TDG: Cody's Top Ten Game Disappointments

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Join Cody as he looks at his top ten disappointing games of all time!
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Cosmic Encounter is ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ of board games. Gamers claim to love it cause they don’t want to appear ‘uncool’ - but the truth is it’s really just … ok. Total agreement with you there. I’m curious to know how you feel about Arkham Horror: The Card Game, because to me, that makes the original Arkham Horror game seem boring. Arkham Horror: LCG is one of the most fun cooperative games of all time, in my opinion.


You are the humblest gaming snob, I’ve ever come across. Interesting video post.


I actually enjoyed the scenario based approach to AH3. Some complementary blend between the LCD and Eldritch. So since I did not own 2nd, I am quite happy with this one (but yes there is a degree of finnickiness in the structure of events - if you miss a line or paragraph or to read a card side or read it in the wrong order, it can misdirect you or simple blow your game - unfortunately...)


I don’t play regular pandemic, it gets stale fast. I had to add the expansions to make the complexity and gameplay satisfying, but I can see why you may not like it.Legacy Season 1 (haven’t played 2 yet) is so fun because of the progression and if you have a good group, the player interaction and decision making is what makes it special. I highly recommend it at 4 (too easy at 2), but it may not be in your wheelhouse if you don’t like coops.

Smallworld frustrates me because ganging up on players is way too easy. It doesn’t feel like meaningful strategy it’s really just negotiation and getting people to attack others. I will say the expansion of the small deck with random events every round helped spice up the game, but I haven’t played it in quite some time. Not a great two player either.

Thanks for your thoughts on Cosmic Encounter/ I may need to stay clear of that one now!

Love your honesty! Good stuff.


Runewars is still one of my favourite games, the order cards, so many various elements, including the heroes... And all that in half the time TI takes. It is not a fantasy version but a totally superior product.


Arkham/Eldrich Horror did a really bad job with the horror theme, because they just told you how your character *felt*, instead of describing what your character *experienced* and then letting you feel it yourself.


Quite the list -- glad to see the comments were pretty diplomatic! I tend to agree with your views, and have found that I really enjoy games you recommend, so my instinct to shy away from Cosmic is probably pretty solid (though not having a large game group adds to that caution). I can see why serious gamers might see Pandemic as a disappointment (remembering the distinction between disappointing games and bad games), but I love that it is a great gateway game to get people into the wider world of board games, the way Catan and Ticket to Ride do.

I was looking at the Hitler's Reich page on GMT's site the other day and wondering whether you had played it since the new rule book came out. I read about the game and I get excited, and then I remember your original review of it. . . And now it appears on this list. Any changes regarding HR in the last year?


Cosmic Encounter was soooo over hyped for me. I had your same thoughts going in and left with just a felling of, "Oh, that's it eh?" I've thought maybe with 6 players it would be good but I don't want to spend the money for the expansion.

My biggest disappointment has probably been Tapestry. It was sold as a civ builder, which I love but it just didn't feel like it at all. The game felt all over the place. To me, it really felt like they focused more on the components rather than the game itself.


Thanks Cody, another interesting topic. I am so much in sync with you on this one as I've got rid of Pandemic, Smallworld, Cosmic Encounter and Fog of War too. My other major disappointments were Agricola, Airlines Europe, Automobile (the Martin Wallace one), Castles of Burgundy, City of Spies, Clank!, Deception: Murder in HK, Empires of the North, Evolution, Exodus: Proxima Centauri, Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage, The 7th Continent and Tiny towns to name a few.
As I get to know myself and my game groups more, I make less mistakes than before though.
Take good care!


Could agree with everything except Pandemic. Maybe if I had it hyped a lot today and then getting to play it - especially after playing tons of games clearly inspired by it - I would too find it underwhelming. But it was game which was downright revolutionary when it came out, and it stood the test of time magnificently - I still enjoy playing it, although I would definitely suggest playing either the Legacy version or vanilla + On the Brink expansion over just the base game.


The more I played Arkham 3rd, the more I liked it but there just isn’t enough stuff in the box and even with the first expansion. Hopefully, the new expansion that was just announced will help. Pandemic legacy is amazing.


I'm not completely disappointed with AH3, but I was really hoping for a more streamlined version of 2E instead. The doom-neighborhood dynamic needs work.


Did you get around to playing Pandemic Legacy? I don't much like vanilla Pandemic either, but the Legacy series are amongst my favorite game experiences.


Runewars is one of my favourite wargames. Doenst get to play it enough because it it only works with 4 people. You cant play with mroe and it is not fun with 3. They should make a 6 player expansion


Those are good choices for biggest disappointments! Great video again, I always look forward to your videos and opinions.


Cosmic thrives with a minimum of five players, preferably 6 or 7 (if players know the game, the higher player counts work....if they're newbies, stay at 5-6). Play with hidden powers and flare cards and it's a much, much better game than what comes in the original box. And the big secret to the game? Whoever is the least of a jerk will usually win. (But where's the fun in that?!?)

All that said one dour player can ruin the game.


I thought it was me but I seem to feel the same about the majority of games in the video. You just found my words or put my feeling to words. Thanks again!


Crap... just purchased Cosmic encounter based off of Tom’s enthusiasm for the game.


Tigris & Euphrates, and Agricola.
T&E has a potentially awesome theme, but is just a mathematical style puzzle game, with a theme barely tagged on.
Agricola suffers from illogicallity to annoyance levels. 'you can't grow crops, because someone else is growing crops in a field far away' (forgive me if that is an incorrect thing, as I've only played it once, a long time ago, but that is the sort of thing I recall not liking it for). I wanted to like that game so much, as well. :(


Cody goes out of his way to say that these are just his opinion and that he understands some people absolutely love these games. Stresses these are his own personal feelings.

Every comment: You're wrong, that's a great game!

