Straight Leg Raise Phase 2 - Ask Doctor Jo

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To perform the straight leg raise phase 2:

1. Lie down on your back and prop up on your elbows. Bend one leg up, and straighten out the leg you want to exercise. Pull your toes towards you to lock out your knee.
2. Keeping your leg straight, lift the leg to the height of the other knee, and slowly come back down.



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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Straight Leg Raise Phase 2r:

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Do you remember what Phase 2 rules in and out in regards to a lower extremity special test?


Great Dr.Jo will practice✌Nice day:) 🌹🌼


Doc. J, would this help or hinder a nagging hamstring strain?


Hey Doctor Jo, I'm getting a bursectomy in a week what do you think the safe recovery time would be?


I have been having reoccurring knee pain on my right leg for several months now; it's tougher to raise my right leg. I'm assuming that I need to fix the imbalance in the strength of the muscles around the knee (if I read that correctly).