TDG: Top Ten Games That Didn't Get Enough Love (August 2022)

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Join Cody as he explores ten games that just didn't get enough love.

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I just wanted to drop a note and tell you how much I deeply appreciate what you're doing here. You are my favorite reviewer, and I feel you do an outstanding job presenting your reviews in an entertaining, informative, and appropriately lengthy way. Well done, sir!


I agree on Godfather: Corleone's empire. Such a great game and way overlooked. My only minor complaint I had was that all the cards had the same artwork, but now you can download custom art templates to each specific job card and they look great.


Junta was one that I always enjoyed playing with my old board gaming group. Though it helped that we were all happy to ham things up. Fairly complex but allade sense mechanics wise. Plus the tongue-in-cheek nature of the portrayal of 60's and 70's era 'Banana Republics' is well done


Oh, man. Such a fantastic list. I especially appreciate the mention of Battleship Galaxies. That was one of the games that lured me back into modern board gaming. And it's such a good one. Nearly every game on your list is either one of my personal favorites, or has been on my wishlist to try. So many of these entries do indeed deserve another look!


I missed this when you posted it last year. Delighted to see love for Battleship Galaxies—it undoubtedly suffered by 1) being Hasbro, and 2) being branded Battleship. It is a really fun two player space minis game.


1. Dungeon Quest by FF. another simple yet enjoyable one, it has such a delicious old school vibe, where you explore a randomly generated dungeon to try and find the dragon's lair, steal the loot, and make it out alive. Laughs guaranteed everytime we play this one!

2. Merchant of Venus (fantasy flight edition, Classic ruleset. Such a neat little enjoyable game!)

3. Cataclysm by GMT. Hands down the best strategic level WW2 game for me.

4. Theseus Dark Orbit, by Portal Games. Amazing assymetric game that rewards multiple plays. This and Neuroshima Hex are among my favorites.

5. Wir Sind Das Volk. Technically this should be higher, but I dont play it often enough. Scratches the Twillight Struggle itch, but so much more fun to me.


1) New Angeles
2) RuneAge, the best deckbuilder I've ever played (with great PvP battles)
3) Mission Red Planet 2nd edition - needs a character expansion


Loved Sons Of Anarchy. Due to the ages of some players we referred to the Contraband as black market Disney DVDs.


I would add TANNHAUSER! That game didnt get enough love and im sad the expansions ended. I always use custom characters using Heroclix minis like of Sgt Rock, Sgt Fury, Blackhawk, and Marvels Invaders to use during missions, Same with Indiana Jones, and Rocketeer!


Interesting list, because these games are indeed less known. One game I strongly feel deserves more love is Clockwork Wars: it has simultaneous actions, special abilities that you race for and give a strong and different flavor to each game, and solid rules.


So glad to see love for Gotham City Strategy Game! Production is a little low-rent, but I think it is a fun, solid game. I love the genuine threat of Batman swooping in and screwing up all your plans. And if you beat him? He just comes back stronger next time. Super thematic and a lot of fun!


Still have Sons of Anarchy: MoM, The Godfather: CE and New Angeles. Wish I could get them to the table more. Sadly, I got rid of Batman: GC Strategy game for lack of interest from my friends. I'll never get rid of Godfather and Sons of Anarchy, but I might get rid of New Angeles if John Company: 2E becomes the massive negotiation game of choice for my group. I do want to try those Tempest series games. A somewhat recent game I own that doesn't seem to get the love I think it deserves, is Pax Viking from ION games.


Great video, I love Star Trek Fleet Captains, own it and the two expansion. Very thematic game..Also Corleones Empire is a game which should be readily available.


I was happy to see Battleship: Galaxies on your list. I have this game, and I do like many mechanics of this game. The one thing that seemed to frustrate me was that moving the larger models with their larger bases was awkward when the board was crowded, and could result in knocking other units askew and losing precisely where all the units should be located/oriented. Also, since many of the pegs need to be inserted into the bases of the minis, this lead to the need to constantly fiddle with the minis, which gets very frustrating when the units are all packed together in close proximity. Small nit-pick, perhaps for an otherwise very fun game from Hasbro. ; )


*Forbidden Stars has entered the chat* >.<
Galaxy Defenders: TELL me about
Fortune and Glory: Oh don't even get me started about that two-timer!


I have, unfortunately, not played any of these games except for Star Trek: Fleet Captains. I was fortunate enough to come across a sale a few years ago where I was able get the base game and expansions for about the original cost of the base game.

A couple I might add to such a list would be Ikusa/Shogun/Samurai Swords and Conquest of Nerath. Both are "Dudes on a Map" type games with an Axis & Allies battle mechanic.


Another for Mission red planet and ikusa great games! There sure are a lot of great older games that have disappeared with the cult of the new. Starlet Captains agreed, love everything trek, check out Federation Commander or Starfleet Battles such memorable moments!


Great list. I was expecting to see Conquest of Nerath on here too


I think New Angeles was in your top 10 list for FF games and it got me interested. After looking into, i picked it up recently and hoping to table it soon!


I just played Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition for the first time recently (twice recently actually) and loved it. I know it's had its share of praise over the years, but with it being out of print for so long I feel like many gamers are not really aware of it or the new edition, and it's such a clean, fun design that delivers an epic experience and I feel the new edition didn't get enough love/attention. Eclipse: Second Dawn (one of my all time favorites for years) made big waves with a new edition, working its way up the BGG charts, but Clash of Cultures: ME is still hanging out in the low 400s.
