Weight Training for Women Balances Hormones w/ Dr. Tyna Moore

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Welcome to Episode #138 of High Intensity Health Radio. Dr. Tyna Moore shares tips to balance hormones through strength training.

-----------------------------------------Lets Connect--------------------------------------

--------------------------------------Key Takeaways----------------------------------
0:00 Intro
3:47 The Benefits of Strength Training: Dr. Moore found profound benefits. Her weight became better distributed. She found that if she wasn’t eating enough food, she wasn’t healing or gaining muscle or strength. It was then that she discovered that she was an under eater. When she began to increase her intake, she gained muscle. She also became more resilient and was thriving.
8:32 The Glute Journey: Dr. Moore saw a lot of patients with lumbar-pelvic pain in women. With her research into glutes, she realized that every one of them had atrophied glutes. When a patient lays on the table on their stomach, their sacrum should be in the middle and their glutes should rise like two mounds. The glutes of elderly people do not rise, and Dr. Moore was seeing this in many of her younger patients. Dr. Moore’s own lower back pain became lessened with glute work. She started with glute bridges and body weight squats. She tells everyone to hire a good trainer.
10:31 Hormones and Weights: A study of men with a body weight squat with a free weight barbell, compared to a leg press machine showed that over the release of testosterone and human growth hormone was more than 80% higher with the barbell. You can tweak your hormones by how you exercise. The compound movements, like the full squat puts a neural load on the whole system.
12:39 The Mindset of Weight Training: Cardio makes you better at cardio and you only receive the benefits while you are doing it. When you lift weights, you get after burn.
14:25 Hormones and Cardio: Dr. Moore sees gnarly changes in labs with runners. They tend to burn out their adrenals and then the rest of their hormones. She sees a number of runners and cyclists with diabetes. It comes down to skinny fat. You look thin, but metabolically you show up as pre-diabetic skinny fat. Being a thin diabetic is more dangerous than being a heavy diabetic. About 20% of our population is normal weight and metabolically obese. A study showed that type 2 diabetes starts with insulin resistant skeletal muscle in the leg tissue. Eighty percent of insulin latches to muscle tissue. The fastest way to get out of insulin resistance is to build muscle. The first thing your body does with the buildup of muscle is burn up the fat in your liver.
17:17 More Benefits of Strength Training: Dr. Moore began to see her thyroid antibody levels go down. Her testosterone and estrogen levels come up. Her blood sugar regulated better. It takes about 90 days of strength training for metabolic changes on labs and weight redistribution to come about. If we improve our diets at the same time, it happens more quickly.
19:01 Cardio vs Strength Training: Studies have shown that you need to do chronic cardio for 50 minutes a day 7 days a week and you may see 2 to 3 pounds of weight loss a month. Even that benefit drops off after a short time as your body adjusts to the exertion. Weight training is superior for reducing the prevalence of heart disease and diabetes.
21:41 Protecting Our Energy: We need to guard our energy, our thyroid, our adrenals and our hormones. Every food we eat and activity we do should be in support of these. Across the board, giving ourselves micro doses of the hormetic effect makes us stronger and harder to kill.
25:04 Abs vs Glutes: Dr. Moore asked her male friends which they preferred on a woman and they didn’t care about a 6 pack and a flat rear end. She sees many of her female patients who achieve the 6 pack abs, end up with trashed their hormones. Our abs are where we keep our estrogen. Her patients who have had a tummy tuck come in a few months later with trashed hormones. Our fat is an endocrine organ.
26:29 Your Glutes: Your spine comes down into your sacrum. If you focus on your gluteal strength, much of your body is worked in the process. You get the most benefit from posterior chain exercises, compound body movements, like deadlifts and squats.
29:15 Having a Little Fat is Protective: Dr. Moore experienced and often sees when people become very lean, their hormones tank. We feel better emotionally when we have a healthy bulk from lifting weights.
32:15 Fat is Burned in Mitochondria in Skeletal Muscles: The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.
Рекомендации по теме

I have a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and this interview really got me thinking about fight or flight response in the body. It dawned on me that cardio represents training for the flight response, while strength building is training for the fight response. It really makes sense to me how our adrenals would then respond to each type of exercise.


She is in total agreement with Gabrielle Lyon when she says, "You want to gain muscle not lose weight." This is a paradigm shift for me too.


