John MacArthur | How He Became a Calvinist

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Pastor John shares his journey to reformed theology.
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Dear friends, I would appreciate it if we remain respectful and civilized in our commenting. Before you are an Armenian, Calvinist or Mollinist, please be a Christian first. Reading through the comments, I have seen many people doing the same things they're accusing Calvinist of. Let's get our facts right before we comment on these issues, and let's remain humble. Shalom


Been waiting 25 years to hear Johnny mac say this.


In the Bible there is language of choice and language of predestination. It’s both because it’s written that way. Now the how and deep intricacies of it I leave to God. That doesn’t mean don’t ask questions but it means that there are some questions and some things that we just won’t see and understand until the very end. The tension of serving a “yes and” God is beautiful.


It's a good thing God chose me before I was born, because he surely would not have afterwards.
Charles Spurgeon.


I dont want to become a calvinist, I want to be a christian. Tell me how to become a christian like what it says in Acts 11:26.


If God already knows who is going to be saved or lost, why is He longsuffering that none should perish.


So, John MacArthur has a mediator between the mediator, who God chose, which is Jesus Christ; and, his "mediator" is John Calvin, who, with a whole slurry of his own "observations, " then, because he put it to a book, just like Joseph Smith with the Mormons did; also put his "observations" into a Book, like an earlier John Calvin did:

Observed in Book III, Chapter XXI (PREDESTINATION) of Calvin's own penned work: "The Institutes of the Christian Religion" - and on Predestination, Calvin explains to EVERYBODY what his definition for that term means, and he does it in Book III, Chapter XXI How God is "predestining some to salvation, and others to destruction" for that's what the title of Chapter 21 is of Book 3.

He goes onto explain his own observation: That, when people hear the gospel, it appears to go out unequally; and, upon hearing the message: There are people that upon hearing the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ: tears fill their eyes, and they fall on their face, and repent. Others: Hear the same words of the same preacher, and become violently angry. Contesting every bit of it; that they don't believe it; believe some "thing" else is true, then, go about to contest it in a contention; heated. While still other: Hears: Goes in one ear. Out the other. No effect. That this is plainly outlined by Calvin in Book III, Chapter XXI, as his definition of "PRE-DESTINATION" - as evidence God was predestining some to salvation: Others: to destruction. That God formed them from before they were born to this end, so they were PRE-DESTINED to this.

And all this is Calvin's own observation, and also, his own now definition for what "Pre-destination" means, because he gives his own definition to the word to mean the above by what he observed.

Then claim this is a Christian Doctrine. Joseph Smith with the Mormons did the same thing.

When God is not willing any perish, but all come to repentance. For that's what he says in 2 Peter 3:9. Even Romans 11:32 says

"For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all."

Calvin and John MacArthur go on to take Calvin as a mediator and pervert this into a "limited atonement" - all because John MacArthur's mediator is Calvin and not who God chose, which is his own Word. The Word of God is Jesus Christ.

Didn't choose John Calvin, like John MacArthur has already done did.

The scriptures tell plainly who God is, and what's in his heart by his word, and it isn't what Calvin says by what he observed as a mere man, that's now been dead for over 450 years and isn't coming back. His observations died with him. It's John MacArthur that resurrects these lies and deceptions, then teaches them as the gospel.

What Calvin observed occurs; but making what he observed into God's Pre-destination is a work of John Calvin that John MacArthur believes in more than God. That's blasphemy.

What Calvin observed in Book III, Chapter XXI of "The Institutes of the Christian Religion" - on PRE-DESTINATION, then give the above as the definition of Pre-destination, what that is, is not in the bible. It's an observation of Calvin: What Calvin observed is 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, because the god of this world has blinded their minds, just at the Apostle Paul said.

"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

CALVINISM: (Includes then, John MacArthur)

Is not the Gospel.

It's John MacArthur's own observations on Calvin, making Calvin a mediator - like taking a dog turd on the lawn and "reforming it" and call it a swimming pool, is still a dog turd.

