Why The Heavenly Principles Has Been Missing For 500 Years! Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore & Theory

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Why The Heavenly Principles Has Been Missing For 500 Years! Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore & Theory
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So... Is Paimon going to remember and help us or try to kill us? 🙃


Paimon is thee most sus character in the whole game. No one questions her, not even us. It’s like Hoyo want you to almost blur her out like background noise. Just a fun character, then BAM! she’s the primordial one


Dain makes his annual appearance.
Fans(pre-quest completion): let's we will finally get more answers.
Fans(post-quest completion): ❓📈


What I got from all this is that Nahida is lucky the Doctor didn't call her bluff, because nothing would happen if she destroyed her gnosis


Dainsleif never disappoints with the lore bombs


Gold being a sinner and a mage only makes the hexenzirkel group more strong each patch


The harbingers seeking for the gnoses from nation to nation, the hydro archons divine throne was destroyed etc and the heavenly principals are still sleeping… I’m really wondering what will happen to awaken the heavenly principles. It must me a reaaaally huge and unbelievable event.


I think Paimon is definitely in a weakened form, whether she is a Seelie or a Heavenly Princple. Or both. But it does make me wonder why no other character really questions what Paimon is.

The only time I remember a character asking about Paimon is Mona. In one of her voice lines, Mona asks the Traveler if they knew Paimon's origins. Mona- the one who can scry futures, who already knew the Traveler wasn't from Teyvat, and who has good enough intuition to figure out who Scaramouche was at a glance- couldn't figure out anything about Paimon.

Let me know if there's other characters who also question Paimon. Mona's the only one I remember because of how odd it was.

Otherwise, it boggles my mind how not even the Archons question Paimon's existence. And it's not like she's hiding her appearance or anything. Itto straight up calls her a "flying lavender melon" and other characters acknowledge her floating.

Is she unknowingly tampering with everyone else's consciousness? Or put some new information into Irminsul so all of Teyvat doesn't see her as strange?

It's one if those things that I really hope the game addresses. Cause otherwise, it's a part of the game 's plot that bugs me.


She’s definitely waiting for the right time to “awaken” it’s just a matter of WHEN! I’m genuinely so scared for the twins cuz this is going to spill absolute disaster!


Since the traveller lost their memories of their conversation doesn't that mean the loom of fate is stronger than irmunsul


Ok I have to point this out. The Heavenly Principles and The Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles are two different entities. I think it’s important to point out that when Lumine asks the god who she is, the god says SUSTAINER of heavenly principles, she doesn’t say she is the heavenly principles herself. The meaning of sustainer means someone who upholds or supports something. So by name, The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles supports the actual HP but isn’t the actual HP herself. Also. Lumine says the HP has been(I think she said sleep or something since the cataclysm) but if that’s case how did she attack the twins? The Sustainer and The HP are different gods altogether. Nahida mentioned when The Heavenly Principles changed the fate of the twins. I think the Heavenly Principles ordered the Sustainer to go after the twins. I also think that the actual Heavenly Principles ordered the Sustainer to destroy Khaenri’ah instead of doing it himself/herself. The Heavenly Principles also waged war against the Seven Sovereigns and stole elemental authority to give to the Archons and that probably took away an indescribable amount of power for The Heavenly Principles to do something on that scale and then regarding the Archon War and the Cataclysm in Khaenri’ah, The HP probably still didn’t have the power to directly intervene which would also tie into why he/she sent the sustainer to Khaenri’ah in the first place. We barely scratched the surface on who The Heavenly Principles are let alone their powers but we have a small grasp of what The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles are capable of because those dark swarms of red cubes that she used against the twins were the same ones that were seen when Khaenri’ah met its unfortunate end which leads me to believe that it was in fact The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles who attacked Khaenri’ah because in the time between its destruction and the twins getting attacked by her, The Heavenly Principles would’ve still been sleep and at this point The Heavenly Principles has been asleep for way longer than 500 years because we don’t know how much time has passed since the destruction of Khaenri’ah


This is why i love genshin story even i've been stop playing since 2.7(device issue), the story, the lore is so complex in this game and really interesting to find since sometime the biggest lore come from something that really unpredictable


Paimon also seems to not understand humans properly - i mean she sometimes says some really unappropriate things (which arent meant to cause harm) for example like she asked Navia about her mother event though she knew that Navia never met her mom or the way she was mocking Furina in her story quest even though she was already suffering long enough.

Another thing is that Paimon helps the Traveler to understand Tayvats language but how does she even understand the Traveler? He isnt from Teyvat and he found Paimon randomly while fishing, isnt it a huge coincidence that she understands his language? Also its kinda wired that she was even near the beach. I mean beside from ocean it was nothing there? If she was just looking for food, why exactly the ocean and not a river or lake. It would only make sense if she was exactly waiting for the Traveler's arrival.

Also: Paimon knew about the statue of the seven and stated that only few poeple were able to recieve its blessings. But as far I know - only outlanders recieve such blessings. In the nations everyone seemed to be surprized that such thing was even possible. Only the Archons didnt seemed surprized much. So how did Paimon know about that?

She is just talking about food and eats a LOT. (which on its own isnt a big deal). But if u think about it: If you are young you always have more hunger as when you are an adult. Thats because we need energy to grow. What if Paimon is always that hungry because she is still weak and needs to gain strengh?

Another point is, she acts as our Travel guide and seems to know the one or another thing about the nations but how does she know, if she seem to have never been in any of those nations herself, if she would - anyone would sure have recognized her already by her unique looking (that is also my question about the sibling btw)?

I think all those things are indicators of her beeing the primodial one. But what really made me think is: When Caribert took us into his conciousness he only took us in and not Paimon. Although we both had been in that Dream of that girl. If he woudnt know about Paimon beeing the Primodial One why would he only took to us in and not Paimon too? I mean after all he was telling us about the Leylines and the Loom of Fate - a critical information about the Abyss. One that isnt meant for the ears of Celestria.

All i've said is based on the information i remember, if anything said is proved wrong, please feel free to correct me. :D


I’ve had this theory that celestia sent paimon down, without memories to guide and help the traveler, and be a companion to them, because the hp themselves are injured and knew they’d be put to sleep powerless to intervene in the worlds events. Because they know only the traveler can be the one to save the world in the end.
Like I feel like Paimon was created to be the travelers guide, her mind was wiped about her past, but she was given knowledge about Teyvat to help her role as guide.


Celestian big 5: 😪😴 takes longest nap in history. *catalysm big boom* WHO DARES AWAKEN US!?


4:09 multiple archon died yet these 5 sinners didnt even participated in that war....so imagine they did then i believe they could have been able to defeat the heavenly principle


What if paimon is someone who helped the heavenly principals. You like how they said that the "second who came"/ 2nd decender helped the primordial one make the gnosis

I know its wild lol


I think Paimons connection to celestia is all but confirmed. I think shes a sleeper agent. She's meant to keep the Traveler on the path SHE wants. Note how upset she gets whenever she's separated from the Travler. She needs to make sure they don't discover something they shouldn't.


Paimon you better not eat the whole world up in a surprise endgame twist and betrayal.


Honestly Celestia are not true enemy. It's abyss itself. Do I condone the Celestians' crimes? No. Do I understand them? As much as we're able to do so at present. At first we thought the fatui evil(wrong) now Celestia getting called evil(we only know opposing side pov). In short terms, it's complicated we have pieces still missing on this chessboard.
