Gas and bloating: the causes and how to stop it | Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

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Most of us are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of being bloated. It can happen after we eat specific foods or have slower bowel movements. And sometimes, it can be a symptom of an underlying health condition.

To take a closer look at issues related to gas and bloating, we’ve invited a special guest this week: superstar gastroenterologist and ZOE’s U.S. Medical Director Will Bulsiewicz.

In today’s short episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan and Will ask: What are the main causes of gas bloating, and how do we stop it?

Studies referenced in the episode:

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This made me think about when you change an animals food, you are always recommended to introduce it slowly. Build the new food amount up slowly. Yet we tend to go for a normal size portion of something new then wonder why it causes issues!


My personal experience to improve all intestine problems is to drink plenty of water and exercise.


What cured my constipation was making sure I eat 3 cups of vegetables a day and cut back on coffee and rarely drink sodas.I cut out sweeteners. This has all helped so much. I drink lots of water as well.


I am perimenopausal and the imbalance in my hormones has caused gut dysbiosis resulting in food intolerances, digestive problems such as diarrhoea, chronic constipation, gas and bloating. Taking lactose free dairy problems has helped with the gas and bloating, but my constipation was only resolved when I followed Dr. B's advice (given in another podcast) and started to take magnesium oxide supplements. Now that I have regular bowel movements I have been able to ramp up the fibre and also reintroduce many foods into my diet. I love that man :)


I dealt with daily abdominal bloating which got worse later in the day—turned out I had multiple ovarian tumors which led to major emergency surgery. My advice is get an abdominal CT scan so you can rule out swelling due to other more serious issues.


I would like to say as a Newby to the ZOE program I am enjoying the detailed scientific content and also doing random tests using the Glucose sensor. I find this very revealing.

Amongst the various entertaining videos I recently watched was a couple of Dr. Will Bulsiewicz. These referred to acid reflux and also gas bloating.
As someone who has had a passing interest in food, nutrition and the body generally, I have often tried to understand why these uncomfortable conditions occur.

One habit I have observed in people and one which I was guilty of was the way lunch or dinner is consumed.
Eating food quickly results in unmasticated food elements. These enter the stomach and are then churned for a while in the acidic environment.

However this is the crunch, many people including myself then wash all this down with a coffee or mug of tea. This is disastrous as the food is then prematurely washed into the small intestine and then the colon.

I am convinced that this then causes massive fermentation to occur resulting gas formation and acid reflux. Hense, the lucrative demand for anti-acits tablets.

To test this theory, I started drink first; wait a while and then eat. This has worked for me.


My bloating is mainly caused by bread and cooked green vegetables rather than lactose. I've had to decide what is best for me and if bloating isn't actually causing me physical harm then I will put up with that in order to enjoy the same healthy nutritional food I have always loved.


Thank god he's a real doctor
The only bloating video that mentioned constipation ❤


Dealt with this for years and the doctors told me to reduce my food intake, which made it way way worse. I went to a nutritionist which told me that’s the exact opposite thing I wanted to do with an idiopathic symptom set. He said I was harshly slowing my digestive tract by forcing it into ketosis and it had given me SIBO. I was in so much pain certain days I actually went to the hospital for it.


Excess of burping is my problem and I don’t even swallow air. There is a kind of fermentation in my stomach that generates that gas, and consequently, non-stop burping.


I'm 62yrs. and a twin. Both my sister and I have suffered with diarrhea, constipation or incomplete evacuation for many years. After trying many different diets and testing positive for lactose intolerance, a gynecologist said that my present problems were due to a fibroid which cannot be removed !!
I have since accepted this and I make sure I eat a variety of foods, with soft veg. like spinach and courgettes with every meal. This helps.
I'm also wondering if there are others who are twins and suffer with their digestion since childhood.


Regular bowel movements, but still bloated everyday . Don’t eat any of the foods you mentioned that could cause gas . Also take Bio Live for my gut first thing every morning . Personally in my case think it’s histamine intolerance, fermented foods a no no, can be so limiting 🥺


We (me and wife) started with lactose free milk about four months ago and it has made a real difference. We are in our mid/late 60s and have eaten dairy produce all our lives and the decision to start using lactose free milk was an experiment as much as anything...precisely as an attempt to deal with my gas and bloating. We have now extended to lactose free spread (butter) and lactose free soft cheese spread. My wife had already gone gluten free some years ago, but I have not taken that step.


This is very true I was bloated..and I had constipation..And I noticed when I moved a lot more..the blotting was less.


I get very painful splenic flexure syndrome from gas/bloating, keeps me awake often. thanks for the series to help me rebuild to manage good foods better, recently changed to WFPB, so FODMAP heavy would be the order of the day. I truly appreciate this guidance Erythritol causes serious issues for me when trying to use stevia or monk fruit to sweeten I have to find some without!


2 weeks into Not combining any friends & myself were free of the problems. Proper combining will never be western mainstream ✌🏾💥💥💥💥


I cut out wheat/gluten 100 percent! and I'm eating vegetables and meat at the moment (No dairy for me) my gas and bloating went from bad to normal in just a matter of days. I've been eating this way for close to a month now and the difference is night and day for me, even though I eat vegetables most meals including cabbage and sprouts.


I have bloating and gas because I have IBS It is very painful 😣 I changed my diet started to drink hot water with lemon 🍋 in the morning before breakfast 🌄 and it help when you have a bad stomach it clear the air pocket that build up in the bowels . That's what helps me . Everyone is different it's finding out works for you.


I admit I have a (diet) soda addiction. One glass rarely causes problems but when it does, it feels my stomach is going to burst. I also wonder, is it possible to be constipated even if you don't FEEL constipated? I sometimes feel I have a slow moving gut as far as gas goes, but in that time I'm passing stool at LEAST once per day.


I cured my constipation by repopulating my gut microbiome. That was the fix. Exercise helps me too especially movements that exercise the torso. Jogging is incredibly effective but top quality running shoes that fit are essential to protect the knees. Also working up to getting distance and speed needs to be slow.
Jogging round the house for a few weeks first for instance then going for short easy jogs is what I do. Good to see tips about swallowed air and food though. It all helps. I avoid Lactose, Gluten, Alcohol, Caffeine and Nitrites(not nitrates) I also avoid foods high in vitamin K like brassicas such as broccoli and kale. I eat a very varied diet including fish, meat, veg, salad, blanched hazel nuts, fruit etc.
