⚖️ 6 Habits That’ll Quickly Make You Fat & Cause Weight Gain - by Dr Sam Robbins

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⚖️ 6 Habits That’ll Quickly Make You Fat & Cause Weight Gain
There are lots of things you can do to lose weight. However, if you keep doing the WRONG things that make you fat, it makes the whole process so much harder.

You don’t want to “sabotage” your weight loss efforts, by unknowingly making the following 6, daily habits that’ll quickly make you fat.

So let’s save you time and effort, help speed up the weight loss process and more importantly, keep the fat off long-term!

1 - Eating While Distracted

Eating while watching TV is probably the #1 cause of eating excessive calories.

In fact, research by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that distractions results in a person eating 50 percent more calories.

Let's face it, when you're eating and watching TV or on your laptop or something else distracting, you're not pay attention to what you're eating. You're focused on the show, so you just keep eating, snacking and drinking.

You're not "mindful"...

So watch TV without any snacks or foods, unless it's vegetables with NO dressing.

2 - Eating Too Quickly

Most of us are in a rush and we're not chewing your foods properly. This causes stomach problems, gas, bloat, acid reflux and weight gain.

And one of the reasons you gain weight is because 20 minutes of eating, typically signals your brain that you're full. When you eat slowly, you'll eat LESS food during that time…. Because your brain shuts off your appetite.

3 - Drinking Your Calories

Drinking your calories is a big problem because it only takes a couple of minutes to have juice, soda, a "shake" or any other liquid that's loaded with lots of calories.

Eating real food causes a "thermogenic" effects, thus increasing your body temperature and metabolism.

Also, "drinks" are typically loaded with lots of sugars, which spike up your insulin levels and increase belly fat.

4 - Not Moving Enough

Your body is made to move. Yet, most people just sit all day -- you're sitting at work, in your car, behind the computer, while eating and so forth.

You need to exercise or "move" daily. Simply taking a brisk, 20-30 minute walk daily will increase your metabolism because it improves your hormones and reduces cravings.

5 - Not Eating Often Enough

Most people skip breakfast, which isn't a good idea. But the bigger problem is that most people skip lots of meals and then when they do sit down to finally eat, they are so hungry that they'll eat anything and make poor eating decisions.

By eating more often, you'll have more energy, better blood sugar levels and less cravings and hunger.

Also, the more often you eat, the faster your metabolism because your body has to "turn on" to digest all the food.

Thus, eat smaller meals, more often. This can be 3 regular meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus 2 smaller "snack" meals.

You can eat the same calories, but spread it over 5 smaller meals and you'll lose fat and feel better too.

6 - Not Drinking Enough Water

Most people don't drink enough water and thus, are walking around dehydrated. To make it worse, most people are loaded on caffeine products -- coffee, "energy drinks", tea and so forth.

When you're dehydrated, your more tired and fatigued. This causes you to move less and burn less calories.

Drinking water, especially cold water, causes a thermogenic effect, similar to eating more meals.

Drinking water, especially before a meal, also reduces hunger pains and cravings.

It also prevents you from drinking OTHER "caloric" liquids.

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Рекомендации по теме

My friend did all of these

But she still thin like a branch....


I do all of the habits but I'm still skinny af..


I really appreciate new helpful and fascinating methods to lose fat as well as prevent gain too much weight. Thank you Dr. Sam Robbins


you are 100% absolutely correct I have been doing this for years now and I have been holdin my same weight my goal weight Yes! 💪


Here are the reasons why people gain weight
1- eating dead food. Any leftovers, anything in a can, package or pre-cooked.
2- feeding the wrong bacteria in the intestines. Low fiber and high sugar content = weight gain. So, please eat more real fiber from real food and avoid processed food like corn syrup, white sugar and soda.
3- eating diet food. When you eat something that sends the message to your brain that tastes sweet, your body immediately starts making insulin, but the real sugar molecules never get to the blood stream. You might be fooling your sugar intake but you can't fool your brain. You re far better off eating real sugar. REAL means, natural sugars that coexist along with minerals and vitamins.
4- mindset, people who live for eating are always thinking about the next meal or numb themselves with


thank you, you helped me to gain weight


thanks, I can finally gain some weight


Thank you Dr. Your videos help me and my family


I want to gain my weight so i'll do these habits to become a fatty guy


thank you for sharing this precious informations !!!


Thanks, I'll definitely follow instructions


Good video. And thanks! I will remember all these!


What did you meant when you said "shake" of any kind?


U r d best i means u r simply awesome..


Rob that is exactly what I was going to ask! Im hearing this more and more.


What about doctor's who push intermittent fasting and only eating one meal a day for weight loss?


Here's a theory I've had for a long time. A lot of new homes are designed with a tv viewing/family area directly next to the kitchen. By having these 2 highly utilised areas next to each other you are subconsciously aware of foods that are readily available and most likely not healthy.


love your videos, its amazing how many dont understand how important drinking at least 2 litres of water everyday is


Excellent, Thank You Sir.
Lots of love ❤️


Thank you, Dr. Sam. Very helpful and informative video.
