What If She Only Wants To Date Casually? - The Man Up Show, Ep. 225

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For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D. -- a uniquely qualified therapist, life coach, and former university professor -- has coached tens of thousands of people from over 87 countries to achieve happiness and success in their relationships, dating, psychology, and lifestyle. Dr. Tian has been featured in international media, as well as co-hosting a radio show on national radio and a weekly dating advice column in a national newspaper in Singapore.

The show, “Man Up: Masculinity for the Intelligent Man,” is David’s way of helping as many people as possible enjoy empowering and fulfilling lives, while contributing to the global understanding of masculinity in modern times. In the show, he takes your questions posed in the Man Up private Facebook group and answers based on his experience coaching tens of thousands of students around the world for over a decade."

Connect with David Tian here:


Boom! Stop. I’m David Tian, PhD. And in this video, I answer the question: What if she just wants to date casually? Welcome to Man Up Episode 225.

Masculinity for the Intelligent Man. I’m David Tian, PhD and this is Man Up!

Hey. I’m David Tian, PhD and welcome to Man Up Episode 225. For over the past 10 years, I’ve been helping hundreds of thousands of people in over 87 countries attain success, happiness, and fulfillment in life and love. I hadn’t shot a Man Up in quite a while. I’ve been busy with the podcast, so make sure you get on the podcast. We’re going to be releasing one ever week. I’ve also been filming a seminar series, and we’ve been building out a vlog. That should be coming up soon. So a lot going on, and then of course, building out and welcoming guys in Lifestyle Mastery, a course that’s conducted partly live. We just started the first batch of that.

Also closed out our longest running live course recently, and getting very busy with creating the content for the final event for that. Welcome back to Man Up. I’ve got a question here from the Man Up private Facebook group which you should join. Click the link. Join the group. This one comes from Tommy. Tommy wrote his entire two-screen question in one paragraph.

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I have a similar situation with a girl who liked me and actually admitted to have feelings for me but doesn't want a relationship.
We dated and texted non-stop for 2 months and our relationship got pretty deep and everything was perfect.
She changed in the blink of an eye and distanced herself cuz she was afraid of going any further, but said that I was special to her above any other guys who liked her.

She just can't get over her ex and says she doesnt need a man at all.
She's been in abusive relationships.
I tried to distance myself following some advice thinking that it would bring her back but she doesn't seems to care.
She only talks to me in a friendly way now when I talk to her, but seems uninterested.

Now, a month after that, she seems to be open to love again, cuz she posts stuff about relationship goals and I haven't talked to her about us, last thing she told me is that she's taking a while to get used to the idea of a general, not just me.

I haven't seen her in a month since she told me that she didn't want a relationship, we live 2 hours away from each other and only hung out on weekends because of our work and college schedules.

She's 24 and I'm 26.

I've already came to terms with it but it still hurts and I would definitely love to get her back cuz she's a great girl.


That's the best breakdown of false white knights I've seen!
