Nahida Reveals the Truth About the Unknown God (Heavenly Principles) | Genshin Impact Version 3.2

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Nahida reveals the truth about the Heavenly Principles from the Archon quest "Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises"

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The Right Way to Use Nahida's Elemental Skill (Parody)


Nahida is actually really good with threats and negotiations. She's scary despite being in a body of a small child.


Not only god of wisdom, she also god of gambler


She is the most helpful of all the archon revealed so far


The only damn person so far to tell us ANYTHING significant and that we really wanted to know. I thought we were gonna get blocked again with an excuse like "I may have been alive for 500 years, but I was trapped the whole time and there's only so much knowledge I could gain." therefore leaving us in the dark and irritated that we solved another nation's problem and got nothing we were looking for.

Thank god (err-archon) that didn't happen again, thank you nahida 😭


Edited: reread the book and I’m wrong, so I deleted the original text. Phanes is Teyvat native, and so is Istaroth. Asmoday is the founder of celestia and the first descender.


yep, celestia is actually something that they avoid talking to and really intent on giving gnosis away. Good thing kusanali solved the problem of her nation and consequently all teyvat with the use of 2 gnosi before giving it away.

also yep, that also changed the sibling's state from universal to khaenri'ah


It's Paimon, Paimon became a child like Kusanali after sealing the abyss.


But I think this may debunk that Paimon is the Sustainer? Because Paimon is native to Teyvat (as she forgot about Greater Lord, unlike Traveler) even though the Sustainer is a Descender


We're getting closer to the truth. Soon the mysteries will unfold! This is so tense


Got Nahida immediately when the maintenance finished and still have 50 fates to spare!!


After Nahida's "trade" of knowledge with the doctor, the traveler don't have to deal with the doctor clones in the future. I see this as an absolute win win situation.


The only archon who gives us info about our sibling and heavenly principles even if we didn’t asked


A lot of things are gonna go down next update I think


Out of 4 current Archon, Nahida dropped literally THE BIGGEST HINT of Traveler's siblings and secret that they don't know about. And Traveler as the Fourth Descender is probably the biggest WTF moment ever. THERE'S OTHER 3 OTHERWORLDLY TRAVELERS? If this is not related to the Imaginary Tree of Honkai at certain point, I'm gonna get pissed off.


i actually got a bad feeling about the new knowledge that nahida exchanged. I mean there is a reason why those knowledge is not saved in the world tree, because the world tree only possess of knowledge of this world, so that mean the fatui is investigating other worldly knowldege, and what happen the last two time that happen, the scarlet king(confirmed) and the khaenri'sh disaster(likely), and this kind of other wordly knowledege is what cause rukkha to make the decision she made.


So the main point is... The Unknown God is just here to maintain the natural order in Teyvat


How people thought Dottore would get the Gnosis: *Giving Robux currency to Nahida*
What actually happened:
Nahida to Dottore: You should off yourselves, NOW!!! 😂


I just have a theory if any one wants to listen.
For once let's say the sibling is not from teyvat but the irminsul recorded her activities. And just like akasha could predict cynos movements with data and extrapolation but fails to do so when he teams up because of the presence of a variable. I say that irminsul can't record aether/Mc because of a variable I propose this variable to be paimon whose presence with the traveller is preventing recording of events in irminsul. Also Nahida mentions the sibling suddenly appeared in khae'nriah. Now if someone is from teyvat wouldn't their birth to present state be documented in teyvat. That's not what we come to know from the statement I mentioned. Who the fook appears suddenly in their teens at some random place (my guess).
And the fuzzy thing mentioned by Nahida preventing the conclusion of siblings journey to be documented. Is a similar occurrence. Another fact is that Nahida doesn't express any views on paimon's past. Is it not recorded? Is it uninteresting a elvish fairy found in a lake with unknown background becomes the partner of an otherworlder and is miraculously saved from all the misfortunes till now. Or is that being(? Paimon) is obscuring her past present and future (? unknowingly) that even the keeper of irminsul can't get a read on her. This might be due to two things either paimon is an otherworlder or the higher/highest being in teyvat on whom irminsul doesn't have any control. I am inclined towards the later because of the assumptions I made previously. Since irminsul records almost everything in teyvat.

I'm open to suggestions from other's. Just a theory


wait did she gave away the 2 gnosis? JESUS their litteraly 2 gnosis away from making what they want
