What Do Women Actually Want From Men? - World’s #1 Female Dating Coach Matthew Hussey

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Matthew Hussey and Chris Williamson discuss what Women actually want out of a Man in the dating market. What are the most prominent complaints women have about men according to Matthew Hussey? What are Matthew Hussey’s key levers to transforming your dating life? What can men and women do to separate themselves from other prospects in the dating pool?

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This guy doesn't get the average man. While the average man has a lot of work to do ie, build up his finances, get into better shape, develop better social skills; the average man is not out there pining for the top 1% of women. He's just wanting someone who he is attacted to and is wholesome who he can build a life with.


There is something about this guest's advice that doesn't quite sit right. Generally, guys are not competing for the top 1% of women. Men are far less selective than women when it comes to dating. Also, when he spoke about "the indecisiveness of men and the inability to actually commit" as being the biggest problem women face in modern dating - I wonder if this dating coach informs the women he coaches that the reason why "men" may be reluctant to commit is because the vast majority of women are competing for, and talking to, the same small number of men at the top of the hierarchy, in terms of looks and socio-economic status etc. Women are ultimately free to have whatever criteria they like, however if a person's criteria is so narrow that they will only settle for someone in the top 10% (in terms of looks, finances etc) they will face a massive trade-off: many other women will vie for the attention of that same guy, and that guy may therefore be more inclined to capitalise on the opportunities available to him.

If I was coaching women, I would try to raise their awareness that there is a large cohort of men that are effectively invisible to them on dating apps, and that they may be likelier to find a meaningful relationship with a man if they open themselves to the possibility that there may be a decent person in this invisible cohort.


“Men don’t commit”
“Men don’t choose well”
“Men are entitled”
It’s ALWAYS the men’s shortcoming, men’s fault or the men’s responsibility. God forbid women be held to the same standard like they’re grown adults too.


'Income doesn't matter' - says the dating coach who charges $10, 000 an hour for one-on-one sessions.


Of course they don’t want commitment, They’re the top 5-10% and have all the women they want. Women prefer to be just another one of these guys than really having a commitment


Billionaire, vampire, superhero, doctor, that can read minds.


this guy is smart hes milking single women by telling them its not there fault


"A lot of debate at the macro level" is gold. Micro and individual responsibility to get our act together is by far a more valuable focus AND not easy to do!


Women pick men that aren't looking for marriage ... and then complain the man won't commit ... they think they can change the man's mind .... DOESN"T WORK ... women need to pick the guys who are serious and AT THEIR LEVEL


Yeah... I don't think so. When I reflect on the women who had a shot at being wifed up with me, it wasn't a lack of commitment that ended the opportunity. It was some other fatal defect in _their_ behavior that did it. The most recent one, who complained about wanting to get married all the time (for years), just could not stop lying to me about money. Like literally hiding credit card statements behind my back and then getting offended when I found out. I can't build a life with someone like that... 🙄

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that I must have terrible taste in women so it's ultimately all my fault. But, at no point was "commitment" ever the issue with any of them.


I think the truth of the situation is, a guy who's not committing it's probably a 6 dating a 5. Close enough where it's easy for the 5 to feel cheated, but enough of a difference where the 6 has the suspicion that maybe they can do better.

I saw this directly in my brother. He had no problem getting girlfriends and it's clear the girls wanted it to be permanent. But when he aggressively moved to make it permanent I wasn't surprised by the girl he picked.

I have to add, men have a similar effect. All things being equal a man would rather approach a 6 than a five if he's a five. Though in a man's case it's not uncommon for him to get shot down by a 5 also.


I have never heard a guy says he wants top 1% of the women... It's an antievolutionary statement, guys are polygamous - they want more, and girls are into hypergamy - they want the best. I don't think he should call himself a coach.


men are not indecisive when they are sure about the women they are with, a man saying he is not ready really means your not his ideal women, but he likes you but isn't sure he can get something better so decision paralysis sets in, when a man finds the women he truly wants he knows she is the one he wants to marry from the day he meet her,


The women who can't get commitment needs to reassess their market value and also the market value of the men she wants commitment from. I understand we as humans cannot negotiate with attraction but our dating life operates in a free market that is designed to be efficient.


It's tricky when men and women have different dating strategies, and they go against each other. Men want s3x asap because without going for it, the girl will friendzone u or not take u seriously as a potential romantic partner. For most women, they want commitment, and if they give it up too quickly, then they can't screen out the guys who will use them and leave.


It's always criticism for men, and no criticism for women


Matthew is great at pandering to woman with his great looks and talking like he understands what all men think when he in the top 1%, he should go back to talking to the woman and not us lol


The "men don't commit" because the men they want to commit have many options. Or as my grandma used to say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the sex for free".


Once a woman knows a man commits to her and dont have a better or equal choice, it's the time when the woman wont respect her man. It's just in subconscience.


"The guy I think I'm entitled to" won't commit

"The guy I think I'm entitled to" doesn't want to settle down

"The guy I think I'm entitled to" is stringing me along

There, I fixed it for you
