Fearful Avoidant Attachment | 5 Signs You Are Struggling With Self Trust

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Rebuilding Trust & Overcoming Jealousy in your Relationships

What are 5 signs that you are struggling with self trust?
In this video, Thais Gibson shares 5 important signs to show that you might be struggling with self trust as well as important steps to take to rebuild trust with yourself to thrive!


00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:40 - Sign #1: Second Guessing Decisions
00:01:50 - Sign #2: Places Others’ Opinions Ahead of Their Own
00:04:46 - Sign #3: Caring Too Much About What Others Think
00:06:06 - 7-Day Free Trial: Rebuilding Trust Course
00:06:27 - Sign #4: Invalidating Your Emotions and Experiences
00:07:17 - Lifetime Promo
00:07:47 - Sign #5: Out of Touch With Inner Context
00:09:27 - Summary
00:09:31 - 7-Day Free Trial: Rebuilding Trust Course


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I’m Thais Gibson, welcome to my channel, and thank you for stopping by!

This is a channel designed for you, to be used as a resource to create lasting transformation in your personal and professional life. Here you’ll receive an ongoing series of personal development and spiritual growth videos for you to expand your awareness and find resolution and deep understanding within.

Want to transform your life? If I did it, I know you can too!


#PersonalDevelopmentSchool #ThaisGibson #PDS #AttachmentStyles #SelfTrust #UnmetNeeds #CoreWounds

Рекомендации по теме

This is so good! I can attest to the accuracy. I've spent most of my career working according to external expectations instead of in accdance with my own needs due to a lack of individuation and self trust. Thanks to Thais' guidance, I began working on identifying my needs and building self trust. Now I'm showing up for myself in a whole new way, I'm aligning my work with my needs, and I am finally moving towards fulfilling my dreams. I'm excited for the future! I feel giddy just thinking about it. 😊


I love the example of 9 to 5 job vs having ur own business and how our decisions need to come from our authentic needs! Also loved the Bob example as always :)


😮‍💨💜 Really needed to hear the first part of this message today. Been crying and pissed off at myself for the last week over my "relationship" choices. 💔 Exhausted with myself and knowing better but still messing up. Tired. But trying to forgive myself


Ooyyyy that was convicting!
Checked every one of those boxes! Have some work to do!
Thais does such a great job helping people recognize themselves, gives the why, how and what to do about it!
Im in pds, do a few courses, get busy, and then check out a video, and it gets my attention, brings me back in.
This a great accountability exercise. So glad you do these, it has helped me in my life immensely, I can tell I have a ways to go. Appreciate all you do


Hyperreflexivity. One can learn to trust ones Intuitive features. You can stop negative self talk and not engage in distancing behaviors. You need to interact with others( av oidance side). But clinging to others w protest behaviors about how terrible life is pushes people away. Knowing this, you will know integration is the key, just like shadow work- I am polite but I do have the ability to be mean. At times when people trample boundaries constantly then your anger might be needed 1st in gentle modulated ways. Then if that doesn't work one may have to use a stronger approach of showing anger in a modulated way. I should say I am a psychotherapist so I believe that self regulation and self reflection is needed. And evaluating oneself and asking others how they see you can be used to form a secure attachment style. It is rigidity that causes people to be stuck in a style or personality that doesn't serve them. So when she talks of fearful avoidants ( there are degrees of fearful avoidants) the degree to which your anxious or avoidant. Being open to how you react is helpful to change. Being rigid makes you stuck in unhelpful ways of relating to others and yourself. Challenge the stories you tell yourself. Don't idealize others to much because you will find out they are not what you believe them to be. Put the energy on yourself; your stronger than you think. You will find you were correct about things in life.


I guess self trust is about trusting your own competency to the degree that you are able to start moving away from the almost childlike obsessive need to belong, and begin to develop a true sense of autonomy. Once this position is reached, it becomes possible to have an I'm your okay relationship rather than the I' m not okay, your okay relationship of the anxious - avoidant


This is 100% my problem still to this day at 47 years old. It sucks.


Wow whole video is on point. Especially the last point! I struggle with anxiety and often don’t know why I’m anxious. Thank you for this!


Great helpful content, as always!!
Would you make a video on explaining the difference between emotional dependency and codependency? They seem similar but have different ways to overcome them


Wow another amazing video, the trusting ourselves to be able to bounce back, solve for or handle if we did do something or made the wrong decision hits home, I made a mistake yesterday, and the younger me would been distort but I felt it and journaled it and let it go. I owned up to the mistake and was aware of it. There wasn't anything I could do to retrify it, so I let it go and am ok to be more aware for next time😊 thank you Thais grateful for you, love you❤


Thank you so much yesss every time I didn't make my own decisions I was disappointed in the end every time I moved by others opinions even if it didn't end up bad, I would have felt time has been wasted (one of my fears) but every time I made my own decisions even if it didn't have best result, I could have cope with the consequences more easily in the end and I wouldn't overthink on it
by the way Thais is fearing from " wasting of time " a FA thing ? I mean could it be a reason why FA have black and white thoughts ? do we want to get to the results as soon as possible to see if its good to invest feelings in relationship or not ? (I mean only in thoughts I know we end up staying in gray area)
