Don't Express Negative Emotions I Robert Greene

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Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws.

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“Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” - Walt Whitman


I find myself venting out loud to myself before I think about venting to others and it helps me calm down and approach the matter at hand better.


As a Chinese, we don't talk about our emotions nor express it, but it certainly doesn't go away.
It is waiting to come out one day to bite our ass off.


This is basically what Zen meditation is about: Being conscious of your thoughts acknowleding them and just observing them watching them come and go like clouds without emotionally attaching yourself to them.


Every time you avoid bursting in rage you’re teaching you’re adapting your mind to respond with patience

Edit: I’ve had a u turn a shift in my beliefs on this. Like a complete u turn.


Not sulking in an unpleasant emotion by repeatedly talking about it makes sense. But if there’s a confident friend or partner who can help you process the negative situation, it also has its benefits. Just don’t indulge.


Sometimes it just needs to be said though. It’s being honest and authentic to tell people how you feel, at least within reason


“Don’t complain. Don’t explain.” - Benjamin Disraeli


“Complaining is affirming the things that you don’t want.” — Abraham Hicks


I totally agree with this, I stopped complaining or venting to anyone but my husband or my close family members in private and it’s helped my self esteem so much. I still feel like I complain to much to them too so I am working on that.


i struggle with this.... i always feel the need to speak out when theres negative spirit disturbing my peace.


I don't trust people who never express negative emotions, they too often turn out to fake, self serving, unable to deal with criticism and ignore real problems in the name of positivity


What he's talking about is really multi layered.
I rarely vent to anyone because to me it's re-traumatizing to my mind and body. The other reason is because the issue has passed and no one can do anything now to change it.
However, I will tell you not doing so doesn't make me feel better or change the negativity of the experience. It just further serves as recognition that my problems are my own.
What's really happening is a barrier has been created between myself and others with things that I know I can never show or share. An even if/when I do meet someone that can help I'll never really know because I'm silent and independent on what I'm going through.
If this sounds like a good way to live, then by all means go ahead.
However, remember that your body and subconscious mind haven't forgotten what it must do and how separate it'll keep you from others. If a person isn't careful this too can become bitterness and resentment.
It would be better if you had time to cool down and then talk to someone you know you can trust to help you sort through certain negative things.
For the times I do vent, even to the air, I've found myself able to find a solution faster and become lighter.


True you will speak something you regret into existence.


Like any thinker, Greene has some great ideas and insights and some duds - the ideas in this clip are an example of the later. Emotions don't go away because you don't talk about them. They make you stronger if you process them and sometimes that involves expressing them to someone. If you stuff them down, you'll be less confidence, more volatile, and generally less happy. I agree that you shouldn't allow emotions to run your life, but you need space to process and talking about it is one of those ways.


It’s amazing how many people are missing the point: Stop your CONSTANT COMPLAINING about little everyday things that really don’t matter.
(You’re only calling more attention to it as you go about your day… that’s all)

In order to heal, we have to be present in our emotions and learn to observe and investigate the sources of these thoughts and also pain that lives in the body. That work MUST be done. Certain talks and boundaries have to be had. This isn’t about telling men not to cry…. It’s about all of us giving ourself a moment of grace in order to lend ourselves compassion and stopping the cycle of being our own worst enemies when emotions take over. This exercise is the first step to make everyday life more manageable as you focus on the bigger obstacles…take care & good luck on your journey!! ❤


Truth... Take every thought captive...


I think as long as you acknowledge your feelings, accept them and then let them go, as opposed to bottling them up, this is a good idea!


every time i vent i get judged. Now i stopped doing it. It is absolutely of no use if the other person is further invalidating your experience. Just walk away with grace. And it fades so fast as soon as you busy yourself with something important and dont let that negative emotions harvest inside your mind. You have so much control and power over ypur emotions that it's incredible. Also, if venting helps you, u do u ❤️ no judgement passed.


I also like the idea of the transmutation of emotional energy...i get my best workouts in when I'm upset...
