A Warning about Calvinism

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Some people say I'm obsessed with Calvinism. No. I am obsessed with the truth. I'm obsessed with Christ. Most of what is called Calvinism, (or "Reformed theology), is a Satanic lie. TULIP is destructive. I have been confronted by many Calvinists who are passionate believers of this man-made doctrine. A gross mishandling of scripture. It teaches a works-based salvation. Perfect for Pharisees. Calvinism has only been around for 450 years or so. How did we ever get along for 1,500 years before Calvin showed up to enlighten us? Sorry for my sarcasm. I know there are many Calvinists who are great people. True believers. My criticism goes for the HYPER-Calvinist. Those that believe man has no free will. God controls his creation like a celestial puppet-master. Man can't have faith (believe) unless God makes him. Christ only died for the elect that God pre-selected. And we must bear fruit to show evidence we are saved or we are false converts. In short I reject TULIP utterly.

Also please note: The Calvinist idea that REGENERATION PRECEDES FAITH is not taught in the Bible anywhere!

If people are "elected" from eternity past, why aren't they simply born saved? Why the charade of having to "believe", "profess belief", "make Jesus Lord", etc. If these people are already saved, according to Calvinists, why bother? Conversely people would be born doomed to Hell as well. Bottom line: It doesn't make a shred of sense.

Here are some scriptures custom chosen for my Calvinist friends.
Romans 5:15 “But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!”

1 Peter 2:1 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign LORD who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves.”

1 Timothy 4:10 “That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.”

Ezekiel 18:31 “For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord, repent and live!”

1 John 2:2 “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”

Jonah 3:10 "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not."

Please note. Don’t waste your time telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about. Or that I’m intentionally misrepresenting Calvinism!!

It’s a low-down thing to say I am “intentionally misrepresenting” Calvinism. One might claim that I am misrepresenting Calvinism. Okay. That would imply error on my part. Fine. But to allege that I am INTENTIONALLY misrepresenting it, implies I am a willful deceiver. And by extension, evil. Make no mistake! I have done my homework, friends!

I have researched Calvinism for years, had Calvinist friends, attended Calvinist churches, read Calvinist literature, watched/listened to literally hours and hours of sermons, for years, by Calvinist preachers such as MacArthur, Washer, Sproul, Baucham (who I was a big fan of, by the way), and Justin Peters… Trust me, I know them. Know their point of view. And have come to despise the so-called Calvinist doctrine as one of the most subtle and dangerous deceptions Satan has ever used to bewitched the minds of Christendom. Add to that my HUNDREDS of debates all across the comment section for this video (and several others), with hundreds of deceived people. As well as hundreds of people (many former Calvinists) who have told me I am spot on and correct. I'm no expert. But trust me, I know what I am talking about. It is a labor of love friends!

By the grace of God, I got out that way of thinking. I pray others can get out too. And to that end I will do my best to run this deception out of God’s church one person at a time!! God be praised for his patience and grace!

Romans 5:18: "Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life." If the Calvinists want to teach limited atonement, then they need to teach limited condemnation too. This verse says ALL to both. ALL. ALL. How clear.

For more info, watch this:

Also check this out. It's a 14 part series about the Dangers of Calvinism:
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You misunderstand calvinism. Read the Cannons of Dort if you really wish to understand what "Calvinism" is.


I'll just be over here reading Ephesians 1...


‭‭John‬ ‭6:44‬
No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him [giving him the desire to come to Me]; and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day.


A spiritually dead person cannot pursue righteousness. "Making the decision to follow Christ" is to pursue righteousness.
Please resolve this dilemma.


Thank you for using Scripture to back your claim rather than a poorly constructed cartoon.


Limited attonement does not limit anything about God's Grace and is Biblically required if you believe anyone is going to hell. If people are going to hell, then either Jesus' sacrifice was not enough to save everyone (which is an extremely heretical view) or it IS enough to save everyone, but God DOESN'T save everyone.
The "elect" is a term used in the Bible. At the very least, you can't claim that God doesn't already know all who will be saved and those people are referred to as the "elect." We believe that you are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ, ALL those who put their trust in Christ WILL be saved. Calvanists (such as myself) believe we are so dead in our sin we are not capable of choosing Jesus (even if that option is there) unless the Holy Spirit first influences us to do so. That is what we refer to as "predestination." Not than man has no choice, but that man will not make the right choice unless God the Holy Spirit influences him to make it.
All morality is is entirely subjective unless there is a supernatural origin to it. The Bible is that source of morality. To claim that "free will" is moral necessity or moral good, you MUST establish a Biblical precedent for both. While it is certainly true that the idea of what we refer to as "predestination" is abrasive to modern culture, if the Bible DOES affirm its truth, it doesn't matter what modern culture thinks.

It is certainly a question that we are often confused by as to how a loving God can choose to bring only some to Himself when He could choose all. We know that, we don't understand it in the least, I am often infuriated by it, but we also believe in a God that is beyond this world. A God whose will and reasoning is entirely incomprehensible to us. I certainly consider it a miracle that I ever came to Christ and to try and tell me it was not God's hand that brought me to Him... Well, I certainly don't believe it was my own strength or goodness that put me there.

I dont know why youtube keeps recommending me these "warnings about Calvanism" videos. Maybe because I keep clicking on them... I like listening to opposing views.


