'The biggest mistake people make in relationships..' - Matthew Hussey

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"The biggest mistake people make in relationships.." - Matthew Hussey #shorts

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Recently had this conversation and decided to cut contact with the guy after a few weeks. I could see he couldn't give me what I want and I'm not sticking around to be hurt disrespected and used.


I pray that everybody reading this finds the partner they're looking for and deserve🤗. God bless you🙏.


I've never seen a video where this man has said something untrue. He's just so wise and kind.


Sad that the question must be asked because the other person’s intentions and actions do not speak for themselves


That's a very mature way to conduct a healthy relationship...good advice man 🤛


"Got other people asking you out but don't know what to tell them."
If you are dating someone.. let's say meeting up with them every Saturday night for a drink whatever (and personally I think that's what couples should be doing for the first 2 or 3 months) and someone tells you this then you know there is no exclusivity. To ask it or to hear it coming from the other person. There is no future with this person. Unless you want a future of fear or of "if you don't do a b or c then I know another person that can"
I believe these are questions that don't need to be asked. You can feel them. When it's real there is no doubt. There is no confusion. If someone isn't giving you their undivided time and attention then it's not a relationship. You're a second option. Maybe even a stepping stone to get to the person they actually want to be with in life.
When it's real their is no doubt. People show up. They're around. Text messages are not delayed. Things are on time. Anything else is just a waste of your time.


This man KNOWS how to effectively communicate💞


Why are relationships so complicated 😢


I did this... But alas he was a narcissist.. Ultimately I had to block him.. As I got tired of his passive aggressive behavior


I had this conversation with my ex. We were already about two month into a committed relationship and we had been friends for 3yrs b4 that.. we were starting to have a lot of petty fights n cold wars so I made him sit down n have a talk with me.. I asked him if he could see that it wasn’t working. I asked him if he really loved me coz I was super clear that I loved him.. he tried to make excuses but I kept going back at last I said it’s simple it’s just a yes or a no question.. if finally caved n yelled, “No I don’t love u.” As hard as it was to hear, that help me accept the fact that I needed to move on.. coz we definitely weren’t at the same page. I loved him but he just wanted friends with benefits with the title of girlfriend n boyfriend while flirting with others on the side.
I’m actually proud of myself.. coz he tried multiple times to get back together in the name of friendship, always wanted more but wasn’t willing to commit. Previous me would have adult gotten back with him after hearing all his sweet talks but the new me was confident enough to let go no matter what he said coz I was watching his actions n they didn’t add up. I definitely need a pat on the back for becoming who I have become..🥰


That’s too scary 😭 so beautiful though !


When you start to ask qs and have doubts...time to open the door wide open!!!


this couldnt have come at a better time


Matthew you always speak eloquently and with poise. I stumble and stutter trying to articulate my thoughts. So, I pay close attention, not just about what you say, but also, on how you say it.


this was my issue. I don't like looking vulnerable because whenever I tell a guy that, I feels like I'm cheap


Well put, clear and concise yet not pushy.


This is brilliant-in the curiosity, you let go of the outcome and hopefully get the answers you need to make an informed choice of how to move forward. This would have saved me a lot of time in my last relationship.


This question of how do you feel about this is what made me realized that we didn’t see eye to eye


I appreciate your videos so much, Matthew, and the way you explain everything so well. This particular one hit home with me and how I could say this the way you just did. I did say this to him after a few weeks when I felt He was "THE ONE"! I wanted us both to be on the same wavelength, and we were. I've always been transparent, an open book of my heart to someone I'd want in my life. But men don't think like women, and I get it, after years of experience with them. I'm a work in progress. TY


Feels awesome ....thanks to you my life improved god bless
