Our Twin is NOT from Teyvat - Genshin Impact Theory [3.2 Archon Quest]

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⟡ I'm your leify lore streamer Minsleif
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mihoyo could be collecting whales money from primogems 😂


I strongly believe Khaenri’ah could be the "Kingdom established among the heavens" described in the BattlePass cutscene!
I feel like Hoyo has us so distracted by Khaenri’ah being known for its tech, we're overlooking why would an entire civilization have primordial star eyes, a symbol strongly associated & linked with the heavens!
(Ex: Kaeya, Dainsleif, etc.).

Khaenri’ah being the kingdom established among the heavens would make so many pieces regarding Lumine & surrounding the story in general, fall into place- if she’s the fallen heir, it’d explain why Lumine’s fate became tied to Teyvat as well as her connection to Khaenri’ah, not to mention her current role of being controlled/connected to dark forces that relate to both of those events (Khaenri’ah + abyss creatures), where this mysterious kingdom, etc.


For more proof the tree's memories can be modified, there's also the tree in Inazuma that didn't exist until one day it always existed.


You can also reference the genshin trailer in which Dainsleif claims that we should re-arrange the strings of fate to save our twin (at the end of the trailer).


Well genshin is confirmed to be part of honkai impact's imaginary tree and in honkai impact worlds have a loop of about 10k year loop where the honkai sends a herrscher to wipe out that reality's humanity, and in teyvat's history we don't know of any events more than 7-8k years before the game takes place (i may be wrong about some things for honkai as I've never played it but one theory I've heard is that the imaginary tree is trying to hide teyvat from honkai and the sustainer of heavenly principles is in charge of making sure people don't freely enter or leave teyvat)


Alice is actually a descender ! I got this info from another video !
Usually dainsleif is the one narrating the character demo-videos, however for scaramouche’s/wanderer Alice actually narrates it. Since dainsleif is from teyvat he wouldn’t be able to remember scaramouche but Alice says in the video “I can pretend not to remember “ hinting that she is actually not from this world


I’m starting to have a head canon where this world is a tutorial/training for archon level entities, possible for Earth’s use against the Honkai or Honkai using them against herrscher level threats like Mei/Kiana. Celestia wipes out anyone that may gain knowledge of the other worlds in the Imaginary Tree, perhaps knowledge gained through Irminsul as it could be a branch of the Imaginary Tree that manifests in the physical plane (like Nahida being a branch cut off from Irminsul/Greater Lord Ruta). They then arrange for seats for Archons which for some reason feel more like prison wardens for the people of teyvat to me than gods. They have an ideal they hold to, keep people complacent in the new pantheon, and keep people from thinking about being independent from the gods which could lead to them rising above their place and finding out things they shouldn’t. The travelers and other outsiders could potentially shake things up and put the people on alert to their complacency and rebel so the unknown god acts to keep them from fleeing. Either humanity is using this as a nest egg to train warriors against the Honkai (and thus the travelers could potentially be Honkai threats or spys), they are just a nest egg or another version of earth hiding from the threat which outsiders might bring to them, or the Honkai plan to use the people of teyvat to build an army of humans with powers outside of the Honkai genetics to use against humanity. I believe it’s more the Honkai one as it’s convenient that the people turned into Abssyal entities have a more monstrous appearance like Honkai. Train the people into believing all entities like that are absolute evil, keep them believing that your word is law so no one deviates when exposed to non-believers, and boom. Instant indoctrinated army against humanity and any Herrscher level ally they may have. Also, the sky isn’t fake. It’s a giant shield or cover so that outsiders can’t get out without alerting Celestia. It’s like a holographic lens over the planet that they adjust what shows on it.


My theory after all this is that Khaenri’ah created our twin (or bound him in some way )after we crashed into this world to use it as weapon against teyvat. Since we know that Khaenri’ah is jealous of this world that they feel was taken from them after celestia was established and to this day Peiro kept this goal. We also know that Khaenri’ah did use some sort of modified abyssal power to created their ruin guards and prob our twin, which would explain why our brother fate became fuzzy, the abyss could easily track him and attack the irminsul tree to modify his fate and corrupt him.

I do also think we were the reason celestia attacked Khaenri’ah in the first place, they were building a massive army of robot using abyssal power for a while now, but creating a clone of someone from another world was prob the deciding factor. Its finally possible that they made sure that we would remember having a twin. which is why the traveler now is questioning her memory.

when we tried to escape, since celestia can track our brother it was ez for the sustainer to block our path, and sealed us but failed to seal our brother who was sent back to teyvat.

now this is a reach but i think, we were sealed by celestia for a reason . And that if things became problematic again they would simply send us + paimon a guide fully created by celestia ( which would explain why she cant be affected by abysall corruption since celestia power and abysal power cancel each other, similar to water and oil OR trying to stick the + charge of two magnet together . but also would explain why dotore sleep machine was able to work on her, she not a god just a simple guide similar to how selie worked )

Since we started we pushed back the abyss in every region and even the fatui, killing or putting out of commision 2 harbringer . Also we fixed the irminsul tree which without us wouldnt have been posible. we are basicly fixing every region we go trough, which helps celestia


Love the theory stuff time to check out the twitch channel


personally, i assumed her being in irminsuls records meant that she had started her journey before the Greater Lord’s reset. because when she created a new irminsul from the branch (nahida) wouldnt that mean that outlanders from the pervious incarnation were incorporated as local in the new one??


This is my own crack theory but

I think Otto is collecting information from this world because you can see Divalin in a Honkai Impact 3 Cutscene


maybe the other twin is considered from Teyvat because they finished their quest to find the 7? just food for thought


I hate that i only listened to this cause your voice was so soothing


bruh first time seeing her face and shes gorgeous


My theory was:
-our "twin" we've met during our travel is not our real "twin". The concept might be similar to how the doctor is actually not a singularity as we've learned from 3.2. However since our current "twin" is created by "celestia", ofc the spec would be far greater compared to the doctor clones, hence why nahida able to find info from irminsul. Our real "twin" might still not wake up, or currently imprisoned somewhere within celestia. And the reason our false "twin" are on the war with destiny, it is because even they have no acknowledge that theyre clone of our real "twin". Ofc when theyre created, celestia might have been implemented our twin knowledge within the clone.


one theory says the sibling died in kanriah, and was reincarnated by heavenly principles. so she belonged to this world, this explains why she suddenly appeared there by irminsul.


With the erasure of Rukkhadevata and we players now know how easy can information inside Teyvat be modified as long as you've got access to Irminsul, i wonder whether Rukkha's erasure may not be THE FIRST info modification to happen to Teyvat? I wonder how many times have Teyvat been modified before that and none of us have never known it? Did those prior modifications (before Rukkha's) be the cause of the "Traveler's twin sibling is from Teyvat" info?


Honestly I love ur videos! They are so calming and cute. Your voice matching the vibe beautifuly! And the info I get is so wow!


It’s interesting. something that I remember when “collecting something” came up I remember some dialogue the traveler had (I forgot w who) and they mentioned that they were collecting all the power from the archon statues. Not sure if this is for real but a piece of the dialogue options mentioned how the traveler was working to get their full power back.


I never thought that the idea of the travellers being outlanders would ever be questions
