Christianity (and eventually back to Lutheranism), but it caused many people to despair of any assurance, and pushed a systemic grid over the Scripture that was not content with mystery, and elevated man’s reasoning over the Word.

So what have we seen? Where have the New Calvinists gone? Anecdotally, I’d say that is where I’ve seen folks go:

-Vaguely Calvinistic, but moving towards more
liberal denominations or groups over women’s/political issues

-Headed toward leaving the faith altogether and apostasy (several musicians and pastors come to mind here)

-Joining one of several parallel-but-related movements, some towards Theonomy (which has seen a resurgence), other towards a Neonomianism, other keeping the Reformed title l, but embracing frat boy antinomianism

-Joining a historically confessional Presbyterian, 1689 Baptist, or Dutch Reformed congregation

-Returning or moving towards the historical, liturgical church (including taking the Wittenberg Trail back to the Lutheranism of my youth, as I did)

It’s important to realize the good and the bad that came with New Calvinism. It led to me seriously studying the Bible again and disdaining moralism and entertainment-driven movements, but inwardly I despaired over assurance and wrestling with a system that tried to deny what the Bible clearly said about the Sacraments and the love of God. We will see others coming out of this background, and I pray they will find the comfort of Christ For You we have in confessional, liturgical Lutheranism.


Seems to be accurate. I was a hardcore Calvinist. I'm still Calvinist leaning but I spent a lot of time searching and searching and came out on the other side almost Catholic, almost Orthodox and almost Lutheran...but ultimately men like J.I. Packer and C.S. Lewis brought me to Anglicanism.


New Calvinism attracted trend following Christians. Where are they now? Follow the trends in pop Christianity and find out.


The New Calvinism was never really Calvinism. It was a hodgepodge of the five points (ish), emergent novelty, charismaticism, and rejection of creeds and confessions. It was good for its time but ultimately you have to outgrow it (read: grow up).


Funny, but I never heard of the Young, Restless, and Reformed movement until about three or four years ago. Never met anyone whom I knew was part of the movement. Perhaps because I'm from an older generation.


I would have liked a tiny intro to what you understand new Calvinism to be, same for trad movement.


You described my entire religious journey lol. Grew up with 80s and 90s moralism, religious right junk. New Calvinism in the 2000s and by Gods grace now a confessional Lutheran and haven’t looked back. I’m home. Consumer Christianity doesn’t play anymore in our culture.


You have not defined what New Calvinism is, so it is hard to agree or disagree with what you said— more to the point, it is hard to see whether the decline of New Calvinism (whatever that is) is a good or bad thing.


Could you really call them Calvinist? Would you call a pastor and his congregation Lutheran if they held Zwingli’s view on the lords supper ? Perhaps if they didn’t hold to Lutheran doctrine on baptism or only liked 5 of the 28 articles of the Augsburg Confession .


Growing up immersed in all that, I quite literally thought the New Calvinist interpretation of scripture and Christianity was the obvious Christian default and that Arminians, Catholics, etc. were just people who didn't know better lol.


I am Reformed and I approve this message.


Are there any plans to make The Great Divide and audiobook?


Do you have any resources assessing the question about Irenaeus's anthropology/theodicy that wasn't answered in the live stream?


New Calvinism is antinomian and not Reformed rejecting the regulative principle of worship, the 4th commandment and historic Puritan theology.
