Guided Meditation For Peace & Contentment ♥

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This is a 10 minute guided meditation that is meant to help you start your day in a peaceful, accepting and positive way.

This is day three of our full meditation series and in this video we will be focusing on accepting each moment that you're in for what it is. Allowing ourselves to stop over-analyzing the past, worrying about the future, and truly learning to understand that the present moment is the only thing that is real and the only thing you can ever control.

In meditation, one of the methods that helps anchor oursleves is focusing your mind on a specific mantra. The mantra becomes a wonderful tool to pull you back when your mind wanders and to allow your mind to explore the depths and emotions surrounding that idea at the same time. In this video I will be providing you with a mantra or centering thought for you to carry through your meditation and into the rest of your day:

"I am exactly where I need to be"

When you start your meditation practice its easy to not know what to expect or even to expect something from it like you might get from anything else you "do" in life. But meditation is not a "doing", it is a "being". It is a learning to find stillness and peace within the idea that the moment you are in, the moment you are experiencing right at that moment is enough.

The trick is that our minds are not used to this way of thinking. Our modern day lives & culture tend to clutter our conscious thoughts with projections and stress towards the future and the past. Meditation helps us learn to let go. Meditation to me, and what i would like to share with you, is about bathing in the now. And finding peace with exactly who you are, where you are, and that all other chatter in your head can and eventually will be cleansed by the regular practice and training of momentary awareness.

When you start your mind is not used to this. It will fight back and flare up with thoughts and wander and tell you its bored and you should stop. These are all normal experiences. Always. The trick is to breath it in when it happens, see it happening, and exhale it out only to reset your focus again. Its not a failure. Its just what happened. And in time it will happen less and less as your focus and mind becomes more and more accustomed to quiet, peace, and stillness.
More than anything in life, there is no result when you meditate. It is just acceptance and you.

There are so many great benefits to meditation once you truly learn to love the process and practice it daily. Through mediation you will slowly begin to achieve more patience in your every day life, appreciate the simple things, and find the space in your mind to spread more love and kindness into the world around you.

Find a comfortable seated position, relax, and follow along on this peaceful and stress releasing mediation for beginners.


Shot In Picton, ON Canada
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Boho Beautiful has the most helpful, soothing, wonderful meditations. A gift really. Thank you.


Every time I hear it just gets better. Thanks for your help and dedication Juliana.God Bless.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Thank you so much for your meditation sessions. I absolutely love them, so calming and peaceful. Gratitude in spades to you. 🌞❣🙏🌻


I AM EXACTLY where I need to be...THANK YOU BOHO


I have meditated regularly for years but life got busy and I started to miss it way to much. Feeling the craziness of life Me and my soon to be husband started and have been doing your meditations daily . We started meditating about a month ago to assure we would make time for being more balanced . I have to say Boho Beautiful makes it so much more enjoying . Thank you both so much !!! ~From the soon to be Mr.&Mrs Shrestha 💗


What a humbling thought.
I am exactly where I need to be.
Amidst all my imperfections, insecurities & struggles, I am exactly where I need to be. I will hold on to this thought, and allow it to penetrate all my defenses. It follows then, that I can not make the transformations I need to become the person I want to be unless I allow myself the permission to be where I am. 💖 Thank you for this gift, I know we all will be better for it.


Another day with Boho Beautiful! Thank you for this, I am exactly where I need to be 😃


I am truly grateful for today's meditation. It reminds me that all the choices that I made in the past have brought me to the compassionate heart I have now. I love that. I love who I am now and I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made. I know that making mistakes is part of living and I will probably make more, but I will be happy when they ultimately give me more compassion, more tranquillity and more gratitude for all that I have and all that I am.
Thank you so much for all your meditation gifts. What a beautiful thing to do for this world.❤


Juliana - This is one of my all time favorite meditations. Your words are pragmatic and relatable. The words, flow, music (mesmerizing), and timing of silence is perfect. I always come back to your older meditations. They are really wonderful.


I have been listening to Boho Beautiful since December 31, 2020 and it's has truly changed my life. I was in a very depressed state of mind since this Pandemic. This truly has changed me for the better. I also do the Yoga every morning and night. I'm not anger or have a rush attitude. I'm very Peaceful and I love it. Thx


I'm changing my way of living and your videos are part of this big transformation. Thank you so much, please share more meditation videos.


Everyday I start with these mediations and it makes me more aware and thoughtful in everything I do thank you so much I am at peace


I am exactly where I need to be with you in the morning. Thank you.


I decided to do those 10 days of meditation before my final exams for this semester, as I am very anxious, and worried. So far I am feeling better, and relaxed during the day. Meditating, doing some yoga makes me feel like, whatever happen, it will all be okay. So thank you for doing amazing videos like this. People like me truly need it, and I am thankful for your commitment.
Have a beautiful day !


Thank you so much. Sometimes I get in a hurry and need to be reminded to be in the present moment


I am ready to tackle the day thanks to this meditation !


Brilliant just Brilliant one of the best short meditations.
Thankyou and Blessing


I love it never stop doing the meditation and the yoga


Thanks for being the light in these trying times, the tiger 2!!
