My Parents Died

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On March 4th, 2022, my mom passed away. In 2010, my dad passed away. Today I'm sharing about both experiences and why I've been away.


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Sarah, I’m sending you my absolute deepest of condolences. I’m truly sorry about your mom and both of your parents. Death is still something I’ve still haven’t come to terms with myself and I honestly don’t know if I ever will. Simply knowing that some day everyone you know and love, especially your parents will be gone, it’s truly terrifying to the point where it can really tear us apart as a person. Only leaving us to grief alone. But as Vision once said, “What’s grief if not love persevering?”. Those words have really stuck with me ever since I’ve heard them and reminded me how much I loved everyone that I’ve lost and will continue to love and be with again long after I’m gone. As long as we remember who they were as people, cherish all our memories of them, share their stories, they will continue to live on in our hearts. ❤️


You described a lot of how I am feeling now. I've lost both, too. I lost mom 2 weeks ago at 35. It is my worst nightmare. I've had anticipatory grief since she was diagnosed. I look around and see others going about life normally and I can't believe it. When people ask or say "that's life" or "she's in heaven" it feels like a slap in the face.
I see unhealthier people who don't take care of themselves, those who don't even enjoy life the way she did and I don't understand how or why it happened to her. But then, I realize these are futile thoughts because it's just a matter of time before we all die and at some point everyone deals with loss.
I'm having the crying outbursts, but also a lot of high-functioning since all my time is taken up by going to the hospital or caregiving. I'm going to miss her forever and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat just to be in her presence without pain.


I lost my father at 23 and my mom 4 years later. Thank you for sharing your stories.


So sorry for your loss, I know your pain I lost both of my parents when I was very young. My heart goes out too you, be strong. 🖤


I just want to let you know that I relate to everything you’re saying. I became an adult orphan at 36. I find it difficult to relate to others because everyone else seems to have parents. Don’t allow anyone to tell you how you should grieve! You’re allowed to feel whatever you feel, as long as you need to feel it!


i understand how must it feels. i lost both my parents at the same time. it was unbearable. i was changing houses from week to another week and couldnt stop feeling like a burden to everyone. but i guess i was lucky how my relatives took care of me and still willing to do itand i guess how sharing the grief with others made it easier to acknowledge their death. i still miss them. it has been a month or two since they are gone. but you know, that's how life is. even though how much i cry, life is still going on.


I'm sorry for your loss and hope you can find peace during this time.

I haven't lost my parents, but I lost my grandma back in December. We didn't always get along, but I cried a lot when I was told. For some reason, I didn't cry that much after a couple days. I just thought "she's not in pain anymore" and that helped because she had a lot of physical issues and pain and her life towards the end was tedious and boring. Last month, something reminded me of her and I just broke down and wept, partially because I wouldn't ever see her again and that sunk in more, and partially because I wasn't always kind to her. We got into arguments pretty frequently, usually over small things, and occasionally I would really get angry and say unkind things and make her cry. We'd always hug and apologize. We'd often say "I love you" when I would go out and she did want good things for me. It is strange not having her around, especially since I lived with her for the last few years with my brother. We're slowly going through her stuff (she had a lot from over the decades) and I also understand feeling bad when other people say she's in Heaven. I probably would have said the same, but I left Christianity earlier last year and so I no longer believe in Heaven or Hell. My grandma was one of the only people who was ok with me being an atheist besides my atheist brother, although I'm pretty sure she forgot because her memory was getting worse.

I dread the day my parents die. They're in their upper 60's, so it could be within the next decade, especially since my dad's a smoker and my mom has diabetes. I don't always agree with them either and I don't have a great relationship with my dad, but I think I'd be pretty lost without both of them.


That was great . I lost my step father, then 4 months later my dad, then my dog and over a month ago my mom . You sound a lot like me .strong, grieving, moving forward and also feeling their absence. You are so normal and brave .😊


I hear you. I lost my mum during Covid lockdown and my Father just before Christmas gone. Add into the mix that my long term partner finished with me two months after he passed and I feel like I’m playing whack a mole with my emotions. I’ve been avoiding a lot of grief over the past few years, but just beginning to unpick it all. Your vid helps… thanks.


Lost my dad and mom recently and it’s so weird. Like everything up until now was a dream.


My grandma passed October 2021 and my dad December 2021.. it still doesn’t feel real. Thank you for sharing 🤍


I'm 31 and lost my Dad when I was 22 and now my mom. Thank you for this video.


I feel sympathy for you.
I also lost my father some years ago.
It feels weird that when our parents are around us, We don't take seriously but when they are gone, We miss them.


I lost my father in 2021 and my mother 4.5 months ago. I have not blunted my pain, in fact I have embraced it, but that does not mean it doesnt suck, . Thank you, this helps me know what I'm feeling is normal. My Therapist sucks.


Sarah, I can feel each and every word of your talk. I lost my mom in 2015 and Dad on 5 th March 2023. . Though I didn't take any other recluse but I felt the same, about wrong stars, why are we here, funeral can't be seen by dead....all I am still facing. Life has become meaningless... Take care. I am with you in this distress


I remember my best friend died and at his funeral everyone was talking about seeing him again in heaven and how amazing it was going to be. It felt like they were taking something important away from him in that funeral hall. Like they were not bothering to take it seriously. A room full of kids that don't understand death wondering when they get to go home. It was one of the most alone moments in my life. Sorry for your loss and the inability to relate to others in her life in that way. Don't give yourself too much grief for the weed it's great you didn't go to booze. Good on ya :)


Hi, I am from Italy.I think you'll see again your mum.I feel death is not what we imagine.One day we'll know it.And all the pain will be forgotten .Keep thinking to your mum, keep talking to her...


i am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother last year, and without her i have developed severe anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, and even agoraphobia. I was given Zoloft but have not tried it yet. i hope that it takes the edge off my anxiety so i can go out and enjoy life.. losing a parent is so hard, i don't know if we are ever prepared for that... its like living in two separate worlds.. one where you get the classic "oh im sorry for your loss" and then there the other world where you actually experience it and it sucks.. i havent been happy or "me" in a while. i just get up every day and do the best i can, thats all i can do❤


I'm very sorry for your loss. Everyone goes through it at some point and everyone deals with it in their own way.
Always remember that there are people that care about you.


Our lives are so much alike. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Raise Pentecostal and sexually assaulted by a youth pastor. My father died in 2018 and I starting Zoloft. It’s weed two now. Your story really spoke to my heart. Getting out of bed is a challenge. Do you take cannabis with Zoloft? I took CBD before Zoloft and it did help a little.As I said before your life story sounds like mine. Thank you for being so transparent.