It's all when what Calvin wrote - his observations are what Calvin based on what's correct; but his assumptions, and what he determined of what he observed is blasphemous - Calvin: he's full of crap. Calls the work of what the "god of this world" is doing sowing tares in the wheat, and claims it's God. The only one who gets glory from Calvinism is the god of the world, because the sole CRUX foundation of Calvinism IS PREDESTINATION.

And it all just fell on it's face as a bold-faced lie. And "Limited Atonement" is built as a fabric laid on top of PREDESTINATION. Like building a shopping mall on a dog turd. Call it a "Wonderously Wonderful Amusement Park of Good" - what a glorious claim.

Still a dog turd. SO much for John MacArthur and his Calvinist dog turd doctrines. All like Joseph Smith. Adds himself into it, like Calvin did.

Didn't rely on the scriptures. Just like Joseph Smith. I dont recommend to anyone believing on Jesus Christ to listen to John MacArthur on anything.


These academic Christians always want to gravitate into a camp because they think that is where their learning has led them…but there is really only one camp to be in and that is the one Paul identifies as the ‘Metachos’ or the partaker. Partaking of the heavenly calling, joined in partnership with Christ. Not joined to a man made doctrine or a seminary school of thought. Sharers and partakers of our new creation reality of Christ in us and us in Him….partakers. Sharers of the divine nature. Converting our learning in the school of the Spirit into living as more than conquerors.


Doesn't matter you are a Calvinist or not, As long you preach the Gospel of CHRIST to win souls. I am a Fundamental Baptist, but I am a true CHRISTian, and I believed that I've been saved by the works of the Holy Spirit. Not my own will.


“There were indeed false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who BOUGHT THEM, and will bring swift destruction on themselves.”
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬. #notcalvinist

“Therefore, dear friends, since you know this in advance, be on your guard, so that you are not led away by the error of lawless people and FALL from your own STABLE POSITION.” #notcalvinist

“He himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.” 1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬

None of these texts have contextual difficulties


I had all DTS teachers including Walvoord, Pentecost, Toussaint, Ryrie, etc. I grew up in the Episcopal church and recited the Nicene Creed weekly and was taught the 39 Articles. So, without really realizing it, I had a Reformed background to go along with my grandparents country Bible Baptist teaching when very young. I am to this day and will always remain being a premil pretrib rapturist. I agree with the 5 pts because I have been a long time deep diving student of Romans. I do not understand this division between being a Calvinist and being a Dispensational. In all my schooling, the 7 dispensations was never overly stressed. I was taught about them but even my teachers were anything but die hard. What they were die hard about and I am too was the distinction between Church and National Israel.. They are not to be commingled or have one to replace the other. Israel is the focus of the Daniel's 70 wks, the last week being no exception. The Church, i.e. The Bride of Christ, will escape the wrath to come. Reading the bible "normally" leads to all these conclusions.


Does anyone ever talk about how absolutely PERFECT John MacArthur's tie always is?


I had to step back and view the whole story of the Bible. God shows he will save us all if we believe in Him. Oddly enough, it's always just a tiny minority that actually stays faithful to him. So test out predestination. Are you faithful or not.


God calls His sheep-all will come to Him.


*Foreknowledge does not preclude free will.


Calvinism is a system superimposed on scripture… it’s why I left Calvin and simply believe in Jesus


God does not preplan who will go to hell... when God talked about clay pots, he was referrencing God can will what he wants, and if someone is weak enough to refuse God, he can let them go to hell. It's not God's will to cast people into hell. He made Jesus the standard of perfect acceptance, it was in him we get our salvation. If he is rejected then the rejector gets the object of wrath. It's unfortunate. Open rejection of God is opposing him.🎉


Calvinism never saved anyone.
But it does make people very proud.


With calvanist there is only calvanism or Armenians, and nothing else. How about a bible believing Christian.


He became a Calvinist because he relied on his own understanding and left the church that Jesus founded. Calvinism is a man made religion.
