'THIS' Is How to Tell If She Wants You to Approach | 2 Types of Eye Contact Decoded & Explained 2020

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Video reveals the #1 Signs She's Flirting With You. This video breaks down the 2 key types of eye contact women give you that signal whether they like you and want to talk to you vs. they're wary of you and want you to stay way. Knowing the difference between these 2 types of eye contact could be the difference between a date and a drink in your face. ;-)

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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I wanna date Marni ….. lol ….. soooo sexy


I gazed a woman with softness.
My court hearing is on Monday for harassment.
I am destroyed.


My grandma always said ‘’if she give you her eyes, she’ll open up her thighs’’


"...understanding a foreign language." I speak 4 languages and can pick up languages very easily. That being said, girls and body language completely baffle me.


When I have caught a female looking at me, I smile with a shy smirk and look away. After a few more minutes, I’ll look back and if I catch her staring at me a second time. I go talk to her. One thing that I noticed is that the more a woman looks at you, the better chance you have at getting a date.


If you're a good looking guy, a REALLY good looking guy, you wont have to worry about these signals... They'll be coming SO OFTEN you'll think it's just normal female behavior.🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had all this kind of signals and when I felt confident and I talked to her in a polite way i noticed she wanted to walk away ...And Now I know some women just want to boost their ego..Greetings from Colombia 🇨🇴 South America..


What women say: I want to be approached.
What they mean: BUT NOT BY YOU!!!


I’m finally realizing that I’m a fit attractive single guy with a clean tight modest house, in a quiet neighborhood, in a beautiful state, my cars are paid off, I have almost zero debt, I’m 46 and retired. That said, my new favorite thing to do is to look away from women in general, but especially when I can see that they are trying really hard to get my attention, it’s so satisfying.


women: men need to be upfront and direct about what they want.
Also women: finding the most ambiguous, plausibly deniable, way to express their desires.


The general body-language of most women is nearly always cold and expressionless!!


One thing she didn't mention is that they raise their eyebrows alot. She even did it. Also during conversation (if you've made it that far and you are comfortable keeping eye contact) her pupils will dilate, meaning that's she's really interested in you.
Of course other signals need to be in play for all this to be true.


If she's that interested in me she will come talk to me if she dont who cares, if you are a busy man with shit to do you dont have the time to stop and try and decipher these two signs either she comes and talks to you or she loses out on a great guy because she was too busy trying to make you read her mind.


Thanks for confirming that a woman has never, ever flirted with me.


Marni never disappoints always on point


You really have to watch the signs that a woman is showing especially if she's been in abusive relationships. The woman that has my heart was in two consecutive, abusive relationships, with the last one being a true nightmare. She has a very hard time keeping eye contact with all men. She has gotten a lot better with me. I've built trust with her through my words, actions and character. She knows that I would never do anything to hurt her emotionally or physically. I know that she wants more than the friendship that we have right now, she does display many of the characteristics that you talk about to me. She has a couple of legal things to take care of first that include child custody. Once those hurdles have been passed I think that she will finally be ready for a relationship with me. It's been almost a year since we've met. I have taken things slow with her. I believe that she is worth the wait.


What does it mean when a woman stares at a guy when he's not looking at her and then when he looks her way she looks away quickly?


here you want the free advice.. I'm 21, I worked as a checkout operator and have looked into countless people's eyes.. I grew up as an observant introvert so I have extreme intuition when it comes to facial expression/body language and reading people. Confidence, Good looks get you through the door, LEARN TO SMILE WITH YOUR EYES and simply just look at the person between their eyes and phase out a little occasionally glancing between each eye it should be natural if you're a normal dude and not some depraved pr0n obsessed degenerate.


You definitely picked the right thumbnail picture for this video. I don't know what you were thinking at the instant you grabbed that thumbnail but it was a good pic to grab for the video. Your chin looks adorable all scrunched up like that.


Pay attention to her actions and behaviour. Also if a women calls you a creep for saying something you're just not the person she wants to hear
