Straight Leg Raise 3 Way Exercise Demonstration - Physical Therapy Exercises

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TSAOG Physical Therapist Cheryl Obregon demonstrates the Straight Leg 3 Way Excercise. Visit for more information.

While performing the straight leg 3 way exercise, you want to first start laying on your back, make sure your abdominals are engaged, so that way you back can stay as flat as possible. Whatever leg you are not working on you want the other leg bent, and again, this will ensure that your back stays nice and neutral for the first position. you are just lifting your leg up approximately 6 inches or so while engaging your thigh muscles. You want to hold this position for up to 5 seconds and repeat this 10 times. The second position is laying on your side, whichever leg you are working on you want to have that leg up towards the ceiling, bend the bottom leg, and extend the top leg and light up slightly until you feel the side of your hip muscles working. You want to hold this position for 5 - 10 seconds and repeat it 10 times. Make sure in this position, you're keeping your back straight and are not rotating to injure your back. Make sure you stay as straight as possible. In the last position or the third position you want to lay on your stomach. If possible, you want to place a pillow underneath your pelvis to make sure that your back stays in a neutral position. flatten your head against your hands to maintain a neutral neck position. squeeze your buttock muscles and lift your leg up barely off the mat, about 6 inches. Makes sure that you are not twisting at your low back and that you feel only your hip muscles engaging. You want to hold this position for approximately 5 -10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
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THIS done everyday or give 2 day a rest between exercise. Thanks you for who answer my question


Have to be repeated this exercise for another leg or not ?
And can i do this exercise twice a day


I am seventy years old lady. Once met with an accident there after I keep my left leg straight and the right leg slightly bent due to pain which has become a habit. Can not climb stairs continuously and with this I give more stress to the straight one which is now become bowed, please suggest how to correct/rectify the same. I go to gym 2/3 times a week.
Thank you
asita Lahiri


Why ? What is the purpose? What do these specific exercises work ?


Do we have to repeat this exercise for other leg....


Please tell me the benefits of these exercises


Hai..can i use ur video for my awareness of osteoarthritis video??..i will put ur channel name in that video for ur credit
