When Calvinism Goes Bad (Part 1) - Tim Conway

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Show me the reformed churches that are leading the charge in world missions. Now, there are some, but are they in the majority or minority? God has given us means by which to see the lost converted, and we must flee from any form of hyper-Calvinism which will squelch our zeal for missions.

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Pastor Tim is one of the three godly men I grew up listening to often as a young believer. I thank GOD for the wisdom He gave Pastor Tim. I've heard MacArthur and other "Calvinists" (without knowing they were Calvinists or what Calvinism was as that time as I came out of Catholicism), but never understood nor agreed with them. Years later and by the grace of GOD, I continue to bear good fruit, and I still could never agree with Calvinism. The more I obey my bible, the more I could sense the spirit of arrogance among Calvinists.


Show me the reformed churches that are leading the charge in world missions. Now, there are some, but are they in the majority or minority? God has given us means by which to see the lost converted, and we must flee from any form of hyper-Calvinism which will squelch our zeal for missions.


I appreciate pastor Tim’s teaching on certain things but I cannot affirm that Calvinism is found in the Bible and that is it’s origin.


The point of sharing the Gospel even though the Father has elected is, for one, because the Lord desires it. Another right off my thoughts is because we would not pray otherwise if He didn't tell us how to evangelize. He desires communion in saving souls, friendship with Him and Lordship under Him. These are a few reasons and Pastor Tim is correct on all points I believe. It is really not difficult at all to rationally realize in light of Scripture.


A "bee in the bonnet" is a thought or impulse that just keeps buzzing about in the head. An obsession.


The reason Calvinist churches don't evangelize is because they buy into pre-destination. Essentially, if pre-destination is as Calvinism defines it, then there is no point to any of the warnings to believers in the New testament. In fact, if anyone is saved unconditionally, there isn't any reason to preach or read the bible. Unconditional Election and Limited Atonement cannot be true if "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, NOT wishing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should reach repentance." 2 Peter 3:9. How about Jesus saying "Some believe for a while"? (Luke 8:13)


Let's really be honest. This is false teaching. I pray for you. Pastor and for those you are teaching. Read your word of god Don't get your doctrine from men, but the word of God. Pastor you are Teaching what you were taught. By men And calvinism has become you're gospel


Eph 1:13 completely destroys Calvinism. The TULIP is NOT affirmed in the Bible. The canons of Dort are man made rules.
