How To Lose 5 LBS (Or More) Every Week - 4 Easy Steps

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If you want to lose 5 lbs fast, particularly of unwanted body fat, then you are going to want to do these 4 easy steps. In this video, I’m going to give you a simple eating strategy that is going to help you to get on the right track to losing weight and dropping body fat. You don't have to worry about exercise. Everything in this video is purely about eating. And not limiting what you eat, but instead eating the right things. The key to this technique is that it is simple to do and easy to stick to.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and nothing in my videos should be taken as medical advice. Everything I talk is my opinion and my experience only. You should never begin a weight loss program without consulting your own doctor first.
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Down 16lbs in 13 days switching to carnivore. I feel better now than I ever have!


Success on our low carb journey starts when the old you gets out of the way, making room for the new you 😊


Love your short vlogs! So many vloggers are adding 'Lives' and they just go on and on. You speak so well, no fillers...ummmm, uhh, and ummm, like! You need to give Dr. Shawn Baker lessons!!


Fellow Australian here. Great content. I've just turned 51 and I'm pretty sure I was pre diabetic. Lots of pain in joints after eating and I have suffered from bloating my who life. If I'm honest, I've probably had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol too. I'm no alcoholic. However, I was definitely using it for stress relief and general life escape. My 5th week on carnivore now and I am experiencing the same health benefits as discussed. I eased into the lifestyle cutting out carbs over two weeks. I can honestly say all my joint pain is gone. I'm hardly hungry. Bloating is a bad memory. I'm not really looking for weight loss however my clothing is fitting differently. I'm experiencing massive improvements in sleep and how hard I can exercise. The thing is, my whole life I have felt sick after eating carbs I thought I was following the right advice. My family would call me unhealthy for not wanting to eat them. This is the first time I haven't felt sick after eating. Looking forward to seeing where I am at month 6.


Getting rid of fake food is the big step. If you cannot get away from the pull of them, going meat, salt and water for a time works wonders. It is a great elimination diet, but it can take time to flush cravings. That is how it started for me, but now with cravings gone, so is any incentive to add anything back to the diet. Hopefully everyone finds their own sweet spot and works toward better health, it is worth the effort.


This is a wonderful summary, Dave - thank you for sharing. I'm so happy for your health success. So much improved for me when I transitioned to keto and then mostly carnivore, including body composition and gut health.


Well said! I don’t miss the cravings, the hunger, the pains and swelling!🥰🥰🥓🥓🥓


Your story is amazing. I seek to reduce/eliminate arthritis and also lose weight. Thank you for sharing how this diet helped you, and making it easy to understand how to go about doing this way of eating.


Fructose is only processed by the liver. So the more fructose the more strain on the liver.


Excellent advice. Easy steps to better health. Love your videos.


Added to this OMAD and IF. Getting autophagy and ketones going is essential and proper human behavior.


Really enjoying your content Dave. You've become so knowledgeable in a very short time period. Totally agree with everyone You've said here!


Great 7 minute video!
So much to digest…..


Absolutely every tip is on point. Great video. It really is this simple, too.


From experience, everytime you go on low or no carb, lose weight, screw with it and go back to SAD diet, the weight will not come off as fast the next time. When I first did this I had so much success but because of a serious of life events, I put myself on a rollercoaster of losing and gaining and now it's all coming off like the trickle of a spout. The body has an intelligence all its own so don't piss it off. :)


Are you high!!! Lol No alcohol, bread, pasta, ice " How to make a serial killer"


I struggle with keto/carnivore because not feeling full is not my issue. The issue is that I love eating carbs, and when I don't eat them, daily life doesn't feel as great/I'm solely focused on all the foods I said I wouldn't have.
I know it is terrible that these foods have such a heavy (ironic ik) baring on my life but that's the truth unfortunately.


I found, your have to be strictly persistent.
If you cheat you'll just throw yourself back 3 or 4 lbs each time.

Then it's a grind to make up that weight loss again.


I’ve been carnivore almost three weeks now but still experiencing knee pain and back pain also my heel started hurting. Just wondering should I be feeling better by now or does it take more time?


Thanks for the the great video, very good advice. I apologize for going off topic, I am starting to see people make videos about doing carnivore diet but from the start they won’t do this or that, SMH. I’m not shaming but it’s obvious they need change to a healthy way of eating. I doubt people with this type of attitude will have success with carnivore or any other intervention.
