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#narcissist #toxicrelationshipadvice #howtohandleanarcissist In this Youtube video, learn how to deal with the time when a narcissist turns people against you. Narcissists will turn your family and friends into flying monkeys. The aim of a narcissist is to win and maintain dominance and control.

If you're breaking up with a narcissist, you can expect them to react in one of four ways: flying monkeys, rage and revenge, hoovering, or devaluation. In this video, we'll explore what each of these reactions looks like and how to deal with them.

The worst thing to do is to react when a narcissist is trying to turn others in against you is to react.

If you would like support as you go through a narcissistic breakup, and as you confront the fear of abandonment, visit

#narcissist #flyingmonkeys #breakingupwithanarcissist #narcissisticboyfriend #narcissisticwife
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Awesome video because this advice is to a tee...the only way that you can get through a separation to break away from toxic relationships with a narcissist.


Yes.. I care less and less and less.. . Those who chose to listen were never meant to be my support. That’s how I see it now.


You lost your father just two days ago, and you're still here, trying to help others. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for all you do, Lisa.


"Healthy people have a line they do not cross."
Well said Lisa!


"It felt like my skin was being ripped off" only those who have gone through this know this visceral pain that goes along with the grief and the emotional torture.


It is fascinating that when people hear gossip they believe the first thing they heard without evidence. When we try to defend ourselves they automatically will choose to disbelieve you because they like the gossip or they would never have listened to it in the first place.


I have yet to hear
a narcissist admit.
How they did some
really despicable
things to their
With no remorse
or regards for
their actions.

Now that's the
narcissist truth
for you.

Too bad the
Somehow never
talk about. Just
how low down
they really are.

Here's a realistic
fact. He who
gossip to you
in a negative
way about

Will gossip about
you in the same way
to somebody else.


I just treated these people just like I did the Narc. Block, Delete, Drop Smoke a.k.a Ghost. They need my energy to survive, I don't need their's. The Most high saved me by exposing these people. Good riddance.


They will turn people against you when they first meet you... the truth!🕊️😊


I’m 19 going through the same thing. I’m the scapegoat they want control over me just to abuse and have power over me. From sabotaging relationships, my finances and isolate me. I’ll get out & never come back 💗🤎💗


I don't know how many times i felt i had to explain myself and or defend myself to no avail end the end you truly find out who your friends and family are and it's like morning a death of those people and the relationship you thought you had


This is all terrifying the more I hear how these monsters work the more I'm more content with not dealing with people all together. Thank you


I’m very emotional so it’s hard for me not to react to their games especially when I know I’ve done nothing wrong


Dear Lisa I have left alone of parents, relatives, friends because of the manipulated behaviour against me of a narcistic sister, brother in law and ex-husbund, and unfortunately now of a daughter in law that makes all these you said to my son against me. I am very lucky indeed, but I try to be cool, trying to give meaning to my life despite all!


Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a friend like you to visit with and support each other through this horrific experience.


My grandmother tried to leave my narcissistic and very abusive grandfather back in the early 1960s, with 5 kids in tow in the winter, one was a baby, 2 toddler twins, and 2 other children - she did not drive, so while he was at work, she bundled up the kids, called her family who lived in another state, and walked to town to get money out of the bank and to buy bus tickets, so she could get herself & her children to safety. He came home and found they were gone, drove fadt to beat her to the bank and withdrew all of their money - so by the time she got to the bank, no money was available - and she had no choice but to go back home to him after that. She stayed with him another 30 years, and when she finally divorced him, she still did not have a driver's license - he never allowed her to get a real job or get a license to drive, but she raised 5 children and bought & sold real estate and sold the contents of homes & estates that they bought, but in his name, so she DID work hard and bring in money, all while doing everything for their 5 kids.. Then, in their divorce proceedings, he claimed that she should get nothing, because she never "worked" a real job. So, she was in her 60s, divorced, and had never written a check or paid a bill, no driver's license - he even did most of the grocery shopping their entire life.Thankfully, since they had been married over 40 years, she did get some money, but not what she should've got, and she ended up living the rest of her life struggling to buy food, and 3 of her 5 children hated her for divorcing him, even though he was extremely abusive in every way, and had threatened to kill her several times. Yet he was the one who cried, cried, & cried, when she had more reasons to cry & complain, but she did not, and he worked hard to turn their children & grandchildren against her. My grandmother was the nicest person I have ever met, she was easy to get along with and would do anything for anyone, even a stranger, but he made her out to be the bad guy.

Some of her children were his flying monkeys, and she had to go into hiding during the divorce - one of her sons went to her house to talk her out of the divorce, she wouldn't allow him inside, so he removed the door off the hinges - and she did not want to call the police on her son, so she took his abuse.


I'm sorry about your father, may he rest in peace!


not only happens in "love' relationships.. I had a colleague who didn't stop sabotaging me, making up and telling, spreading wild, character assassinating stories until my career was completely destroyed and I moved, HAD to move ... and, a 'best friend' who didn't stop until he had made sure that ALL social contacts we had in common shunned and disrespected me. And all you can do is try to reorganize and start as if you had just fallen on the planet. And you ask yourself "what in the H*** did I DO???"... and every little thing you said. Pretty gruesome.


My mother has done this to me, and everyone believes her. She is the worst person I know and yet she has everyone thinking she is so sweet and innocent.


I swear; listening to you reminds me of a text book reminder of my situation. In retrospect, I clearly see how toxic my own family was. The longer I keep my distance, the happier I am. You can't make up this crap. This behavior is so very twisted. These horrific narcissists are vile, insecure and just plain cruel. They behave this way because they are so unhappy. Stirring up trouble for others is a clear indication that they despise their own lives so they are compelled to hurt others.
