The Heavenly Principles Have Been Revealed | Genshin Lore

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Secrets that Neuvillette reveals in his character stories and lore we have only just learned in Fontaine, suggests that the identity of the Heavenly Principles is no longer a mystery.

Spoiler warning for the archon quest, Masquerade of the Guilty.


0:00 Intro
1:00 The World of Genshin has Five Principles
3:08 The Heavenly Principles Are Obvious
5:21 Istaroth
6:31 How Powerful are The Shades
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For what it's worth, Khaenri'ah's Curse of the Wilderness looks a lot like Abyssal Energy/Forbidden Knowledge Corruption, which suggests that their Curse of Immortality was put there by Celestia to keep their souls from infecting Irminsul like Rhukkadevata's corruption was.


I'm sure Celestia is planning to drop the celestial nail on this person's home 😂


I continue to appreciate that you make your lore videos peaceful, well paced, and easy to follow ♥︎


We're getting more info on the First descender and even the third descender. But quickly overshadowing the Second Who Came, also identified as the second throne. To start, I don't think that the "one who came after" and the Second Who Came are the same person.

It is mentioned in the Sun and Moon that Second Who Came went to war against the Primordial One which led to destruction across Teyvat and trapping the people of Enkanomiya underwater. Unfortunately they lost and the outcome of the fight meant that the Primordial One "could no longer use their absolute authority to suppress the original order of this world." which he then worked with the "one who came after" to create the gnosis from the 3rd descender's remains.

Now whether the 3rd descenders death took place during or after the war between Primordial One and Second Who Came remains unknown. Who even is the "one who came after" if they are not considered a descender.

So my personal timeline is as follows:
- Primordial One arrived in Teyvat

- Goes to war against the Dragon Sovereigns and defeats them

- Created the 4 shades

- Primordial One and the phanes formed Teyvat

- "one who came after" arrived

- Second Who Came also arrived around this time

- Second Who Came goes to war against the Primordial One

(Now this is gonna be a hot take but..)
- The Third descender is also part of this war and gets killed

- The Heavenly Principles and "one who came after" created the gnosis from the remains of the 3rd descender

- Archon War takes place to establish order that was lost during the previous war

- The twins arrived after

- Dragon King returns and brings Forbidden Knowledge.

- The Cataclysm happens

- Twins tries to escape but gets slapped by the Sustainer


9:12 this literally makes me think of the weapons found in the tower of God. While desirable it seems that it rare for someone to have one of the months which is the weapons. But if anyone has more than 1 it seems it has a certain effect. Which the controll and the mention of devouring of one another fits that storyline.


Throwback to this video! I hope we get an updated one when we learn that Ronova, is probably the shade of death, something in 5.1


whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa....this actually makes too much sense. any time a single one of these 'principles' is challenged in a substantial way, the challenger(s) get mollywhopped into oblivion or existential suffering. If you begin to list all of the people who were punished by the Hewvenly Principles, the reasons why correlate pretty heavily with your theory here.

8:00 even the way she captured the twins is a manipulation of space

I think Paimon is Istaroth and did something relating to manipupating time that had her punished.


Unrelated but like GIRL! your voice is just perfect for narrating ❤ low-key makes your vids more enjoyable


Paimon was the primordial One but when the second Came she was defeated and cursed to become a small childish fairy, and she is taking traveler's help to regain throne of Celestia


Is paimon one of the shades? There is still a huge question mark on her. She seem to forgot about her origin or successfully fooling everyone. The fact that no one is questioning where she is from, altough no one ever saw a floating creature of her race is strange.


i like istaroth, like how she made indirect influnece with other archons.

how rukkha created nahida?
how focalors created her human side?

probably, its istaroth powers


Anyone here after it was revealed that one of shades is "Ruler of Death" Ronova.


This actually makes me want to focus on the story more because most of the time I just skip quests because all I only want are the primogems 😭😭


Your voice is peak documentary narrator material 👌 So peaceful and calm


The Heavenly Principles have long been used more or less interchangeably with Celestia and was it around Apep that it was also used of the Primordial One? Well now I'm not sure. Not enough room in my brain to remember not only what is known but when it was known. At any rate the question seemed bound up with the question of who won the war between 1st and 2nd, which was nailed down pretty well by Amethyst Crown.

But the other meaning of the Heavenly Principles to actually mean a list of principles has been around too. Not just the name. I have theorized that the principles are linked to the gods' ideals (freedom, contracts, eternity, intransience, wisdom, justice etc) because of the guyun weapon upgrade text, what Ei says about Eternity being closest to the Heavenly Principles, and and recently we learned (new Wings) that when Egeria was created she lacked something that a god must always have, which I suppose was her ideal. It's also possible that Gnoses hand out Visions on the basis of adherence to one of these ideals in addition to ambition.

In general the Heavenly Principles appear to me to be part of the way PO takes care of humanity by programing the gods with a need to care for human societies. Now we see with Furina that the human archon has no interest in justice, her ideal, likely because the ideal, the gnosis and the power went with the godly Archon. Possibly Neuvillette ends up in possession of the ideal since he seem much more interested in judging things after 4.2

The other issue of the Heavenly Principles is that René in his notes about descenders suggests each Descender not only has a great Will but some sort of agenda or ambition with respect to Teyvat - to achieve some goal. As such the Heavenly principles would represent that goal for the Primordial One and presumably the shades.


I believe Paimon I'd The reincarnation of Primordial One, (not joking)


I dont understand a single word XD
Because the damn game only gives 1x per year Mainstory quest!!!
When you do the new one, you already forgot what happend on the previous one. Because of unfinished story telling. full of holes and questions.
I hope the new one explains about the Hillichurl face issue.


Before we begin,
What chances are the difference between the Heavenly Principles, and the "Sustainer" of the Heavenly Principles


Although the game might put me to side with the Fatui and everyone who wants to rebel against Celestia, I personally support Celestia and the Heavenly Principles.
I mean, can they really seize control of their fates? As a wise man in a galaxy far away said it: There is always a bigger fish.
And in this game, that bigger fish is called the Abyss. There are other reasons as well, but I'll hold on to them until Natlan AQ is over.


Thank you, many things have cleared up to me now
