Can You Cure Type 2 Diabetes with Diet?? [Diabetes Reversal Explained] 2024

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If you can reverse type 2 diabetes by eating a delicious, nutritious diet then why would you want to take pills and shots?? This way of eating saves time and money and mimics the way our ancestors ate long ago. You will be glad you tried this for 90 days. You can cure type 2 diabetes with diet, just follow these simple steps.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee, USA for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
Consult your doctor. Don't use this video as medical advice. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Went from A1C of 12.5 down to 5.0 and stayed here over 2 years so far. NO grains, no sugars (includes all fruits except avocados, lemons, raspberries, blackberries), no "vegetable"/seed oils at all. One meal/day. Lost 105 lbs. in the first year. I'm a 66 yo female on O2 - not some young sport!


Almost 2 years ago when my fasting blood sugar hit about 135 and my A1C hit 6.4, My doctor simply handed me a prescription for metformin. I decided I did not want to take another prescription drug and went on the keto diet. About 90 days later my A1C had dropped to 4.6 and my doctor's jaw dropped with it. He was especially surprised when I told him I never took his metformin. I also lost 45 pounds and have kept almost all of that off by just eating a low carb diet.


I love that you and Neisha are not pushing products and programs and charging $$$$ you just give education and correct information! The best!


My husband recently had a mini stroke while having uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. He has not been compliant with diet and been on no meds for 3 years.
The dietitian came to see him in hospital and told him to do all the exact opposite things he should do and eat. It was incredibly frustrating, when she left the room I told him you will do the exact opposite of what she just said . Disregard it all .
We went to PCP visit after stroke and I talked briefly to nurse and was saying he was going to reverse this through diet and she immediately said “ oh this can’t be reversed “. This is what people are up against in our “ heath system “. These people are either willfully ignorant or corrupted by big Pharma .
The doctor himself just reorganized his list of 9 meds that had been started in hospital …. NOT ONE WORD about diet was ever mentioned. I was stunned .

Meds are all they care about. Thank God for doctors like Dr Berry and the others out there trying to fight this fight.
Thank you !


I took my A1C from 13.8 to 4.6 in 10 months by following the proper human diet! Thanks Doctor Berry ! You have saved my life!


I have stopped eating highly processed food, eliminated added sugars of all types, and limit my carbs to 25 gram per day. I declined weight loss surgery and semaglutide. I eat two meals a day. I walk four days a week. My diet includes fatty fish, eggs, grass fed beef, cruciferous veggies, cheese, berries, pecans, macadamias, flaxseed, chia, and yogurt. I’ve lost 90 pounds over the past two years and reduced my HbA1c from 6.3 to 5.1. My cholesterol is 149, triglycerides of 43, normal liver enzymes, normal blood pressure, low normal fasting insulin and glucose. I made this change in my 60s. If I can do it, anyone can.


IMHO-you are never too old to reverse diabetes! I had pre-diabetes for 22 years & doing everything I knew to do to fight against flipping to full T2, following Endocrinologist’s protocol! But that only put me up into full-blown diabetes in ‘18. He railed against me even trying low-carb/keto. Wanted to put me on Meformen/Byetta/Januvia,
I got angry, went home, went through cupboards and frig, went cold turkey-@ age 79 on 7/1/2018.
This not only reversed my T2 w/in weeks, but in six months, I had lost 78 pounds, eating only fresh whole foods on KETO, A1c remains at 5.1. Went back to see the MD and he was shocked, wanted to know “what happened, are you OK? “I said check my labs! He did again& I told him I was so frustrated with “his way“that “I had decided to use common sense, and do it MY way & THIS is what “happened!” (It’s now 5 years later & I’m feeling & doing better than age 60!)


I saw a pre diabetic nurse today. My a1c is 6.5, and was told I am diabetic. Told that my keto diet had caused it, cut down on my fat, eat whole meal bread. I underwent meltdown. How does the NHS employ these people?


Husband was 7.2 A1c a year ago. Switched to low carb/keto and last A1c was 4.6. 😁. Off metformin and no longer in heart failure! Off all meds!

