Losing both my parents

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I lost both my parents this year. Only a few months apart and I’m in my early 20s. It’s a daily struggle and it sucks having to get on with life..


I lost my dad to cancer when I was 12, and just recently lost my mother in April 2020. I’m 23 and fuck, sometimes it’s so hard because I still feel like a kid. My mother’s death has left me with anxiety attacks. We had a difficult relationship.
If somebody reads this, you are not alone. I send you a huge, long hug of light, love and support. ♥️


My dad died when i was 23 and my mom died when i was 27. I'm finding myself falling into a crippling depression again. Just need some motivation


I am here trying to find comfort too. I lost my dad when I was 14 and I was 23 when my mom passed away. 2020 is the year of my dads 10th year since he passed. It will be a year for my mom. It feels so lonely being 24 and having no parents. I know no one who has dealt with a similar thing and I’m just trying to find people who can relate to me and me to them. It is really hard living life with no one understanding my pain, even my closest friends... reading other people’s story makes me feel less alone


Lost both my parents in a car crash 4 months ago. We were very close. Thanks for this video im trying to find strength to go on.


My wife lost her dad at 20 and her mum at 26 and has struggled ever since. She is 44 now and misses them everyday. It's not something you can begin to imagine unless you have had it. It's not just about losing both parents but losing family too. It is rare to find someone under the age of 35 with no parents. Not even losing one parent even compares. Life is so tough for her.


Some of the strongest people I’ve never met are in this comment section. My heart breaks for you all, but I am in awe of your strength. Please keep fighting and keep going because I am sure you’re parents would want that the most ❤️


My mother died in November, but I want to progress to make her proud and move forward in life


This just rips your heart out. It's called the human condition. We are all frail creatures who can be extinguished at whim at any time. Love is quite expensive because we pay for it with grief!


Wish I could be with you all and hear your stories. Losing both parents at a young age has set me a part from all my friends. It’s been a lonely journey not having anyone that can relate.


Sorry to hear about your parents. Losing your parents is the hardest thing you have to go through. I lost my dad when I was 27 and lost my mum at 29. now I am 35 and miss them everyday but the memories get me through the days.


I lost both of my parents in 8 months in 2015, I was 27. It was cancer... My Mum was in medically incuded coma for a month... my Dad was already after 3 strokes, he had troubles moving.... I had to tell him she died and then take care of him for next months, when I found out he has cancer too.... lungs and later brain cancer... he died 8 months after, on my Mum's birthday.... Since then I am not the same. I had to be very strong when all of this was happening, especially for my Dad... it changed me so much. Now, even after few years, I feel empty. There are moments when I am happy or excited but mostly I don't see sense in a lot of things.... marriage, career.... all of it seems so meaningless. I still remember my Dad's loving eyes, no one loved me as he did. And I still remember how I told my Mum on a day before her death: "It's okay, don't suffer, we will be fine, you can go, don't worry about us". I'm scared to live long life, I'm not sure how much more I can handle.


Im trying so hard but I can not shake my grief.


It's extremely difficult to lose both parents at any age but even moreso when you are young. When you're young you still depend on the nurturing, support and guidance and security that your parents offer. It's one of the cruelest of losses just as is the loss of a young child to a parent...these losses are traumatic in a way that one never trully forgets that trauma...yes time eases things but the pain can surface at random times throughout ones life 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I lost my dad when I was 36 and my mum this year and I am 39. My children have lost both their grandparents and I’m so angry. Why has this happened, what did we do to deserve the hurt and torture of grief? I can’t stop thinking about them but mostly my mother. Everyday is a struggle. I’m so sorry that you have all been though the same, it’s truly awful.


Sorry for everyone's loss I lost my father who I didn't really know at 12 and my mom at 16. I'm 24 now I miss my mom so much. Feels like a piece of me has been missing since she's been gone. I wish everyone well through there grief.


