3 Way Straight Leg Raise

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Front Leg Raise:
-Laying flat on your back
-Keep both legs straight as you raise a leg up as high as you can
Abduction Raise (Top Leg):
-Laying on your side
-Keep legs straight as you raise the top leg up; Keep your foot pointed straight ahead
Adduction Raise (Bottom Leg):
-Laying on your side
-Bend top leg over; Raise bottom leg as high as you can
-Laying flat on your back
-Keep both legs straight as you raise a leg up as high as you can
Abduction Raise (Top Leg):
-Laying on your side
-Keep legs straight as you raise the top leg up; Keep your foot pointed straight ahead
Adduction Raise (Bottom Leg):
-Laying on your side
-Bend top leg over; Raise bottom leg as high as you can