4 Signs She Wants To Be More Than Friends.

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Here are the top 4 signs to focus on. I want to be clear here. You have to observe her behaviors and it might not be all of them but see how she acts around you in regards to these 4 signs.


#1 Becomes physical and compliments you. She finds ways to touch you and she will notice new things about you. Especially if you changed your wardrobe she will compliment and be able to notice these new things. She will also give you longer eye contact than normal.

#2 She asks a lot of questions about you. Meaning non-surface level questions about who you are as an individual. She will ask about your goals and your future. She will ask you about your values and your relationship with your family. Typically she will also talk about a relationship with you and she will want to see what you like to do in your free time and your idea of what you want in the future. When it comes to women we want to form an emotional connection with men. This is what drives our attraction sexually and mentally. So how can you make her feel?

#3 She starts doing things for you. She starts doing little things for you to take some stress or things off your plate. So she will try to help you with things that she can contribute to just as much as you should do. She will help you with things that are goals in your life. She will be your cheerleader. This is called acts of service.

#4 She compliments you. She will notice new things that you changed and will complement the way you are naturally when you show up in life. A woman that is an extrovert finds it easy to compliment men but a woman that is introverted will be a little less open about this. She wants you to know she's interested.

When a woman compliments you never reject it own the compliment and say thank you. I see so many men rejecting compliments and this deflects confidence away from you. It shows slight insecurities. So when someone gives you a compliment just simply say thank you and smile. :)



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Apollonia Ponti

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Informative video and stunning as always you have a inner light that shows when you talk dating wisdom. loved all four tips and details, being I'm introverted male have never dated or had a relationship Sometimes signs of attraction has went over my Head.


She took her dress off in front of me and just stood there smiling...I had no idea if she wanted to be more than just friends :)


She wants to be more than a friend.
1 she becomes physical.- she compliments you.
2 she asks a lot of questions about you.
3 she starts doing things for you- she might call, ask for lunch, coffee etc.
4 she compliments you.


If she's trying to help she still might just be being a good friend. Friends help each other.


I think #3 is the best one because she's taking her time and investing in you.


Many coaches stress avoiding questions about past relationships, but if she starts talking about it, I enjoy listening to those experiences.


You are so informative Appolonia. Yeah, I agree that women love to offer acts of service once they begin falling tor you.
She may even begin commenting on a shoe that may look good on you or a certain suit that fits your physique, thus showing that she already understands you and what's best for you.


Your channel is super underrated. You give some of the best advice and insight I’ve ever heard. Keep it up


Damn, like I swear. I've been following you since last month.. This psychological stuff is the key to unlock the door into her heart and get past her traps and eventually finding the prize at the end of the maze.


She did all of those signs. Still rejected me


Unfortunately, in my experience, the women I've encountered felt they should be the focus on my life rather than an addition to it. It's becoming more difficult to find women that can stand on their own let alone one that shares your values and interests.


i think this is the first time i'm got onto your page and i think i'm looking because of a situation i have at work where the girl ( and i'm krazy for her ) compliments me like to day she said " you're killin it with the outfit i was wearing ". not the first time for that kind of compliment - she and i have been going back and forth like this for months - I keep putting myself "On Hold" because i want to make sure my "Intentions" or "Intention" is how it should be. I've been single for quite a while because i made the decision to stop picking the wrong women till i figure out what i was doing wrong. i've put myself in check with this woman so many times it came to the point i said to myself ( for the first time ever about anyone ) " i unconditionally love her " - and then i put that on hold - since i see her at work regularly we bump into each other and then i'm right back to being krazy about her.... i'm all vulnerable because i can't hide my damn feelings which means almost everyone at work sees what's going on . She's not the kind of woman who would ever say first though that she's interested she's way too smart for that at least i'm pretty sure about that. I think i accidentally and insensitively hurt her feelings once because she was gone for a month thought i'd never see her ever again. I was freeking LOOSING IT mope'n around the whole month people asked me "what's wrong are you ok". Yeah i can deal - but she showed up unexpectedly one day just dropping in and came back to see me and i was just OMFG - i was so in the moment krazy to see her i couldn't help and the only words out of my mouth were " i missed you" ....then she had to go so right back again thought i'd never see her again----. then the next day she showed up to work and i was so excited/happy/thrilled to see her show up i had to just put myself on hold completely - was the only way i get a grip on myself - so of course she comes almost running out to the yard where i work and said in the most beautiful tone of voice i've heard from her " how are you doing " and i was practically non reactive because of my state of mind and needed to have some kind of control of myself - all i said was i'm doing pretty good and didn't make a connection like i wished i had .... I think she was so excited because she took me saying the day before " i missed you " as me saying lets heat things up ..( but i can't be sure and don't want to assume anything )... Anyway she walked away and a few minutes i saw her and she was a little depressed which i've never seen her because she's always so full of joy ( what i love about her Lonng story short here - watching your video here - i already realize i care for this girl more than i've ever cared for anyone in my life - i'm telling ya ( i gota get a grip on myself ) but when you say women like to know what a guys thinking and or women look for how a guy makes them "Feel" - i felt like maybe next time i see her oor at the next opportune appropriate moment i should just tell her " i've never cared for anyone like i care for her " it's so not the same as just saying " OH i LOVE YOU" which can sound like BS - but today i couldn't help myself and i walked up to her and said " your amazing " --- she was very receptve about that asked me why i thought so LOL - anyway i just told her " you just are ".. i've been trying to figure out how to break this ice with her and stick my neck out without feeling like a fool in the process or some lame ass and think if i tell her i've never cared about anyone as much it's a fairly neutral approach anyway thnx for your vid has helped me think through this a bit it's weird - i've put myself in check so many times with her i crossed the road that i like her so much for who she is that how i feel is UNConditional - and that's a damn first for me i feel so out in unfamiliar territory with her i'm just KRAZY - anyway - thnx again


I always wait till Apollonia says "You.. are always.. loved" before going to her next video. It makes me smile every time! You are AWESOME Apollonia!


Hi good morning love watching your videos


She does all of it. Keeps coming around etc.
Still wants to stay friends.
I must be really deep inside the friendzone 😅


This Is A Great Video!!! Thanks for sharing! I agree with all your 4 points at least it holds true in My Experience 👌👌👌💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥


Been taking serious notes lol and honestly, I've had this happen on recent dates. Great video Ms Ponti! The signs are there if your paying attention 😀


The day I want a woman is the day I find one without major entitlement issues. I'd have to go outside North America. Where most women live half way between fantasy and reality. "I'm strong and independant" they say. "Could you do this because I can't" 5 minutes later.


She wants to be more than friends; buy She doesn’t want to be my girlfriend, she wants to be my “super friend” 😂 hell no


Is it me or just every time I see a girl named Apollonia I immediately think on Godfather 1 ...
