Protein Fuels Weight Loss: Science You Shouldn't Ignore

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Protein is essential for weight loss as well as body weight maintenance, new studies find.

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-----------------------------------------Show Notes--------------------------------------

0:00 Intro
0:20 Osteosarcopenic obesity = As you gain body fat, you tend to consume skeletal muscle and bone.
1:00 Chronic disease increases protein needs.
1:20 High protein diets help people lose weight and preserve lean body mass.
2:50 Obese and overweight people need more protein.
3:50 An inflammatory state predisposes you to catabolizing muscle and bone.
4:40 Protein is more satiating.
6:10 Protein leverage hypothesis.
7:20 Increase resistance and HIIT training, and eat more protein.
8:15 Protein protects muscle and improves signaling of gut hormones.
9:40 High protein diets paired with exercise help with weight loss and body composition.
10:10 As we age, we lose muscle and bone, and we gain fat.
10:50 Protein reduces risk of weight regain after weight loss.
12:15 We are consuming less animal protein.
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100% agree! Once I started cutting out carbs and incorporating more protein into my diet (in addition to going to the gym more), I started losing weight. 75lbs down and counting 💪


These last months, they are saying that fasting is bad, protein is bad, saturated are bad, specially from eggs, even strength training is bad, but if you really really check who's behind from all those studies, the same companies appear.


As a certified nutritionist, when I recommend increased protein to my clients, who are women over 50, many panic. They have been taught calorie reduction for most of their life. Thank you for sharing these studies as this can help support what I am teaching them. Some are still of the mind that protein is going to cause atherosclerosis or increase their cholesterol levels.


Yet another reason why I do Atkins and NOT keto. Lost 45lbs last year doing this (yes, along with running, walking, resistance training and drastically reducing my ultra-processed food intake).

Reading some of the comments in this and other videos I'm convinced there are a lot of people who think they're doing keto when in fact they're actually doing Atkins instead. Atkins is high protein, moderate fat and low carb (I'm not talking about their products which I have never purchased). Keto is high fat, moderate protein and ultra low carbs to the point that IMO most people cannot sustain that. Anyway, this video just validates what I have already known.


I have always been a fitness enthusiast and even though I worked out frequently (HIIT, running and strength training), I developed lower back pain/sciatica nerve pain, that's when I stumbled upon the keto/carnivore diet 5 months ago. My back healed within a month of keto and now I'm on a high protein diet - carnivore (majorly red meat and eggs) with a little keto and feel great.


Mike do you know of Cheryl Coulombe? Maybe you could interview her...she is helping more mature ladies to lift weights and regain muscle.


Just a heads up, Yves has the same prononciation as Eve in English 😊


As beef and egg consumption have been going down, chronic disease has been going up.


Hay Mike, very timely as I took the world carnivore challenge January 1st, it’s so true about satiety with protein and saturated fat. I’m 70 days in and I’m down about 7 lb but all my muscles are benefiting from all the meat in particular red meat. I feel great and it’s because I don’t crave the carbs, all the KETO snacks and breads were creeping into my diet making weight loss impossible so I started carnivore. Did a DEXA scan last month BMI 28 but my lean muscle mass and bone density are at the top of my age group but I do have to lose 20 lb of fat. Never lost weight like this while staying muscular fit and satiated at 58 years young.


So grateful that people who actually enjoy the research part are getting online and sharing the latest and greatest. I'm sure not getting this info at school or from the regular doctor! 🙏


When you have an understanding of macros, this comes as no surprise. Ntm, protein also does not have 4 kcal/g. Thermodynamics in a lab, is much different than the thermo/chemical dynamics that are happening within our bodies. The caloric makeup of protein, depends on the x% bioavailability of that choice protein, and the gluconeogenesis that comes for the y%. The direct conversion of x to body tissues, not only leads to faster weight loss, it leaves less caloric excess at the end of the day.


Thank you for making this. I learned a lot. Once I upped my protein intake to recommend levels, I lost my intense craving for eating dessert after every meal. Working out and eating a lot of protein is helping me reach my goals. Currently down 17 pounds in a few months.


Its amazing to see so many studies coming out confirming what I started doing with my body 15 years ago.

I eat omad mostly. I fast regularly. Sometimes 2 days. I eat mostly meat, low carb veggies. I have cut out seed oils because once I tried keto the first time, the chronic horrible debilitating heart burn I had, so painful it brought me to tears.. was gone in a week.

I don't even feel hunger anymore, haven't for well over 10 years now. Completely fat adapted and I can just randomly decide to fast for multiple days and I feel absolutely no different. Always the same energy.

Longer fasts need electrolytes but that's it. I am currently on a long fast, and aside from getting up too fast and being dizzy this morning(not enough electrolytes) I feel fantastic.

With all the meat I started eating too, I just bulked up with muscle not even having to exercise. It was like an extra 7 or 8 pounds but you can tell. my neck is like a tree trunk now.

Almost as if we are meant to fast and eat primarily meat..go figure.

I was doing caloric restriction diets before I decided on this. with tons of exercise and salads and veggies and nothing really changed. First few months on keto, even with overeating I lose like 30 pounds. We are all told the lie that a calorie is a calorie, but there is such a difference between calories from carbs, and meat and fat. Nutritional density, ease of digestion, insulin etc.


Thank you and i must say i find these shorter videos much more easier to follow. Good content.


I focused on a high protein diet and food tracking: Lost all my pregnancy weight after less than 2 months. Everyone who tells you protein is bad is stupid. hitting a toxic amount of protein takes so much food, it’s almost impossible to do so and over a long period of time.


My best advice for pronouncing Yves is to watch the movie Sahara! Also killer use of a song and visual to boost your frame of mind: I like to dream, yeah, yeah, Steppenwolf, Magic Carpet Ride. Surf your way out of the desert. Some people walk, some people dance. It's just a form of motion after all. The Fixx. Switchback, don't turn back.


67 yo 6’2” male. Last April was diagnosed as pre-diabetic with a fatty liver with BW of 226lb and A1C of 58. The fatty liver scared me the most. Initially cut out all sugar drinks and starchy carbs. Added more cardio to the strength training I was already doing. At the end of 3 months i had cut out most carbs and was eating mostly eggs and red meat and had lost about 15 lbs.. In August, went 100% carnivore (animal meat, fat and water). Found it was easy to reach satiety and found it difficult to consume more than 2, 000 calories a day. By November, had lost 45lbs, A1C dropped from 5.8 to 5.2 and my waist size had decreased from 41” to 31”. Body composition changed a lot from ~34% body fat to 15% body fat by eating only animal protein and animal fat. To me, animal meat and animal fat is the best medicine to cure bad metabolic health.


I find it a challenge to get enough protein! Thanks for the information! I love how you take high level studies and break it down for the layman!


I lost 60 pounds last summer with water fasting and then eatinf vegetables and meat only, then in September i went back to eating carbs and i gained it all back now and im so mad at myself. Its time to go again now


Clinical RD here! All correct except if you have chronic kidney disease…kidneys can’t handle it…however if you’re on dialysis, ramp up the protein b/c the dialysis washes it out. Be careful and choose diet based on diagnosis as well. ❤ your channel though b/c 90% is true!
