Free Will vs. 'TULIP' (5-Point Calvinism Refuted)

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In this sermon on Free Will vs. TULIP, I refute Calvinism's 5-point doctrinal acronym and prove from the Bible that while our will is tainted and attenuated by sin, it is not wholly extinguished as Calvinists claim. All 5-points of TULIP are unBiblical and heretical.

#tulip #calvinism #freewill
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This video is so timely because so many young people have swallowed up the doctrine of Calvinism and have been deceived by Tulip.


*_PREACH THAT TRUTH BRO!!_* Such Sound Doctrine from you I truly enjoyed this one thoroughly! God Bless Afshin, *_In King Jesus Name._* 🙌👌👍👍💗


Amen brother awesome sermon. Wait did I write this or did God force me... wait did I think that or did God force me to think that :^) these things are that silly. Free will is at the very beginning of Genesis, idek why Tulip is a thing to anyone who knows how to think logically. I think a lot of people simply confuse foreknowledge with no free will. Just because I know what someone will do it 1000 years doesn't mean I forced them to do that.


Amen Afshin, the TULIP and its offspring variations are gnostic philosophy. Some adopt some but not all points when All (and All meaning All) are heretical. Context and Calvinism never go together..
God bless you guys up yon way :0)


Read Ken Wilson's new book "The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism" to see why Augustine had to deny free will in order to justify infant baptism.


What is also so sad is SOME OF THE BEST BIBLICAL TEACHERS OUT HERE TODAY (and well as many from the past) are staunch Calvinist.


Pastor pay no attention to my avatar... its the result of my backslidden state but I've retained some scripture referring to election doctrine
1. Ephesians 1:4

2. Romans 9:13
3. 1 Peter 2:8
4. Isaiah 45:7 🔥
5. Proverbs 16:4🔥
6. Revelation 13:8🔥
7. Romans 9:21
All these verses were taken from the old KJV. What do they mean


About 8:40 in you referred to 2 Chronicles 39?


Jesus only predestinated one thing, one time. And that was for the Jews to be the people for Christ to COME THROUGH TO SAVE MEN.
He chose that nation, but didn't come ONLY for that nation. Those Jews who believed, became God's ELECT. Then when salvation was opened to gentiles, those of us who believed ALSO became God's ELECT.
Those who have received and trusted Christ are ELECT. Because they CHOSE to believe and be saved.
Jesus didn't just come down the river in a big motorboat, happen upon ten people drowning and only chose to pick up two men and drive off letting the others drown.
That may be the calvie god. But it's not mine.
To attribute that trait to the Lord of Glory is just downright twisted and sick.


Double predestination is best explained as God positively intervenes for the elect and passes over the reprobate.

I find it hard that the freewill is capable is making such chioces, the Bible tells us that all are rebels against God and spiritually dead before we are saved.
Jesus says that no man can come to Him unless the father draw them. If it's not God enabling us to come to Christ, than it is some special attribute within ourselves that the non elect don't have. That special attribute would give us reason to boast in ourselves.


Hi Afshin J Yaghtin. Of course fallen, sinful man has a "will". Nobody is denying this. But fallen man's "will" can only follow its own nature when it comes to spiritual things.

The natural will of man, apart from a supernatural work of God, will always resist the Holy Ghost and choose to go its own way.

The natural man wills to love darkness rather than light and will not come to Christ.

But your "will" has NOTHING AT ALL to do with either the new birth - John 1:13 "which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" nor does your "will" have anything at all to do with whether or not you are one of God's elect -"So then it is NOT OF HIM THAT WILLETH, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy."

You have not refuted Calvinism at all. All you have done is to demonstrate your utter blindness and ignorance of the truth of the purpose of God according to election.

In your video, you set up a straw man argument and then burn it down.

I agree with you on one point. I do not believe in a strict determinism. God does not make man sin. Fallen man does this all on his own.

See "The "will" of the natural man"