God clearly knows past present and future and knows the outcome of our choices. This is not so hard to understand, nor does it nullify our free will to accept Jesus or to reject him. Does this mean I'm a Calvinist?


Demonstrably false. Limited atonement is well understood Biblical truth as soon as the priesthood is understood.

Leviticus 16 demonstrates in the law of atonement that the operations of the high priest (sacrifice and intercession) are coextensive and inseparable (Leviticus 16:11-15, Cf. Romans 8:34). The lamb enters the holy of holies through sacrifice, and it is with his blood that the high priest makes intercession for all of those for whom the sacrifice was made, and that intercession is efficacious to the purpose for which it was designed. It is unthinkable that the high priest would make a sacrifice, and yet fail to intercede on behalf of those for whom the sacrifice was made.

According to God’s law, the offering is taken from among the people for whom the atonement is to be made (Leviticus 16:5, 15); this is a picture of Christ who is both the sacrifice and the high priest. According to Leviticus 16:6-10, the priest was required first to offer up a sacrifice to sanctify himself (Cf. John 17:1-2), only then could he do so for the people; as the writer of Hebrews declares, “this He did once for all when He offered up Himself” (Hebrews 7:26-28), and as Jesus Himself declared, “For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth” (John 17:19). So who is the “they?”

When the sacrifice was killed, the high priest would intercede for the people by burning incense inside the veil of the holy place (Cf. Psalm 141:2, Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4) and sprinkling the blood onto the east side of the mercy seat, and in front of the mercy seat for the people for whom the sacrifice was made. Without this intercession - without incense and the sprinkling of blood - there is no atonement, only death, for no one may approach the Lord unless the high priest has both sacrificed and made intercession for him (Leviticus 16:1-2).

Jesus is the faithful high priest (Hebrews 2:17) who does not fail to intercede on behalf of all of those for whom the sacrifice was made (Hebrews 7:25, 9:24, Romans 8:34), both present and future believers (John 17:20) from both Jews and Gentiles (Cf. John 10:16). This intercession is for many things, but chief among them is “that to all whom You (the Father) have given Him (the Son), He may give eternal life” (John 17:2).

Because Jesus explicitly states in John 17:9 that He does not intercede on behalf of the world (to give eternal life to them, John 17:2), but only for those given to Him by the Father out of the world (John 6:37, 44, 17:9, 20, 23), and because the operations of the high priest (sacrifice and intercession) are coextensive and inseparable, we therefore know that the atonement was made only for a specific people, “the people, ” and it is for “their sakes” alone the He intercedes that they may have eternal life.

Because Christ’s intercession was limited in its extent, so too was the atonement.

If the atonement were universal, and yet Jesus failed to intercede on behalf of anyone for whom it was made, then in no way could Jesus be regarded as a faithful high priest. Without incense and the sprinkling of blood, there is no atonement, only death, for no one may approach the Lord unless the High Priest has both sacrificed and made intercession for him (Hebrews 10:19-23, Cf. 1 Timothy 2:5). This is why the wicked have no right to covenant with God (Psalm 50:16), for there has been no atonement made for them.

Observe 1 Samuel 3:13-14 where we see that "the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever;” so here we have an explicit text that demonstrates a limited atonement. Unless Jesus can disobey the Father, unless Jesus is an unfaithful high priest, it is impossible that Jesus bore the sins of absolutely everyone without exception.


Who are you oh man to answer back to God?


So you believe in a all powerful fully sovereign God who does not know the future? Does not know who will come to salvation? He has a fingers crossed and is just hoping people will leave their sin and follow him? Acts 9 and the salvation story of Paul does not square with that thinking. Gods choosing of the Jewish people based on nothing they did does not line with this thinking.


This is like saying the author of a suspense novel doesn't control who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.


As a lost soul, pendulating between atheism and Christianity, I am starting to believe that I am predestined for damnation since I believe in the teachings of Christ, and I like them... but deep in my heart I have another identity and no matter how hard I try to be born a new man, I am still the same old... pretending and lying to myself.


I can see the argument but I think that your are wrong in your assessment that a Calvinist must always develop a fatalistic mindset. Also, your argument to me doesn't hold water unless you can show me how Calvinism is wrong through scripture, not only showing me the scriptures that you think disprove Calvinism but also showing me why texts like Romans 9 are not Calvinistic.


I came across this video while searching errors in Calvinism. Gald to have found your channel and I've just subscribed.


Anything Calvinistic? Most of it is true. Like blessed assurance.
Assurance of salvation is one of the foundational aspects of what Christ came to teach.


I am not a Calvinist but you should try to see the irony in your title.


You only truly understand God’s love when you understand God’s election


Hey man, not here to be rude but I would suggest you pray and do a lot of studying before speaking on this any more. I’m not saying every Reformed doctrine is spot on. Just saying that you clearly have some deep theological errors that put you at odds with the beliefs of the majority of Christians throughout church history. For starters, you don’t seem to be aware of the modern philosophical concepts you are assuming as you read scripture. The idea that God’s sovereignty and our freewill operate on the same level of reality means that God can’t do anything without violating our freewill. Traditionally it was understood that God acts at a more fundamental level than we do since He isn’t some mere agent acting within the universe. It should be no wonder that modern philosophy led to deism and then to atheism.


Short and very good video against Calvinism false doctrine,
thank you dear brother made this video 😊👍🙏


Calvinism should never have been an "-ism". It is a fundamental part of almost all true doctrine. Arminius made it "a thing", not Calvin.
