MicroNugget: Using AWS vs. Doing it Yourself

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In this video, Jeremy Cioara covers the choice of using a cloud-based service like Amazon Web Services versus building your own data center. Neither option is inherently right or wrong, it all depends on your specific situation and application. Jeremy will introduce some of the crucial factors you should consider when making this choice.
Many businesses have transitioned part or all of their computing resources to the cloud, while others have chosen to remain with a dedicated, on-prem data center. These are complicated choices that involve quite a few factors, and Jeremy walks through some of the foundational elements you should consider when answering this question for yourself.
Using AWS as an example, he’ll dig into what the cloud consists of, what it offers, and how it can impact your company or organization. He’ll compare and contrast this to traditional data centers and outline how they compare on several levels. By the end of this video, you’ll feel much more equipped to make the best decision for your own application.
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