Should have also said he lost 60 pounds and now weighs 175! We stopped his statin and has a “new lease on life!” Thanks to Dr Berry er al


Yes! I discovered Dr. Berry when he was new here on YouTube. I had just been diagnosed with fatty liver and pre diabetes. Everything he said made sense so I followed. I lost 70# and I am thin, fit and living my best life. I mountain bike, I'm a ranger at America 's most beautiful National Park, competing against 30 year olds for my job every season. I shutter to think where my life would be if I hadn't grabbed this golden ring! At 64 I am on zero medications. Yesterday at a med check my blood pressure was 112/63. My resting heartrate is 52 bpm. Yes, you can cure yourself!!! Between now and dead, treat yourself to a healthy life! Thank you, so very much Dr. Berry.


Yep, i went from 12.6 A1c to 5.5 in three months sticking to 20 or less carbs a day. I've gone up and down over the last years, but it's all been good.


My dad was a severe type 2 diabetic for decades. He took insulin several times a day and a pill. After going low carb for less than a year, he is off all his meds. He can eat 20 carbs or less a day and go to bed not worrying about his sugar level anymore. He is off all meds now.


A1C went from 10.6 to 5.5 with Keto.
120 pound, easy weight loss with basically no exercise.


Man, I remember when you had almost no subscribers and now look at you. Nearly 3 million. I love it. If anyone deserves it, it's you.


In 2020, I was 22 stone (313 pounds), full of inflammation, had a fatty liver (and a huge belly to go with it), plus I was a pre-type 2 diabetic. Long story short, I started keto and fasting 19:5 (and I still am) and I lost 103 pounds and reversed ALL of the above issues. Today 12th January 2023, I received the results of my HBA1c blood test and here are my results - considering that my doctor thinks that I am at high risk for cholesterol and blood glucose:

HBA1c = 37 (Range <41)
Serum Albumin = 45 (Range 35.00 to 50.00)
Serum Total Protein = 70 (Range 60.00 to 80.00)
Serum Globulin = 25 (Range 19.00 to 35.00)
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 72 (Range 30.00 to 130.00)
Serum Total Bilirubin Level = 11 (Range <21.00)
Serum Alt Level = 11 (Range 0.00 to 41.00)
Plasma Gamma GT Level = 29 (Range <60.00)

Serum Total Cholesterol Level = 4.3 (Range <5.00)
Serum Triglycerides = 1.1 (Range <2.30)
Serum HDL Cholesterol Level = 1 (Range >1.00)
Serum LDL Cholesterol Level = 2.8 (Range <3.00)
Serum non HDL Cholesterol = 3.3

Based in the UK


I just wanted to make a slightly different point. We all want quick results and it is very hard to do something without any tangible results, like dropping pounds, developing definable muscles to looking healthy. You can make all these changes and not see results, and not see them for a long time, which may cause some people to get frustrated. I was on LCMPHF diet, 6 months before the scale changed, it has been very, very slow. I had a normal A1C, but felt that it should be more reflective of my actions. It took 5 years for the number to drop! Five years of doing something with no visible changes. A lot of people would just lose hope. If you are struggling, don't fixate on it (that is very hard, when in physical distress) just keep moving forward, it is okay to go slow and get it right or make adjustments on the way. The more your body responds, follow it even if it is at a turtles pace!


In 2001 was diagnosed t2d. I just took the tablets and got on with life. At the start of covid I started looking at improving my diabetes and started cutting down carbs. I got off meds in 3 months. I now do 19/5 and feel good. Thanks Dr Berry for all the help. Ireland 🇮🇪


Yes you can and I did. Lost 85 lbs. and A1C down from 10.6 to 4.7.


Yep! Reversed my type 2 and had it formally removed from my medical record last year! Been keto since 2017, and in undoubtedly saved my life!


Yes you can reverse Type II. Thanks to Dr Ken I am out of Type II. Carivore PHD🎉🎉. Dr Ken if you’re reading your comments I live in Michigan and you are plastered in front of all the registers in Meijer on the tabloid “Women’s World.” You are really making good progress! Congratulations 🎉🎉❤
