TDG: Cody's Top Ten Games of 2015

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2015 was a great year for tabletop gaming, and Cody's gonna tell you why with his very own top ten list for the year! And you thought he lacked depth!
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Cthulhu Wars was definitely at the top of my list this year. Worth every penny, and then some. The look and gasps of terror when dropping a GOO on the board is priceless. Also, the interesting phenomenon of players psychologically identifying with particular faction colors or sculpts, and how that particular faction connects with their personality and really grabs a hold of them. Then the replay and discovery of deeper strategies of that particular faction. Then the mental stretching and exercise of other aspects of one's personality to grasp and succeed with other factions. This is an exceedingly rewarding, challenging, and replayable game that has continued to excite my group(s) through the year.


Great list! I have enjoyed many of these and look forward to your videos in 2016.


Fantastic feedback as always Cody. I always appreciate your lists of top games as well as your game reviews. Played Star Wars Armada before Christmas and like you was very impressed with the quality of the game components as well as the overall aspects of the game. Quite fun. However, this past weekend I got the chance to play Firefly with all the expansion for the first time. As much as I enjoyed Star Wars Armada, I was totally blown away by my experience with Firefly. Well designed components and a game system that provides huge amounts of flexibility in how you play this game. Great, great fun. I have also played XCom and enjoyed it and unlike the complainers, did not find the IPad app to be intrusive. Rather, I liked the element it added in terms of the running clock. Make a decision or pay the consequences. Just like in the video game. I love the Warhammer 40K universe and will have to get a copy of Forbidden Stars. Thanks to your feedback, I picked up Dust Tactics and have enjoyed playing and learning that system. There is rarely a day when I don't spend a few minutes viewing your You Tube channel. Keep up the fantastic work and thanks to you and your pals for all their wonderful reviews.


Great list! Just found your channel recently and I think your reviews are fun and awesome! Keep it up!


I'm still watching because it's 5:30 AM here and I'm at work.


You surprised me. I kept waiting to see a Dicemasters expansion or Fury of Dracula 3rd Ed to appear. Happy gaming to you and yours in 2016!


Funny, I was just viewing your review on Churchill when you posted below. I forgot to mention that Churchill does appear to have some unique game elements and it is worth a look. Same with Homeland. Whenever, I start watching your takes I make my lists and the game manufacturers get a little bit happier. Not sure if you or your friends have ever played Dan Vessen's Warfighter. A great solo game that is even better with friends played in Co-op. Superb components and well thought out game mechanics make this a challenging and fun experience. Since it appears you have played or been exposed to almost every game ever made, I would imagine you are at least familiar Dan Vessen's games. And, you are always most welcome. Cheers.


Santa brought me Churchill and I can't wait to play it! Have you tried it solo with the bots? Great video and list!


I'm really enjoying Star Wars Armada but I wonder how many more expansions will be coming. Isle of Skye was a surprise hit and I seriously considered Legendary Predators but I prefer the Alien theme/franchise. Great list!

Will you still play Star Wars: X-Wing or is it going to be up for sale?


Cthulhu Wars I think is the only game I have seen that I wish they would do a standard less expensive version with smaller mini's. Having said that I would avoid playing it with folks who get angry as you could used the great ones as a murder weapon ;) :) Enjoyed Star wars risk. X-Com is still sat on my shelf though I did try it solo and thought it was pretty good. Forbidden stars I would love to play. Infact if I can sell of my 40K collection I should have enough cash to go on a spending spree :)


Great lost Cody! Though I am really curious to know where Blood Rage would end up on your list. Shame that you couldn't get one of the biggest games of the year played. Considering how many other $100+ games are on your list though, I guess you can't get them all. 😉


Watched a lot of other reviewers lists, but this one tops them all.

Still.. how come no Blood rage? I'd say it kinda fits your style.


Pretty interesting list. Guess I'm selling off my 40k stuff to get Forbidden Stars, Cthulu Wars, and Armada.


I got Star Wars Risk for Christmas.  Wasn't expecting much, but I ended up really enjoying playing it with my son.  I'm still trying to figure out why they call it Risk, though.  And why Kylo Ren is on the box...


The criticism against X-COM is perfectly justifiable if you consider the fact that not everyone has a tablet. Neither me nor any member of my gaming group have one, primarily because none of us get the point of tablets (and this is coming from a software engineer, incidenally, so I can assure you that I know exactly what tablets are used for) and we're certainly not going to buy one just to play a board game - especially if the mechanism in that game, as you say, could've been implemented using cards instead.
Now, I have no issue with people who think that integrating technology into board gaming is a positive thing, I just happen to think differently, and so I also feel that a game like X-COM (or Golem Arcana or any of the newer board games that rely on apps) is very deserving of the criticism it gets for that aspect


A strange list for a top 10 games actually. I have only played 2 of them Gold West and X-com while they are good games i do not consider them in a top 10.But hey tastes differ and that's not a bad thing so everyone can enjoy different games. :D May you Guy's and girl ;) have a great new (gaming) year and many good reviews :D , but now that Holly will be doing more video's that wouldn't be any trouble :D


Not a fan of Blood rage or just didn't play it?


i dont like xcom you doing good and at the end all the game depends on a one roll.i hate thinking that i wasted my time for this outcome. from this list i think churchill will be my jam.