I'm so sorry for all of you here. I lost my father at 12. Just recently my daughter and the father of her baby were killed in a single car accident so I can understand and feel for each and everyone of you. Please seek comfort in the Lord, this is all I have to hold on to.


so sorry to hear your story its the worst to lose people at the blink of an eye. I was lucky in the sense I had time with them at the end.I, m 41 and I lost both my parents within a couple of months, they were both diagnosed with cancer we knew about my dad 12 months earlier and my mum I think was 6 months notice.we knew very quickly they were both terminal and that left us with time to say things do things (although they were both very poorly for most of the time) its been twelve months now since dad died and ive been through a rollercoaster of emotions, the first oddly was relief, the relief that they weren't suffering any more. the emptiness followed soon after I had my kids and siblings to support at the time so was wrapped up in their wellbeing and the fact chirstmas was getting closer obviously there was my mum to care for after my dad so any emotions were on hold anyway as she was priority. she passed on the 4th December. so it was then making sure the kids enjoyed Christmas and that it was to be a celebration of there lives not a sad time.after Christmas I felt I needed a focus, something to concentrate on. my daughter was doing her gcse's later in the year so that was one focus, I wanted to plan a holiday for us so that their was always something to look forward to. im a very upbeat person most of the time and try to look at positives. and that works most of the time. on the darker days which im sure even the most bubbly people have I turn to my wife, kids brother and sister for comfort. I did have a spell of being angry all the time which was totally ou of character so saw my gp who gave me some "happy pills" and set up some counselling for me which 6 months later im still on the waiting list...I go out for a beer with a couple of my dads old school friends now and then and hear stories of what he was like growing up, I also keep in touch with my mums best friends who she grew up with and a couple of her work colleagues who shed worked with for 25 years I take a great deal of comfort from them.I feel I owe a lot of thanks to my bestest best friend. he sadly passed away 2 years before my parents, like them he also had terminal cancer and I spent a lot of time with him and his family in the 6 months running upto his death. learning to cope with his death and grieving with him for those months put me in a better place to be able to cope with the 12 months caring and grieving for both my parents. I must say though both me and him had the darkest sense of humour not just in those 6 months but in life before cancer... (we both suffer with crappy health conditions on a daily basis)., we had carers in for my (not that she needed them at first but I wanted them in to give my mum and dad somebody outside of the family to talk with and to get them to feel at ease with strangers before they were really needed. they also helped with remedies and stuff you wouldn't normally think of as they obviously see it on a daily basis.
nothing was made easy in the 12 months building upto my parents death. my own health condition got in the way (severe emphysema) when I was trying to get them back and too from the Christie for chemotherapy, in that in june my lung decided to collapse and they give me 24 hours to live! nice doctors aren't they.... anyway I managed to get out of hospital a week later but my mum being the stubborn person wouldn't let me drive to the hospital with them every week! on top of this my daughter was stuggling with her diabetes and kept ending up in hospital, how rude! so yes it was a time when we didn't think much or have time to think. theres another silver lining there by the way^^^^ at least my parents didn't have to cope with there son dying! nobody want to bury a childanyway I think ive rambled on enough... if you got this far thanks for reading,   there was a point to this essay and that is keep your chin up and even if doctors nurses don't give you support it doesn't mean you don't need it. seek help for yourselves open new doors talk to people, be angry  be sad be weepy.. but don't bottle it up and don't be selfish by keeping it to yourself. people do want to hear your voice and want to help. theyre all too scared to ask for fear of upsetting you. don't be guilty if something makes you laugh.. or if your overly happy over something and they aren't at the front of your mind for that split second.... ask yourself this... would that be what your loved ones would want? for you to be miserable and shame yourself for laughter or a happy moment?better shut up now thanks for reading and keep strong and positive, it isn't really the end of the world. just an end of a chapter, they're always gonna still be with you in your thoughts and memories. remember the happy times especially the funny times


My mom passed 6/3/23 and my dad passed 8/3/23. I am 50 years old. Life will never be the same without them.


This touches me I lost my mom at the age of six and my dad at age 8. I had an amazing upbringing due to my mothers parents but even in so I still felt empty and sad and angry all the time. I’m now 37 with four kids of my own and I’m still trying to find peace with it. I tell my kids I love them a million time a day because I know that feeling of not having a mom to hear it from. No matter what anyone says it truly never gets better.
