How To Speak Like You Think (5 Steps)

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Have you ever struggled to express your thoughts and ideas clearly, or felt like you're not being understood by others? Whether you're in a professional setting or having a conversation with a friend, effective communication is key to success. In this tutorial, I'll provide you with practical tips and techniques for improving your communication skills and expressing yourself more effectively. Our discussion includes understanding the 3M's of communication, being present, expanding your vocabulary, reading book out loud, and practicing forethought with speaking. #speaking #publicspeaking #communication
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I love how carefully you choose your words rather than cutting up your video to make yourself appear more articulate than you are (like most youtubers)


I just found your channel today, and as someone with social anxiety, learning how to get out of my head when I talk to people and express my thoughts articulately, is something I want to master. I'm extremely happy that you're making this content because it is very valuable to me 🙂


Bullet Summary:
- Achieving the flow state helps to communicate thoughts and ideas seamlessly
- Five practices to achieve the flow state:
1. Focus on the three M's of communication: me, message, and messenger
2. Focus on the intention and purpose of communication
3. Practice active listening and empathy
4. Embrace vulnerability and authenticity
5. Practice consistently and seek feedback


I needed this so much. I never talk in my work team meetings because I was overfocused on myself and when I did talk in the past, I kept stumbling on my words due to the anxiety... I will definitely do these steps, I'm tired of being scared and incoherent


Key take ways
1. The Flow state allows one to go past that mental barrier that impedes clarity allowing you to clearly and masterfully express your thoughts.
2. How to achieve this
Keep in mind the 3 Ms meaning Me, Message, Messenger with the Messenger being the most eloquent of the three which is a result of the flow state.
3. Being more present meaning that instead of putting
all your focus on how you come off as you focus on listening to what the other person is saying which allows for more thought-out responses
4. Lastly take more time to think about a question this allows you to better think about the topic and formulate a more appropriate response.


This is exactly what I struggle with. I used to be happy when I was in a flow state. People could tell I was happy too because my sarcastic humor and facial expressions would lift the energy levels in the room. I have since become an overthinker and question everything in my head before I say it. My sense of humor is gone and I can’t ever seem to ride the wave of thoughts in my head without over editing all of it. Engineering school and a very sensitive ex girlfriend both major contributing factors.


I have been repeating your words right after they come out of your mouth and I’ve also been repeating the word/speeches of public speakers. I’ve done this for only a few days and I have to say, I already feel more confident in speaking with my peers. I also make a metal repetition on the words of someone in conversation and I can say, I now better understand people, allowing myself to be an active and effective communicator.


I have been trying to learn how to communicate my ideas and thoughts. I've been told that I stammer and stutter in regular conversation, but speaking from the heart, the passions, the beliefs, is the key to speaking clearly and engaging.


What is in your mind is understanding
And you cannot really put understanding into words unless you have proper vocabulary perhaps thinking how to best put it into words or paraphrasing from people whose sentence patterns of speech you enjoy

That's why we have the workers in that field and coaches who are able to convey and teach what they understand onto the players

This like anything can be trained and learned

Take it from jazz musicians, what they call improv is not really improv or spontaneous as it seems

Jazz musicians can hear what they want to play and have enough vocabulary to play it because they have already practiced that thousands of times. They have a wide range of vocabulary for what they want to express


I want to thank you for posting this video on the internet. All of us are learning and need a reminder. ❤


I just discovered you and have been thoroughly enjoying your videos. There are so many curious insights related to speaking and thinking. I’ve noticed that my speech has gotten a bit worse during the past few years, have been more “in my head, ” and I have ADHD so the problem that you presented here is very relatable! I tend to be more articulate when writing in comparison to speaking. The “me” stage is something I’ll have to work on with myself. This reminded me of the TED talk that mentions “The Second Circle.” I highly recommend it! Nevertheless, you are a wonderful speaker for someone in this age group! Let’s get you to at least 100K subscribers this year! You’re already over halfway there 🥳💪🏼


As someone who has anxiety, you've described perfectly the "surviving the conversation" mode and not having access to your mind. Whenever someone is talking to me, my mind is always working toward getting a reply out as soon as possible rather than taking the time to process what the person just said and give an appropriate answer.


Dude you spoke to me in such a personal level. I feel like I know wtf I’m thinking is so clear so concise so good and intellectual….. then I talk and sound like a dumb dumb or … I can’t articulate what I’m thinking. I’m so glad I’m not the only one and so glad you have tips for this.


This is so invaluable! I'm going to save this for later and start practising every single tip you shared. Thank you!


I’m so grateful this video randomly popped up. This is such helpful information. I always feel like I’m in my head and overthinking things.


I totally agree with you on step 5 - so true. Reading out loud is a strenuous activity, but can also be empowering.


Thank you so much! Your content has shifted my mind about the way I speak and write. Thank you for articulating what you have learned and sharing it with the world!


This is amazing because it helps with creating music. Just saying how you feel without losing a lot of the color that we lose as artists when it comes to thinking or feeling something & then have to say it. Thank you for this.


16:00 What I have to emphasize is that using big words is to be avoided. The point is to be precise, not pretentious.

Some popular words may have been tainted with meanings that don't do justice to the thought you're trying to express and you end up being limited.


really the key is to read books. I used to be a really bad speaker but, this summer I started reading more and my vocabulary expanded and my can articulate my thoughts so much easier and clearer so yeah just do that
