Why The Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles Isn't Stopping Hydro Dragon! Scared Of Skirk Master Theory

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Why The Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles Isn't Stopping Hydro Dragon! Scared Of Skirk Master Theory
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Nahida herself in the last Archon Quest said that Celestia has been notably silent.

This explains why the Tsaritsa only acts now in collecting the Gnosis. They know now that the Heavenly principles are vulnerable now.


She didn't kill the the mc cause there wouldn't be a game after that lol jokes aside, I think she's letting this happen. I think she's looking for a descender that will take her place and rightfully rule over tevat. A god raising a god.


My theory is... the Sustainer did what the Dendro Archon did. Remember that Rukkadevata got infected and in order to prevent infecting the Irminsul, she cut the purest branch (Nahida) from her. So that in the future, Nahida can eliminate the forbidden knowledge from Irminsul... and what if the Sustainer also did that? Remember a Melusine said that Paimon is like a balloon with her string extended up in the sky.


I genuinely think the other descenders are the key, i believe the Fatui are trying to resurrect the third descender (since the pyro gnosis is the last one they need)

Not sure how the first two fit into it, but I'm sure there's some reason


I wouldn’t expect the heavenly principles to interfere just yet.The traveler is needed by the heavenly principles to collect all the elements of teyvat.Perhaps it’s paimons Job to make sure that happens.On another note I’m sure they are well aware of what’s going on but as nahida said they are silent for now


One thing is for sure, the overarching story and mystery is just getting bigger and bigger.

I am now beginning to see why certain areas were released in a certain order.


Why do people forget that the one who defeated and stole dragon power is Primordial One, not 'Second Who Came'. Current Celestia may be 'Second Who Came'. Why blame 'Second Who Came' when it is the Primordial One who did bad things to the dragons? When people make a theory, they always mix Primordial One and 'Second Who Came'.


Spoilers for the Notes in the final Quest of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo!

An important thing to note: not every being alien to Teyvat qualifies to be a Descender. Only those whose will is enough to rival an entire world are given this title. Which explains why the Abyss twin is not one of them: even if they came to Teyvat from outside like the Traveler, their will is not enough to be a Descender.

If you want more info on that: it's in a note in the Narzissenkreuz Ordo HQ, right after the Doomsday Clock's hand falls. Read it, they have some really interesting info. Also mentions the "Primordial Human" (Narayana in Sumeru)

(I've written a similar comment here before: please disregard it, I've mixed up the sources and credited Neuvillette's Character Stories instead of the Notes💀)


never thought of the Dvalin and her having a similar illness interesting


I'm still trying to figure out why the sustainer had that quick surprised look on her face when she captured the main character


I think we'll see the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles again in Natlan;
in Honkai Impact 3rd Kiana (the unknown god looks like her) becomes the Herrscher of Flamescion and uses the sword of her teacher, Himeko Murata. Murata is supposedly the name of a Pyro Archon (not known whether it's the current or former one). Additionally there are cubes like the Sustainer's part of a trap in King Deshret's Mausoleum that deal pyro dmg


I feel like you're asking the wrong question. If the Heavenly Principles care so much about their rules being followed, why didn't they enact vengeance on Egeria in the first place? Why did they bother with this slow-burn prophecy that was entirely dependent on outside factors if they could just forcibly revert Egeria's sin right away? I get that Celestia may be somewhat incapacitated post-Cataclysm, but the original sin took place before that. So what gives?


Made me think of that meme with Jason Bateman where the hydro archon is like "you rule now Neuvillette" and the sustainer like "THE F#%$ YOU ARE" 😂


I was also wondering this, and the fact she doesn't care that the Gnoses are being collected... I am beginning to wonder if Celestia is asleep or something


I refuse to believe that the 4 Shades dont know about the destruction of a Divine Throne when they knew about a damn book that Orobashi read. There are two explanations to why they havent done anything. 1# They have been severely weakened after the Cataclysm and 2# There is something way more dangerous lurking that they are preparing to fight to the point that the destruction of a divine seat is not important to them at the moment. Just imagine if Khaenriah's creations almost destroyed Teyvat what would happen if the actual Abyss made its way into the world. This could also explain why Celestia is assumed to be above Khaenriah, maybe they are just waiting for the day the Abyss break through the border and tries to destroy the world and with how far the Abyss Order's plans have gotten i wont doubt if the war will start soon.


with the story picking up the pace, these videos are that much more enjoyable. nice video man!


I’d imagine the sustainer has an idea of what’s happening. I don’t think celestia is completely dormant. She might not be active but I don’t think she’s oblivious. She’s incredibly powerful and has authority. She probably has an idea of what’s going on and has a strategy on how to deal with the situation.


Just think, the fatui only need the Pyro gnosis. They have all the others including the tsaritsa's. (Dunno if I spelled that right 😅)


She is definitely aware Fontaine tells us this. We fidnt change fate we only were able to skirt it by deception. We are now following fate on a grander scale and will have to make a difference when the time is right


So far there is only two issues with this theory and both come from sumeru. 1. Nahida states that the principle is sleeping and breaking the gnosis would awaken her as a threat towards dottore and 2. There is records in the desert of sumeru that states that khanrieah was only at war with the abyss when they breached teyvat from a experiment gone wrong without a record of them killing gods from what I recall. My thoughts are leaning that the country was destroyed due to the fact it became a gateway for the abyss to invade the upper world of teyvat which would make sense since the abyss order wishes to topple the thrones of celestia.
