Are Dating Apps Making You Feel Hopeless? Watch this…

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Consider this video a kind of “halftime report” for the year—providing an overview of the dating scene right now.

Your time is precious, and if you watch this week’s video, I think you’ll see the 2021 dating landscape with new eyes.

Here for you friends,

Matthew x

P.S. I love reading your comments (sometimes they even inspire new videos!) and hope you’ll leave me a note with your favorite takeaway from this week.

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If you want to feel true loneliness, get on a dating app.


It's a sad time for dating. Everything is too disposable.


I deleted a dating app about 3 months ago. People and their behaviours kinda destroyed my mental health. I'm feeling much better now!


That's why I quit the dating apps. It's just a big game to see who can care less first.


honestly I have taken a break from using dating apps because I find that it really affects my mental and emotional health. I like putting investment into people while dating and it's hard to filter through the people that aren't interested in the same thing. I've had more success meeting people through friends or at random clubs / activities that I already do


We need to stop relying on dating apps to meet people; we need to undo the damage that cell phones have done to our ability to be social.


“It becomes like another job. It becomes overwhelming.” So true to my experience. And I agree - timing is such a huge part of this process.


Dating apps feel like I have an influx of choices at a landfill 🗑😂


So true, I find most people on dating apps are lonely and not willing to do the work for a committed relationship. Or they are looking for a one off or a friend with benefits. Of course they all are looking for a long term relationship. They lie!! Actions speak louder then words has never been more true. It’s truly exhausting.


I stopped using dating apps. It affected my mental and emotional health. I woul like to meet and get to know someone organically. ❤️ love to all of you


It sucks so bad! I’ve been single 6 years. Was married almost 20 years. So this is really hard for me! The games, the fake profiles, the ghosting, the hookup mentality. So yep! It sucks!


After reading many of the comments below, I am left with this question: How in the world do people ever meet and stay together?? There is so much dysfunction in this dating site thing!!


Had a lovely date last Friday. Met him on bumble and we went for lunch. We had a lot of fun and in the end of the Date he said „the rest of the Story I will tell you next time.“ 2 days later I texted him and said, that it was nice meeting him etc… no answer. I follow Matthew for years and I’d say I learned a lot about dating and texting. Honestly I am so tired. I try to walk around with an open mind, an open heart, but I find it very frustrating …


I matched with a younger guy on a dating app. It all seemed to fit, he looked for a long term relationship and we talked every day for 2 weeks. And not just simple stuff, we followed up abbout things we said earlier and it actually felt like we already were part of each others lives on a simple level. Like he would ask how the flat mate search from the week before was going. He made a reservation at a burger restaurant and told me the night before how happy he was to see me. I show up and he is a no show. I literally took the train for half an hour and wore my burger and fries socks... i wouldn't have minded if he had told me before "hey sorry i am not feeling it / matched with someone else better". But this feeling of looking forward to the date and just anxiously waiting, to realize he wouldn't come... it really killed the joy of dating apps for me


I'm really exhausted with dating apps. People are either moving too fast or too slow.


I met 2 types of ppl on there, narcissists/psychopaths and ppl who weren’t trying very hard. Online dating is exhausting, dehumanizing and can affect your mental health.


My struggle with online dating is the dishonesty. I use my current-year pictures, but most men seem to use 30-year-old pics, take photos that hide the 40 extra pounds, wear a hat instead of showing the smooth top, hide their eyes with sunglasses, and often don't even seem to read my profile. I'm trying to save us all time, but they seem to be looking for an opportunity to snow me. It's time-intensive, slogging through all the bullshit. But I met my late husband in online dating. He told the truth and we proceeded deliberately. Ours were the best years of my life, so far.


I tried dating apps first time this summer. It gave me the feeling like being a product on Amazon prime with a free return policy. I dated 12 different guys over the course of 3 months and it was terrible. I felt dishonest, exhausted from trying to forge a connection with every date, and used by these men that treat you like some sort of punching bag for their own frustration.
I dont think that they are bad people to be honest. I think the system broke them and dehumanised dating.


1 month in I’m giving up on dating apps. It brings out the worst in people. I have been flaked on 3 times so far and I will never ever do this to anyone. When I did not feel like going out with someone I was honest with them. Ghosting and treating others humans as they don’t matter at all, you definitely don’t want to date such a people. I’m so out of this.


The biggest frustration for me with dating apps is I'll have a good convo, get their number, then half the time they don't even respond to my text. The ones who do respond will play games by being always apparently too busy to hangout/go on a date.

The other frustration is after the first date I get completely ghosted. We'll have a great time with high chemistry, typically a makeout/sex at the end, then boom never hear from them again. Probably because there are so many other options to choose from.
It's craziness out here.