I started lifting at 37. My body has changed so much and I’m mentally stronger


Please continue to cover topics around 40&up women, hormones, and strength training! Thanks!!!


I have been a dancer for more than 18 years (40 currently), a runner for past 5 years and yoga practitioner for 6 years, and exactly 1 year ago I started lifting weights and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Nothing has changed my body like weight lifting. From skinny, worn out cardio junkie, I've become stronger, I have colour in my cheeks, I am happy not exhausted. Weight lifting is great for your body. Couldn't agree more.


I remember I took a weight training course in college and remember my professor told me that when women are working out they should start their workout with weights 1st and cardio 2nd. I asked why and he said unlike me, it activate certain hormones and also give them more energy to last longer in cardio mode.


I was diagnosed with PCOS had no periods so many issues hormone wise it was horrible I got my personal trainer we do a lot of strength training and incorporate cardio in here and there LET ME TELL YOU I get my period by myself my body is normal again I’m happy my hormones are in check amazing what change my life has become


I always feel so much more grounded and positive when I lift. I totally get what she's saying.


I see women in the gym at 80-90 years old. They are in the habit of lifting weights and they are staying healthy - it’s amazing


i love to weight train 3 times a week, walk daily, play sports, and eat a lot :-) for the first time in my life, i love my figure. yes to weight


Watching this in 2022, great interview. I love Dr. Tyna and her sound advice! She predicted the zombie apocalypse in this....started following her during the pandemic. Her knowledge and way of delivering her message is fearless and much needed. Thank you for featuring her Mike!


I’m an anesthesiologist. Too often doctors sound complicated and boring when presenting topics to the general public. She knows her stuff and and talks about it in an easily understandable manner. Great stuff😊. I was a lifetime runner until about 10 years ago when I seriously started lifting weights. I feel much much better . I am now 55 years young


I just started lifting two weeks ago. I’m so calm and in good spirits. I feel great, I love it!


YES YES YES FINALLY Female hormones & fitness, this is needed Thank You & keep it coming 🙏


"I want to lose weight, no you want to gain strength " wow, mind blown! Great shift from negative to positive thinking!!!! Thank you. This will be my new self talk belief. <3


I have bad arthritis and I started lifting weights and I can say that all my pain went away. I fell off for about 3 yrs and gained 80 lbs and my arthritis got worse, I was not able to sleep and my hormones were shot. I’m going back to this process. Thank you so much for doing this video, I have to agree with what you’re doing since I’ve experienced. I was in the best shape of my life.


Bravest, most candid interview about why strength training can’t be skipped even if I prefer how I feel running until I get sore and can’t - skip to 19 min at video and listen to the importance of glutes to support the back and how a little tummy fat supports estrogen (22% fat at least). She also talks about fatty liver and inflammation. Wow.


I used to rely on caffeine and running for "energy" in the mornings. About 2 months ago I lowered my caffeine intake to little to none and started crossfit 3 weeks ago, thanks to a friend. And I feel so good. Like I feel energetic, happier, lively, handle stress better, confident and my body feels stronger. It has definitely been helping to rebuild my confidence.


I gave up cardio and hit weights several times a week. I’m over 40, and I LOVE lifting heavy. I feel so sexy afterwards and I look youthful. Go for it ladies..


I am so happy you mentioned undereating. My sister and I and a few friends did a bootcamp years ago where we got nutrition and personal training and my sister didn't lose any weight or fat and the trainers accused her of sneaking extra food or whatever and she felt so insulted, she said fuck your program, its not working. And she was right, I lived with her back then and we ate together. So she did the training but quite the food plan and she suddenly started losing weight, losing fat and gaining muscle. And I swear she ate more of everything, carbs, meat, veggies and that's what worked for her. She was undereating for her body and nobody believed her. All the trainers and nutrion experts there acted like all women are the same and with this height and weight you should have certain results with their plan but we are not robots. Now we all just eat whatever we think is healthy. When you cut out the obvious unhealthy foods like fastfoods and candy, and the packaged foods like frozen dinners, you are already doing good. We just eat whole foods and you eat what feels enough for you. if you can weight you just reduce portion size of your carbs. I find this the easiest way to live healthy.
We also realized weight training combined with cardio works so much better then just cardio.
